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🗑️ 🧵 Movie made by a single person

Anonymous No. 968007

> One guy (Blenderdumbass) rigged models, wrote story, voiced half of the characters, composed music
> 3D Animated movie
> Took 3 years
> Out since August
> In total has less than 700 views
> Made using 100% free software
> This guy went through with a voice actress, who didn't know English ( only Russian and Hebrew ) how to pronounce words in English and voiced children characters (Dani & Moria)
> Sends an email to Free Software Foundation. They don't promote it

Why isn't Moria's race more popular? It isn't due to lack of effort and quality. ( )

TOR: http://ttauyzmy4kbm5yxpujpnahy7uxwnb32hh3dja7uda64vefpkomf3s4yd.onion/films/Moria'
Odysee (LBRY):
Peertube [Madiator]:
Peertube [PolarBear]:

Anonymous No. 968012

It's an admirable effort and better than what I'm capable of at my current skill level, but there are various glaring issues I can see from a quick look at the film.

The director would probably have gotten a bigger and more positive reception if he focused on making a shorter film of higher quality as opposed to an almost 30 minute long film which doesn't look or sound that great.

Anonymous No. 968014

Just because someone has the talent to make something like that doesn't mean they know absolute shit about marketing. This is usually the fallacy of being an artist and I've seen it a billion times over.

Most artists suck fucking dick at promotion and marketing their work and putting in effort to promote their shit to the masses. There are some dumbasses that still believe in the whole "selling out" theory and thus, never will make it anywhere to begin with. There's also a bunch of dumbfucks that produce merch and promotional items before even having the product to begin with.

Just because that person has posted their movie on 8 different platforms doesn't mean that they have put in the amount of effort it takes to promote it. I've never heard of the person you're talking about until this very post. So congrats, you've exposed one more person to the film but that doesn't mean shit compared to the networks and social medias they need to promote themselves every single day with.

Anonymous No. 968017

Movie sucks plain simple, zero feeling of accomplishment or failure. Music doesn’t feel like it’s there or any SFX becomes meaningful. Character models are awful and should redone. The world is fine but the cars and textures are garbage. Animation is terrible and should be set an example on why you study animation and work yourself towards fluid dynamics, not lame excuses for rushing to make a movie. Not even a movie, it’s 30 mins long so an episode is better name.

I do not want to hear how “the blender community helps each other” when you can’t help this guy.

Anonymous No. 968018

lmao. closed that shit 5 seconds into the "animation". can't believe someone would watch that for the whole 28 minutes.. dude should have made this in a GTA V video editor or Garry's mod and it would look better. definitely what >>968012 said, a 15 second well made short is much better for your portfolio than half an hour of unwatchable shit

Anonymous No. 968020

No one helped market it because he's White, I assume.

Anonymous No. 968022

There are stick figure animations that made way more views with the same amount of "marketing". It could be that it's just not vulgar enough. Serbian Film is famous, while it's shit.

Anonymous No. 968023

a short isnt 15 seconds, you fucking idiot. Thats a tiktok

Anonymous No. 968024

I'm not defending the quality of the short itself. I'm coming from the place of marketing. I see shit all the time on social media that is 4 second clips of crap but the difference is that I see them being pushed and shared in a variety of groups almost daily. That's the difference. Things are being marketed daily vs not at all.

And to further both points, yes, the short looks and sounds like shit. It doesn't look good or sound good at all. But that wasn't my point to begin with...

Anonymous No. 968025


On the scale from stick figure to avata2, it's not total shit though. Some of it is actually quite descent.

Anonymous No. 968026

its horrible, anon.


Anonymous No. 968027


Well lets look at it this way. There are always those who like something and dislike something. If you go to the first link of the OP ( the odyssey one ) it has likes there. 12 likes. So it seems like at least 12 people find it not horrible.

Perhaps you and I have different quality standards. I personally quite enjoy it.

Anonymous No. 968045

basically you have to put enormous resources into facial rigging and facial animation standard of quality set by Pixar starting with Toy Story 1 in 1995. Your video does not approach the pixar standard and thus looks like a schizo work that doesnt care. You must put tremendous amounts of work into facial rigging and not just blendshape rigs, but new techniques as well or you are going to come across really really poorly like your video. Also the cars racing were really bad as well

Anonymous No. 968049

OP larping as a random anon when we all know it's the actual dude trying to promote his shit wondering why no one likes it.
You're not fooling anyone, OP.

Anonymous No. 968062

that's a standard advert time, enough space to show your talent

Anonymous No. 968063

no one helped him because the movie is overall very amateurish (not even properly credited voice actors) and not a single festival would screen something like this

Anonymous No. 968066

>no one helped him because the movie is overall very amateurish (not even properly credited voice actors) and not a single festival would screen something like this
... yet there is worse animation that this in Marvel movies and AAA games.

