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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967799

is this good topology?

Anonymous No. 967803

Probably yeah. I don't know. I'm another amateur, but it looks like the elbows and knees will bend alright if you weight paint them carefully. The rest appears fairly economical. Judging by the low poly style, I doubt the mesh will have any kind of physics applied, except perhaps the hair and sleeves, and even then not much. So sure, why wouldn't it be good?

Anonymous No. 967804

basically we have moved past this era of ultra low poly characters because they look blocky and terrible. You're not making Final Fantasy 7 on PS1 anymore.

Anonymous No. 967807

On second thought, the way the fingers are made, they look like they won't bend, as much as they'll shrink. You might have gotten a little too economical there. Assuming your character will actually bend her fingers. Some old games just have mitts for hands, so articulation isn't important for them. But I dunno. Seems kind of pointless to avoid finger articulation in this day and age. Even for low poly. I don't know. But just something to consider I guess.

Anonymous No. 967841

I've done the same with my low poly models.
Keep it low as you can go and use the polys you saved to add edges around key joints and fingers.
Unless you're making chibi esque low poly models with orbs for hands, go ahead and add some edges for the fingers.

Anonymous No. 967992

I know exactly who this is

Anonymous No. 968000


Anonymous No. 968031

No, the chest is too flat.

Anonymous No. 968033

Just some media lost to time.

Anonymous No. 968090

Throw an auto rig on it and see how it looks animated. I guarantee you the joints are going to look like shit once you move away from the rest pose. You need to be less conservative with poly counts at the joints if you want to avoid all the nasty clipping you're going to get.

Be less concerned with how many verts someone is going to count when you're not 100% efficient and focus instead on how the model is going to actually be used. At the end of the day the final rendered product is all that matters.

Anonymous No. 968102

tits too big

Anonymous No. 968110

I have written PSX homebrew, you don't know me, you're not my mom.

Anonymous No. 968164

>draw the rest of the fucking owl.blend

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Anonymous No. 968165


Anonymous No. 968180

Are you trying to make megaman legends 3?

Anonymous No. 968216

subdivide it, rig it, animate it and then you'll know if its good or not by how well it deforms
we can't tell if its good or no matter how many pics you post

Anonymous No. 968227

maybe some day when I escape BEG status

Anonymous No. 968532

Post more

Anonymous No. 968563

It's all a matter of taste, I love blocky and terrible.

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Anonymous No. 968605


Anonymous No. 968606

I like this style and it can render nicely too with custom normals.

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Anonymous No. 968607


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Anonymous No. 968608


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Anonymous No. 968609

Anyway, it is a nice case study

Anonymous No. 968651

what do the elbows look like from behind?

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Anonymous No. 968775
