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🧵 Replicating the surreal in 3D

Anonymous No. 967722

For example, would it be possible to replicate the official art of Majora's Mask and make it indistinguishable from its 2D inspiration? It's obviously harder than the Paper Mario example, but...

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Anonymous No. 967723

Another example of surreal to 3D stuff

Anonymous No. 967725

Practically everything is possible in 3D to a degree, only a matter of how much time you are willing to dedicate

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Anonymous No. 967727

All of the research going into producing 3d models for anime that resemble 2d models are going to be something you want to look into - it's obviously a more narrow view than what you're asking about, but many of the principles can be transferred over. I think ArcSys did a good GDC talk on it once.

Anonymous No. 967731

You can make anything into a 3D model if you are creative enough with "cheating" like painting lighting and shading onto the meshes instead of relying on actual lighting. Also you don't know what surreal means.

Anonymous No. 967794

I once tried to replicate the MM's official art work style in blender, first thing was the sharp shadows which are pretty straight forward, a thing that helped me a lot was using a sun in a separate light group for the purple/orange lighting present in the shadows, and limiting this lighting to be only present in the dark areas, the light color is pretty much constant and faces the opposite direction that the main light source faces. Pair that with Freestyle and you got a very solid base, I stopped there, but might try to develop it more now that you mention it, I will look for the blend file and share an example once I get home

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Anonymous No. 967853

Thanks for the help, this sounds great. I'm pretty serious ab this project so hmu [email protected] if you wanna talk business (I'd be interested in buying your prototype if it matches the MM artstyle well enough)

Anonymous No. 967861

Damn that looks nice

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Anonymous No. 967862

Hi, back then when I tried to replicate MM`s art style I did it with the Malt render engine, but I remade it in EEVEE, here is a test, itś still on an early stage, but the foundations are there, everything is made on the fly with lighting, shading and compositing, no "cheating" involved

About buying the prototype, don't worry, I'll post it for free when I work it out more :)

Anonymous No. 967886

looks like dogshit. anime is trash.

Anonymous No. 967955

It looks good

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Anonymous No. 967972


Anonymous No. 967975

All that work on making the face look 2d, but it's the shading on the bodies that fuck up the illusion 99% of the time with this shit.

Anonymous No. 967994

not my problem

Anonymous No. 967997

what kind of fucking voodoo am I looking at

Anonymous No. 968005

perspective at work. Pretty based.

Anonymous No. 968143

I always find this fascinating, though the moment she puts her hands up to her face the illusion is gonna get fucked
anime modellers suck at hands for some reason

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Anonymous No. 968938

I hate these eldritch solutions, especially the first one. Picrel is a pretty clever way of doing this but I've only seen it done a few times. Just some basic masking. Why don't more people use this?

Anonymous No. 968939

It doesn't really allow for consistent Global Illumination, which is something that 2d cels drawings try to account for. Using UV Spheres that are free to move around for works better, from my experience.

Anonymous No. 968940

Yes. Check out Ninostyle's improved 3D models for old FF7.