Anonymous No. 968067

Not for about 30 minutes straight there isn't

Anonymous No. 968068

>Not for about 30 minutes straight there isn't
Remember "The Flash"?

Anonymous No. 968069

I don't watch capeshit

Anonymous No. 968070

>I don't watch capeshit
Then how do you know this reply...
... is true?

Awfully confident for an ignorant replyguy.

Anonymous No. 968071

Because I'm not blinded by cope

Anonymous No. 968072

>Because I'm not blinded by cope
Onecof us is coping, for sure.

Anonymous No. 968075

there is only one really really bad scene in the Flash

Anonymous No. 968108

If you really think this is at all passable as anything but trash tier animation, you might need to just take your movie and leave.
Pajeets do better than this.
I applaud the effort that goes into 30 mins of animation and rendering, but to call this anything but shit would be laughable.

Anonymous No. 968130

>If you really think this is at all passable as anything but trash tier animation, you might need to just take your movie and leave.
>Pajeets do better than this.
>I applaud the effort that goes into 30 mins of animation and rendering, but to call this anything but shit would be laughable.
Post portfolio

Anonymous No. 968131


Anonymous No. 968136

if you take insane risks in time or money on unproven ideas, the failure is your own fault, be less retarded next time
and just because he spent 3 years on something doesn't mean the end product is actually any good or worthy of any attention whatsoever

Anonymous No. 968168

Why the fuck would anyone post their portfolio? Would you? You're welcome to start. But to humor you, I'll post something that I haven't posted anywhere simply because I thought it was shit. Or at least, it wasn't up to my standards. Though that probably sounds a bit like a cop-out and I'm making excuses for it.
Posting as catbox because all the webms I've tried to make are too fucking big.
Then again, since we're at odds, anything I do post will be ripped to shreds and nitpicked to death, which really won't prove anyone's point. PYW is a lazy as fuck rebuttal and is the equivalent of "if you don't like it, don't watch it."

In any case, I'm not going to pretend like my webm is top tier or even good (there's a reason I didn't post it), but I'd like to think there's at least some semblance of competence, and self-awareness that went into it that the OP video clearly doesn't show. OP vid looks the way it does because the dude has no self awareness to know what looks like shit. He doesn't look at those vaguely human blobs and thinks to himself "these look bad, I should try again or learn a bit more about modelling/anatomy", he thinks to himself "this looks great!".
I think what I'm trying to explain is the concept of "taste", but not in the sense that someone has good taste in movies or art genres, but like a good artistic sense to know when something they're working on looks wrong or off. The OP vid dude just doesn't have it.
That's why his vid looks and sounds the way it does. And why anyone with any sense won't sit through the video long enough to count as a view.

Anonymous No. 968182

it better than ops, but its still just architecture and boxes. I expected animated characters with facial movement but instead I got a box moving along a neon road and wheels clipping

Anonymous No. 968183

OP should team up with Cris

Anonymous No. 968185

I'm not the OP. But I know the OP and he told me that he will post about it here. So that's how I know about this thread.

I am the maker of the movie though.

> He doesn't look at those vaguely human blobs and thinks to himself "these look bad, I should try again or learn a bit more about modelling/anatomy",

I did 2 animated films each took about 3 years to make. The first time the characters were way worse. So when I did add things like teeth and higher quality textures I felt an immense improvement.

But that doesn't mean that I felt good about the characters. To the contrary, I knew that they are not very good. It was just the best I could do at the moment. And the movie had to be done. The fact that those were an improvement from the last time ( and not just a little improvement ) made me rationalize that choice as being good.

Almost immediately I knew that I need to know human anatomy better. When I tried for a few times to make them walk I was reminded of it. When the shots were focusing on their hands I was reminded of it. I knew very well how shitty the characters in particular are.

Since I finished the film I made a few poster images. Tried my best to make those look nice. And for that I made the light a lot more dramatic than in the movie. There was only one part in the whole film where I used "artificial" light to try and enhance the visuals. But in the city and the the racetrack the light that the location itself produced felt enough for me.

I know now, since I made the posters that I could do light better. I know since I used the rigs for years that I can do rigs better. I know now that I can do everything better. But I don't want to be George Lucas. The movie is done and it's the way it looks. The characters were done when I started animating. And that's the way they looked. I made peace with that fact and continued working. And now it's out there.

Anonymous No. 968191

How any people do you think actually watch and/or care about the Blender Foundation's own movies?

