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๐Ÿงต Just a visitor

Anonymous No. 967705

Monthly reminder that you are doing amazing job and for the people that matter (me, being a pleb in modeling/animation), all these things I see in this board are really good.

Anonymous No. 967713

This is the mindset that stops people from greatness and keeps them in the bucket of mediocrity

Anonymous No. 967714

>>967713 <---- Perfect example of Crab mentality

Anonymous No. 967715

>>967714 <---- Perfect example of a mediocre artist

Anonymous No. 967718

Post your work.
Publica su obra.

Anonymous No. 967726

Spoiler alert...They won't. They know it's easier to be cynical than creative.

Anonymous No. 967728

Not cynical, just being realistic instead of a hugboxing faggot

Anonymous No. 967729

Proving my point once again...

Anonymous No. 967730


Anonymous No. 967742

Based. Fuck crabs, they don't care about you.

Anonymous No. 967771

It's ok anon you'll get over that social ineptitude of yours one day

Anonymous No. 967775

I was just feeling mean yesterday but anyway get fucked

Anonymous No. 967819

Thanks Ryza. I love doing 3d stuff. It allows me to realize all my coom-brained dreams.

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Anonymous No. 967820

same here. You guys are good, keep going kings

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Anonymous No. 967978

OP here, as the end consoomer and enjoyer of 3D game making youtube videos I still think you are doing well.
The crabs will yearn for perfectionism and we need this to exist too, but overall I am enjoying visiting this board a lot.

Anonymous No. 967998

Encouragement means nothing when the max quality of this board is Cris-tier. Kys fag.

Anonymous No. 968002

That's not true. They may not post very often but there are some people in /wip/ who post stuff that is infinitely better than Cris is (currently) capable of.

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Anonymous No. 971007

>chris reads this
>keeps doing ugly 3D shit for 10 more years