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🧵 animate a moving stick in blender

Anonymous No. 967824

I'm trying to play with animation in Blender, decided to start with something simple like a moving stick, but turns out it's surprisingly hard to do.

I created an animation, created keyframes, used interpolation for in-between frames, but it looks like the stick morphs from one shape to another, and I want it to look like it rotates.

I tried to put the origin of the stroke to the point on one of its edges and then rotate around it, but then I don't know how to move the origin to the other end of the stick on the next keyframe.

I tried to make it a child of an empty, and make that empty a child of another empty on the opposite end, but when I try to rotate it around the first empty, it rotates around the second empty instead.

Anonymous No. 967829

Make your origin the center and draw 2 lines outward

Anonymous No. 967831

hmm, and then?
how do I make it rotate around one end, and then rotate around the other end?

Anonymous No. 967832

animate the pivot. What, do you want us to do your homework for you?

Anonymous No. 967835

Explain it to me conceptually.
The problem is that it's impossible to animate the origin jumping from one end of the stick to the other.
Ok, let's try empties then. But the problem with empties is that you can only make one empty a parent of the stick, so what do I do with the other empty? Make it a parent of the first empty? Doesn't work.
What is this pivot thing you're talking about? You mean it's possible to have two pivots at two ends of the stick and then alternate between rotating around one and around the other? Or is it going to be just one pivot jumping from one end of the stick to the other?

Anonymous No. 967836

just look up how to do it in real animation software

Anonymous No. 967839

>so what do I do with the other empty? Make it a parent of the first empty? Doesn't work.
I mean, it didn't work when I tried that, but it works here for some reason:
> How to animate a rolling cube in Blender (
> Blender_How to animate an object rotating on its edges (
One difference is that the cube moves in one direction, it rolls, but I'm trying to make the stick "walk" instead of rolling. I wonder if it would've worked if I tried to make it roll. But that besides the point.

In the video the make a cube a child of an empty, and then make that empty a child of another empty, and when they rotate those empties, the cube rotates with them.

But when I try to do that with the stick, it doesn't work like that: it only rotates around the parent empty, not the child empty.

Anonymous No. 967842

you "decided to start with something simple" but instead it's actually one of the most deceptively complex things to do.
yes, you can't easily move the same thing about two alternating pivots which depend on each other. you can't link them together, you'd have cyclic dependency. the simplest solution is to have a loose empty that you manually update to the position of one of the ends and then rotate the other about.
yes, you need to do it every single keyframe.
>what is this pivot thing you're talking about?
take up a dictionary and read the definition. it's not that deep.

this is the kind of insufferable hubris blender bitches have that makes me FUME. it should be a capital crime to be this much of a confidently incorrect and deceptive cunt for the sake of youtube views.
notice how in both videos the empties are left behind as the cubes "roll"? that's because all they're doing is equivalent to wrapping a rope around the cube and then "unfurling" it. it's a motherfucking yo-yo, it only rolls in one direction and you're limited by the length of the "rope". it's FAKE.

a true (non-simulating) rolling solver is an advanced solution which is a lot of work and only useful in very specific situations. something that these youtube faggots will never ever come close to be able to achieve.

OP, take a ball and make it bounce around. that's the og heterosexual exercise for the newb animator. I'm sure there are easily available and free rigs for a simple ball.

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rotating walking ....webm

Anonymous No. 967845

Hey, it worked!
I used the approach described in the videos about a rolling cube.
When I tried it the first time, I messed up their parent-child dependencies, that's why it didn't work.
I selected one end of the stick, put the cursor there, then add an empty there. Then selected another end of the stick, did the same. Then I alternated duplicating one empty, then the other one, then the first one, then the other one, and so on. Then I made a chain of parent-child dependencies, making the stick the child of the last empty. Then I animated them.

Maybe there's a better way of doing this, but I'm ok with this approach for now.

Anonymous No. 967846

yeah, it "works", but remember that both the length of your animation and the number of "steps" you can make the stick take is limited by the amount of empties you have duplicated. it's an easy workaround to a complex problem, but it has its limits. animating an actual walkcycle with an actual character is unironically more straightforward than this.
don't develop a bad habit already just because of shitty youtubers.