Anonymous No. 968196

Ultimately, you need to move on to something new. As you probably know by now, this move isn't going to blow up in views, and there's plenty of room for improvement. You're better off starting a new project and aiming to make something shorter, but of professional quality.

Anonymous No. 968200

I made a short research about the topic of why nobody saw Moria's Race. This included comparing it to other Blender Movies.

I posted the findings in those 3 places:

Currently the best 2 things I found that contribute to views are:

Shock value

Views ( or sales ) have nothing to do with quality or effort.

Anonymous No. 968201

I have a feature length movie script. But I know the things I need to improve before that.

I want to tell stories. Short films are inherently restrictive with the stories that I can tell, since they are short. Both short films that I made are about a half an hour long each. Because this is the most bare bones minimalistic stories that I could come up with.

I have a 2 minute short, but it was a VFX test that ended up getting a story so I could focus on it.

Anonymous No. 968205

>I have a 2 minute short
Skibidi Toilet episodes are published in 2 minutes chunks because DaFuq!?Boom! is talented and already has millions of views. People's attention span is less than 30 seconds for novelties.

Anonymous No. 968222

I don't really do character animation much, nor did I have any examples where I did that I could also post. You get what you get. Be glad I posted work at all.
>its still just architecture and boxes
Yeah the concept was never strong to begin with (all I was given for a prompt was "just make my car do some cool drifts"). I don't want to use time crunch/deadline as an excuse, since I've done more with less time, but it was supposed to be a little birthday gift for a friend so I didn't have gobs of time to put into it.
It was one of those projects where it just wasn't shaping up, and you're too far into it to start from scratch so you hope it starts coming together, but it ultimately just doesn't and it becomes a bit of a slog to work on. That's part of the reason I just didn't bother to try and polish (to fix shit like clipping wheels) it to make it worthwhile to post. Once I was done with it, I just wanted to wipe my hands of it and move to something else.

Anonymous No. 968234

>Says his not OP
>hes OP
We aren't going to watch another video from you. There is no effort in the movie or tried at being better. It all feels like rushed with zero thoughts in all movie aspect. Could have used Mimxamo and no one would give a damn but no you went with feelings of yourself instead.

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Anonymous No. 968249

OP (or AUTHOR) gives me intense Moot vibes. A month ago I noticed his posts on blenderartists and pic related came to mind and I just can't get over it.
But maybe that's just a me problem because I've spent to much time here in hell.

Anonymous No. 968258

Ugh, started watching and about a minute later i had to closet it. The worst ofender is the audio, badly produced and awful English voices. The next thing is everything graphics related, badly designed, awful lightning, good forsaken animations and non existing physics but the last fucking straw to me not even wanting to give it a chance is how foreigner everything feels, like WTF is that thing on the kids head? goddamn take your jew shit ( or muslim i don't even know) out of my fucking face.

Anonymous No. 968260


It already fell apart because

>not anime
>not made by a japanese person

Anonymous No. 968267

Edit: Ok i just saw you're actually from pissrael lmao sorry for the racist remarks. I endured the whole mess out of respect for your stubbornness in finishing it, no matter what. I still believe the whole thing is unsalvageable BUT if you want some views send it to streamers and youtubers so they can react to it, with some luck you may fall in the "its so bad its good" category because the "movie" actually made me laugh a couple of times because of how autistic it is.

Anonymous No. 968353


After lurking in the Matrix I found out, our autistic artist is finally learning human anatomy

Anonymous No. 968450

This is why you don't try to make a half hour film on your own with low 3D skills.

Anonymous No. 968452

A lot of people got memed by that warhammer short

Anonymous No. 968461

And the gay furry demon show.

Anonymous No. 968535

I watched it. Story was good enough. Props and environments were good enough. Character models, animations and voice acting were extremely low quality. The only thing that the viewer cares about is the end result - they won't give you pity points. You might've achieved a fairly good children's movie if you hired someone to make you better character models, and invested the time saved from that into learning how to animate properly. You probably could've found voice actors who can speak English if you looked around. Worst case, you could've hired them from somewhere. I get that 100% free open source is a theme with this movie's production, but quality isn't always free and open source.

Anonymous No. 968538

Why would you go through the trouble of hiring a professional voice actress when you can hire a random russian woman who doesn't speak english from the 12 Naked Apostoles night club in Jerusalem instead?

Anonymous No. 968685


I'm looking at it like this. Do you know who videos or social media posts of people showing their art, say from 10 years ago, and then from now. And the video is like an evolution of the artist.

My first film "I'm Not Even Human" is total shit.
This film "Moria's Race" is a bit better shit.
Next film whatever it will be, even better shit.