Anonymous No. 967847

> the simplest solution is to have a loose empty that you manually update to the position of one of the ends and then rotate the other about.
> yes, you need to do it every single keyframe.
I'm not sure I understand.
So we have two empties at two ends of the stick, and we have a third empty that is not attached to any point on the stick?
Or do you mean we have only one empty? But if I make it a parent of the stick, then the stick is going to move with it when I try to move it to the other end.

I also thought about using armature and bones, I don't have experience with them, but they may work too, seems to me.

Anonymous No. 967849

Can't KineFX in Houdini solve this? I thought it was the future of rigging / animation?

Anonymous No. 967850

>So we have two empties at two ends of the stick, and we have a third empty that is not attached to any point on the stick?
yes, the idea is that you can rotate the stick about one end using one of the empties, the "parent", and then rotate the parent about the child using the third empty as a freely-moving pivot, which you temporarily link as a kind of "super-parent", then disconnect.
it's basically the same exact thing as what the youtube faggots showed, except you can do it as many times as you want, because you're not "hard-coding" the number of steps. the disadvantage is that you need to manually move the third empty every time. a button that calls a script which snaps the free empty to the child empty makes it easier on your mental health, but there's no way around manually doing it. it's really annoying because it looks like it should be such a simple thing, and yet it isn't.

from what I've seen from the h20 presentation, it should, yes. they made it so it's more intuitive to the end user, where they take care of all this bullshit under the hood, instead. god, I fucking hope so, I can't stand opening maya anymore.

Anonymous No. 967851

>I can't stand opening maya anymore.
maya has areas of rigging / animation that are generations ahead of houdini in both speed and user friendliness. I won't be cancelling my maya sub anytime soon

Anonymous No. 967852

you don't need to tell me, maya's rigging shit is 25 years old and it's still the best we've got.
>won't be cancelling my maya sub anytime soon
arr, ya be a daft cuckhold, matey

Anonymous No. 967864

I want all of you to never give advice on animation ever again, the real solution is giving the stick controllers. WTF is wrong with all of you, this shouldn't be hard or impossible.

Let this be a lesson, NEVER TRUST BLENDER USERS.

Anonymous No. 967866

ok, do it then

Anonymous No. 967867

> the real solution is giving the stick controllers.
What do you mean?
At least give a keyword to search.
I tried "blender animation controllers", but didn't find anything noteworthy.

Anonymous No. 967868

he has no idea what he means

Anonymous No. 967893

>All this problem solving when you can just hook the ends to empties and animate them

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stick rig.webm

Anonymous No. 967894

Webm related.
I had the empties constrained to the circles to hopefully keep motions a bit cyclical, but it had the effect of not preserving the stick's length. So that little part of the experiment didn't quite work.
The concept remains the same though (hooking the 2 verts to empties), just don't constrain the empties to the circle. I do find that the circle might be a good reference point to keep the length the same and to keep the center of rotation in mind at all times.

Anonymous No. 967909

>you tried
Are you sure you not messing with me because this is Blender the most overhyped thing on YouTube.

No, you have zero credibility in 3D modeling or animation. Everything in animation was built to make it easier not harder like what you suggested. Infact why didn’t you even suggest shape keys, that’s what you wanted.

How to not animate a thing jumping, zero creativity and emotions. You didn’t even stretch and bend, like the 12 principles of animation. This would be rejected in school or job, restricted characters are the worst way to express themselves and should not rely on alternative methods to move.

Anonymous No. 967935

you still haven't made what OP asked for which you claim is trivial and piss easy and everyone here is dumb for not knowing how to.
we're all dumb, oh please rigger master why don't you show us plebeians.

do it faggot

Anonymous No. 967940

>How to not animate a thing jumping, zero creativity and emotions. You didn’t even stretch and bend, like the 12 principles of animation.
Almost as if I spent 2 minutes making a webm as a proof of concept and not doing OP's project for him.

Anonymous No. 967985

oh, I didn't realize it was actually two homosexual know-it-alls itt

your "proof of concept" is worthless because it only shows what OP already had (which wasn't good enough) and not what he was trying to achieve.
you two are worse than the fucking youtubers, holy shit

Anonymous No. 970349