And so by the end of my life I could post a social media post showing the evolution of the art. It will take a long time. But I will get there, maybe. Maybe I will never get there. Maybe it will take too long of a time. Maybe I will be crushed by a rocket from gaza tomorrow. And all those plans will be immediately over. But I will try.

> you could've hired them from somewhere.

1. I'm nearly homeless from how poor I am.
2. I will not learn if I will give somebody else to do it. I gave another person to voice the characters just because I didn't know any way that I could make those myself believably. In "I'm Not Even Human" there is one shot where a child says one line. I did that one line myself and took a lot of trickery to pull it off. For example the character is mute and doesn't have working vocal chords. So he basically speaks only in undertone. Exhaling the phrase, so to speak. Which made it possible for a grown man to make this sound.

Anonymous No. 968687

You just told us how poor you are. Do better

Anonymous No. 968688

You should team up with cris, you both are out of your fucking mind.

Anonymous No. 968689

I will do better but it will not good. I don't think I will ever do good. Good moves up every-time. I'm climbing slower.

Anonymous No. 968690

at least you're putting in the effort and trying....That's more than what most people will ever do on this board.

Anonymous No. 968691

What's your next project?

Anonymous No. 968692

I don't know. I have a movie script called "The 8 Year Olds" about a serial killer killing 8 year olds. And detective story around that. It is feature length.

But I think realistically I would do small scale game first. I need to learn human anatomy. I will obsess on that for some time. And then remake "J.U.M.P Limited" a game a I made before Moria's Race.

I want it to be a guy on a wheelchair with a place to stick a balloon of compress air. So you can collect those balloons and blow them up to jump once. And so you would have limited amount of jumps and therefor the levels would be interesting to solve as puzzles.

And I am thinking of mental nurses attacking you with syringes as enemies.

It will be a simple level-based small scale game.

Anonymous No. 968693

Good luck with that man, don't give up! Are planing on drop that game on google play, itchio or any other popular platform to make a buck out of it?

Anonymous No. 968697

Planning to upload it to something like Internet Archive or Odysee. Or just is it will end up small enough.

And so to install it people will probably need to do 'git clone' or something. I'm also planning to make it so it will intentionally refuse to work on anything but GNU / Linux. Asking you to edit the source code to make it work on a different platform.

Anonymous No. 968700

Hahahaha I get it but why you refuse to use your skills to make it out of poverty? Those extra resources would help your other projects too.

Anonymous No. 968701

Because I don't want to endorse the copyright industry.

I have talked with a woman producer and pitched her an idea to make a Creative Commons licensed movie. She asked me the obvious question of how would it make money.
I think if I put the license only after the run in the cinema, it could work. But it is unrealistic in any way. So instead the strategy is like this: make money at a normal job, but work little enough, so there would be time to make movies. And or games.

Anonymous No. 968702

>>968701 the most fucking stupid and retarded thing that has ever been typed and spoken ever in the history of things ever typed and spoken.

Anonymous No. 968703


Anonymous No. 968704

That may be the most red-flag dense post I've read in a while. Keep up the good work.

>it will intentionally refuse to work on anything but GNU / Linux
That's OK with me. I'm the guy who's running Blender 2.49 on Debian 12 >>968320

But at the same time, you should aim to take down the whole videogame and movie industry and in order to do so you need a proper AAA game engine such as Godot, not some rinky-dink C coding with SDL or something like that. That's what Cris taught me.

Anonymous No. 968705

I want to go with UPBGE since it is a game engine which is using EEVEE to render.

Anonymous No. 968706

at this point, I think we should see this as a bait/fake post. No way is it real at this point.

Anonymous No. 968707

The copyright industry is a fucking monster specially in things health related,I'll agree that drug patent owners deserve a bullet to the noggin but is it really that bad in artistic endeavours? And most importantly, you not endorsing such a thing help in any tangible way?

Anonymous No. 968708

your stuff doesn't even look good at all, why should we trust your word?

Anonymous No. 968709

because they are dumb as fuck

Anonymous No. 968710

i just know that it's not good to stop people from sharing. It doesn't matter what it is I am doing. I want to be doing movies and maybe sometimes games and stuff like that. Not drugs. So this is where I can do a little bit by resisting.

> And most importantly, you not endorsing such a thing help in any tangible way?

Yes. Even an ant has mass, therefor even an ant has some gravity to it. Not a lot. But a little bit, it does.

Anonymous No. 968711

That's stupid as fuck. You can still make money by selling it, giving it away for free, and even uploading it on torrent sites and setting up a donations/patreon page. Advertising it on social media sites and maybe paying a little for promotion. Stop acting as if you're a "sell out" or anything like that by trying to make a profit out of your work. Have a fucking spine and dignity towards your art.

Anonymous No. 968712

But where do you draw the line then? Because I'm pretty sure you are using proprietary hardware in all your PC.

Anonymous No. 968713

I used to read his thread on Blenderartists, which is a total hugbox but nonetheless he eventually made them lose their shit and then it got anonymized or something.

Anonymous No. 968715

Patreon is proprietary and requires running proprietary software so use it. Both for me and for those who want to pay me. Librepay is better but it is still using a proprietary service for the money transfers.

The closest thing I saw to what I may be able to do is the store of FSF which has a custom Free Software javascript for payment processes.

Also I can try selling the movie for cash. I could sell SD cards or even disks with. There is Free Software to make Blu Rays. I think I can burn them on demand.

But then there is the whole aspect of taxation and registering a business that I have no clue about. And then there is a possibility that nobody will ever buy anything.

You yourself told me that what I do is utter shit. So why would I expect any sales?

Anonymous No. 968717

There are two ways to look at it.
You are looking at is in a totality way.

We are nowhere near having full freedom in computers now. Some things will be proprietary.

The other way to look at it is the progress way. I use less proprietary software now then what I did 3 years ago. I don't want to go back. Only forward. I don't see yet how I can move past some thing like BIOS and stuff. But I know that at least I can not make a patreon account. Which is to move backwards.

Anonymous No. 968718

That sounds so more complex than it needs to be.

Anonymous No. 968719

It is and I hate everything about it. But there is nothing to do about it.

Anonymous No. 968720

It just sounds like you're punishing yourself at this point

Anonymous No. 968721

I have to punish myself. My movie is a total shit. Also who cares about joy? The only thing matters is to keep suffering. At least I can suffer while making some movies.

Anonymous No. 968722

Well that's a complex subject specially with that mindset of yours but if that's where your morals are more power to you dude. As i said, good luck with your next projects (god knows you will fucking need it), I'll be checking them out when you inevitably cross my mind again.

Anonymous No. 968723

So, first of all...You're acting as if you have an amazing product in the first place. You haven't even begun to produce anything of value, and even though you are thinking of distribution; you have nothing to show off and impress people with. You need to start somewhere simple. That means using social media, promotion, spending a little bit of money to promote. You absolutely need to find a way to get your stuff out there to the masses. Your shit isn't anything special. If it was, people would be throwing money at you and giving you big deals but no one is.

Second, you need to be realistic about even capitalism/acceptance of copyright stuff. What if someone did they exact same thing as your material but copyrighted it. They would get priority in court. It would look like you tried to rip them off. Suck it up and pay the few bucks it takes to actually claim your work. Be proud of your stuff. Not everything needs to be free/common claims shit. Don't undersell yourself as an artist.

Anonymous No. 968724

If you want to see what I'm doing and whether I am doing anything. You can come to my website.

It requires Tor Browser because I host it directly from my computer without buying a domain.


Anonymous No. 968725

Since I started reading comments on Moria's Race I except the fact that next time I will have even less people caring.

I know that it's shit.

Anonymous No. 968726

Worry not, I don't have a Tor browser and will never have one but I'm pretty sure I'll hear from you again in here hahaha

Anonymous No. 968727


Anonymous No. 968728

Get out of that "woe is me" mindset. Be confident and enjoy your own work. Fuck that depression bullshit. Have some type of faith in yourself.

I'm being an asshole and giving you tough love because I know you need it.

Anonymous No. 968729

If I think that what I do is great without it being great, I will get comments like in the beginning of this thread again.

Anonymous No. 968730

I think there's an objective point of pouring in hours, weeks, and months worth of work to get comments like the beginning of this thread vs knowing you're putting out mediocre, not finished/jumping the gun too early feedback.

Like I said, have some faith in yourself but be real and objective about said content. Nothing wrong with being hard on yourself but be critical of your peers and the low effort stuff they put out. OP's stuff it not finished/good. Do better than that.

Anonymous No. 968731

I will do "better" not good. Good is impossible.

Therefor next time I will have to do "even better" since whatever I did wasn't good. And because it wasn't good it's shit.

So I will always do a bit better SHIT than the last time.

Anonymous No. 968732

>Good is imposible. I will do a bit better SHIT than the last time.
That's the spirit champ, might copyright it, print it in shirts and posters and sell them in teespring or someshit ;P (jk)

Anonymous No. 968734

No need to be hard on yourself. Everyday is a school day. Just make some cool shit and put it out there.

Anonymous No. 968739

Stop with the craziness, you still haven’t gotten the hang of making movies in B ter style and you can’t keep destroying yourself with those god awful decisions. Actually learn how cinema works because if you going to make a movie, people expect a movie and not a 30 minute video. Not just movie aspect but the entire industry of cinema from lighting, storyboard production, camera, post production, etc, is really needed for you.

This also includes your artistic ability because you need to know 3D. Blender will never be the place to get better, you follow and used all methods taught by others who themselves are completely wrong about 3D. The concept of 3D or CGI isn’t the art looks or the software, the ability to create in a 3rd plane of existence is something 2D can never achieve. If such concept is weird to you then you aren’t ready to make the movie or any kind of art.

My recommendation, stop with the Linux master race mindset. No matter how hard you try, you’ll never get anything done with Linux only cage.

Abandoned Blender and learn from another software. Wings3D is your best option for Linux OS or anything that isn’t Blender because you need to learn how real art is created and not cheat with plugins or alternative methods.

Just setup your own website it cost almost nothing if you self host and open during your free time. Just a simple text website is all you need and a real trustworthy donation website. There’s nothing getting around it, you need to obey the laws but if you still want anonymous money then bitcoin will be the go to.

Lastly, learn from a book or anything but YouTubers. Those so called gurus or experts are scammers. The donut model was invented before he even was born. Those gamedev experts can’t build working games without plugins. All scams to help them get profitable. A book is done by experts and designed to get the reader into certain things, learn from books.

Anonymous No. 968771

Jesus, this is creepy and not just souless, but soul sucking.

Anonymous No. 968825

If I overwork myself more and eat / sleep less. And if I will work more time. I can do better. I need to forget about all pleasure. I need to forget about rest. And I need to forget about life in general. I need that my life will be consisting of one thing and one thing only. Improving myself.

Just typing it made me feel how utterly unrealistic it sounds. Even if I could defeat every ounce of laziness I would get tired. I would just get overwhelmed and die one day while animating. I will need to defeat hunger, fatigue, not having motivation, not having desire to do anything. And all for a slightly better movie.

I know that I don't know human anatomy that well. My rigs are falling apart when the characters start to walk. And faces look like I barfed them. Perhaps I can attack the human anatomy. And obsess with it the way I like to obsess with things. And then I could do a movie where people look a little bit better.

Anonymous No. 968827

I said stop it, unlike you I knew real deadlines in the movie industry where filming would start at 5 am end at 7pm. The joys of eating your own lunch or steady working through your day isn’t enough. What you going to do is horrifying with inexperience in dealing with your body. Heck, you think you can do better than me, i had you know i eat those mexico cookies maria for breakfast, snacks and for lunch, sandwich with very specific meat otherwise you get sick and dinner is cereal (or take out) to recover lost nutrition. Every day for me for the last 10 years.

You’ll became to hate the project more and more has time goes on. “Movie is awesome” they say but i just don’t feel the joy of the completed film because i only see mistakes. We only made it because our corporate overlords demand it.

So i say stop doing crazy things to hurt yourself. You’re still far too behind and inexperienced. Has said before, learn how things work, experiment with CGI, stop using blender and read books.

Anonymous No. 968828

>you need to learn how real art is created and not cheat with plugins or alternative method
I wish you put that at the beginning of your post so I could stop reading there, anyone complaining about """cheating""" in art isn't an artist and will never be one

Anonymous No. 968829


Real art is only on a cave wall, everything else is gay and fake.

Anonymous No. 968830

That's your line of thinking not mine anon, enjoy your non cheating cave art

Anonymous No. 968832

I'll ignore you, thank you very much.

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Anonymous No. 968840

In a world with A.I art mix with real art and people using Blender to not learn why certain actions were made by the original person and people like you who use assets to quickly make horrible movies. The picture i'm showing you become relevant more than ever, you'll never going to be 3D artist with those plugins, they were only build to help quickly make things and not become the final product.

Anonymous No. 968846

Nigger I don't use a single plugin for blender, my work is production quality, I have a succesful patreon, occaisional comissions and a great passive income from selling my assets that increases every month, I collaborate with other artists on fun and interesting projects every day. Your hate on blender is retarded and stems from insecurity and some trauma idk if a blender dev raped you when you were twelve or some shit but keep it to yourself

Anonymous No. 968848

Holy shit assumed that it wasn't going to look like absolute garbage.
Of course it's not popular, this thread-- no, This BOARD should be deleted..

Creator ran before learning to crawl. If sectors of your work isn't at least mid tier Artstation level within whatever medium and artstyle you are going for DON'T EXPECT ANY DECENT RECEPTION!!

Anonymous No. 968852

>Why isn't Moria's race more popular?
Because it's creator is a security nut who previously required tor browser to view the movie. He wanted it to fail because he is a retarded autist who doesn't understand how to market shit, he deserved 3 years of his life getting wasted

Anonymous No. 968855

3 and half*

Anonymous No. 968859

So this is what blender is capable of? Instead of creating the end product it created a schizo to make the end product? I see now why people stay away from Fossshit. This is not the first time it’s happened. Ton for making blender in the first place with a hidden agenda to take down Autodesk, Pablo who thought he could overhaul the whole sculpting process by himself, BlenderGuru who brainwashed other schizos into the donut tutorial, Cris who….no need to explain. I’m sticking to non-foss shit from now on…. You guys scare me….

Anonymous No. 968861

that guy has no self-awareness, the characters and the animations are really amateurish and it looks like something that you do in your first months, he should focus in the fundamentals of modeling and animation instead of try to do a short / movie, he needs lots of training too.

Anonymous No. 968862

it's not the first 3 year long movie project

Anonymous No. 968863

Yes, we all know Cris here, he is even worse than this guy.

Anonymous No. 968865

>i DoNT USe PLuGiNs
>Blender default plugins include the ability to export to unlicensed files
You are so dumb, do you think defultless blender exists? The main developers who made blender can’t program for shit and make certain things into default plugins. Sometimes that plugin is from another person. Whatever claims of popularity in Blender is not true, you just believe in the following of other followers. Just like Christianity, you're not in the top league, you are in competition with other members. The higher ranked cult members have higher power, you can always be replaced and can can always lose.

Anonymous No. 968880

Nigger I couldn't give less of a shit, you're nothing compared to me, didn't read don't care

Anonymous No. 968882

My sides lmfao

Anonymous No. 968885

I have actual movie, seen by movie goers. You are the real nothing in the cinema industry. Complaining about how bad you are and posting here on 4chan because Blender forums got sick of your nonsense.

I actually had work and had to suffocate myself for corporate overlords. Your comment on “i feel bad” is lmfao; excuses for how weak you as a person are in this type of work.

Anonymous No. 968886

>I actually had work and had to suffocate myself for corporate overlords
I'd rather cut my balls off than work in your memedustry, I'm already making a comfortable living from 3d while expressing myself as an artist without any limitation and living the neet dream, I hope HR's asshole tasted good lmao

Anonymous No. 968887

the real problem with his post is saying blender is cheating when blender is actually basically worse at everything that the equivalent dedicated programs do. i say that as a blender user. using it definitely gives you no shortcuts to success - in fact if you try to stick with it too much, you learn a lot of things the hard way.

Anonymous No. 968889

You have the tenacity and right mindset to make it

Anonymous No. 968908

I didn't watch the whole thing but i liked what i saw. The voice actors add to it. The part where she's sitting in the car waiting for the guy to finish his countdown is cute and funny. Keep it up guy.

Anonymous No. 968910

>gIvEs nO sHoRt CuTs
>Uses keyboard shortcuts to access basic commands
Think anon think, keyboard shortcuts are shortcuts. There not Maya or other software commands that offer more functionality, it is the default feature in Blender to do anything.

Anonymous No. 968915

So your problem with Blender is extend-ability? An ability for people to automate certain actions through scripts and Geo-Nodes and share those automations with others. Which makes some people not learn or whatever?

Anonymous No. 968917

The fact that this thread is still going on, with the debates and dumb facts/opinions still going on is testament of how retarded this thread is.

We know OP sucks, people are trying to defend or give support to OP. No one offers help but always has advice/critique. Nothing will be done but keeps being expanded with posts. Even this post is dumb as fuck and contributes to said useless thread...

Are we that much of losers that we keep talking about useless shit like the original post or is there something more deep that I'm not seeing other than a useless post with losers that keep talking about this dumb as fuck shit?

Anonymous No. 968937

It's called life anon, there's no deeper meaning, everything is useless, enjoy the ride.

Anonymous No. 968947

No, the problem is the user not the software that’s broken. The user will constantly default to cheap methods and not improve at all. To learn 3D is to use it on 3rd dimensional planes, many blender users never understand this meaning and consider their feelings the better guide. It’s how you are anon, your feelings aren’t making 3D better because you feel. It’s really just bad art tape together with other community members also not knowing art.

The guy who made the movie is here and now thanks to some anon, he thinks he’s better than everyone else.

Anonymous No. 968949


Anonymous No. 968950

>Are we that much of losers
yes, most artists and especially 3d artists are snakes and sore losers

Anonymous No. 968954

Why are you (you)-ing me for? I was just reacting to >>968880

Anonymous No. 968997

incredible retarded take, like blaming adobe premiere for creating a schizo like Neil Breen

Anonymous No. 969000

thats what happens when you hire kikes

anyways i expected better animation for a project that lasted 3 years i mean it's like the type of awful animation we got in the garten of banban games

Anonymous No. 969032

this is honestly pretty good ngl. why doesn't this have more views? disney, hire this man

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Anonymous No. 969036


Anonymous No. 969167

Most people will never finish a project of this scale. For that, you have my respect.

Anonymous No. 969173

Dude anyone can do it, have you heard of MoCap or assets. Not hard to make 30 minute video, the real hard part is making a real movie over 90 minutes and doing real editing production for VFX. Adding the sounds and hope to corporate overlords they don’t scrap the complete movie over some dumb taxes.

Anonymous No. 969230

Or you could do furry porn commissions (using a new identity) and move somewhere cheap o.verseas

Anonymous No. 969258


Anonymous No. 969266

The problem is still on you, the free assets and the sound are not Blender’s responsibility. You had a chance of fixing it when the voice actor said to scrap the audio. You had the chance for feedback. You didn’t do anything but make the worst blender video possible.

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Anonymous No. 969273

I didn't watch the movie but I've made my own version. Is it close?

Anonymous No. 969283

You weren't responding to the dude that made the OP video, just an anon who got called out to "pyw" and actually posted work.

the chair nerd No. 969292


Anonymous No. 969293

This is so stupid, I have worked on films too and I was single while working on them, now I am married

Anonymous No. 969445

The movie is at 943 views now. A little bit less than 1K. Thank you to everybody here that contributed a view. The post here wasn't a total waste of time and nerves after all.

Anonymous No. 969446

Nice! Maybe it will reach 3k views and within this decade :)

Anonymous No. 969449

Putting shit where people can see it instead of doing your very best to hide it actually works, holy fucking shit who would have thought?

Hit the rope already kike

Anonymous No. 969521

Since yesterday there were another 15 views added to the view counter. That's the spirit. Go racers! Go!

Anonymous No. 969602

This is kino.

Anonymous No. 969603

Nigga, nobody is going to watch your shit movie until the end. Nobody has watched it beyond 10 seconds.

Anonymous No. 969606


Anonymous No. 969658

Such a big jump in views!!! +44 today. That's the spirit!!!

Anonymous No. 969764

Audio, animation and character design need a lot of work. Audio is so bad I can't even understand what they are speaking half the time.

Anonymous No. 969768

>A movie by Blenderdumbass and Cris
We should make this a reality somehow. I'd watch it.

Anonymous No. 969811

Phase 2 started. Next goal 10K. Now it's a race!

Anonymous No. 969829

This, cris 3d designing abilities can contribute a lot to the quality of the project

Anonymous No. 969833

Cris could do the music

Anonymous No. 970052

I've got an Oscar. Bought it in a toy store. It's the Oscar for Best Picture for this movie.

Anonymous No. 970076

Damn, AndyWilson92 has gained some considerable skills

Anonymous No. 970198

Hibdy Bibdy Bibdy Budahbedurk!!!

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Anonymous No. 970238

>11 year old driving

Under Youtube, this is under dangerous acts. what kind of sicko would let an 11 year old race cars?

Anonymous No. 970245

The plot of the story is that nobody lets her. And she has to rebel to take back her freedom to do it. It's anti-paternalism.

Anonymous No. 970246

>It's anti-paternalism.
It's entitlement. To be a female race car driver is not exactly a human right. And how did she pay for the race car?

Anonymous No. 970247

It's not about being female. It's about being a child. It's a different ism. It's not about sexism its about ageism.

Anonymous No. 970268

It's about the author himself feeling entitled to be a film maker when he doesn't have the talent to be one.

Anonymous No. 970343

I see. So here how it went.

> Idea to make movie about how amateurs can beat pros.
> Making the movie as amateur and beating pros.
> Posting.
> People don't like the message, because it's too voke for them.
> So they pretend that the message is wrong.
> Because of that, they pretend that the movie is bad also.
> Because the message and the making of the movie is the same concept.

You are all delusional! This movie rocks. And Moria rocks too.

Anonymous No. 970364

On terms of storytelling, it doesn’t even get a F rating. The story itself just happens without conflict or problems. That’s just ignoring the many smaller issues like how the kid even drives a car in one day. Sure you can drive a car but can you do it as someone with 5 years of experience. No emotions on characters, the kids stole the car and they aren’t feeling happy or rebellious, no anger at adults or society at whole. The announcers aren’t giving a good play by play of the race. Any NASCAR fans will tell you that the announcers play an important role in NASCAR since you couldn’t see all the action even in camera. The ending should have them arrested for many crimes or never obtain the awards. No real message of encouragement to rebel against society or the rules. The kids won, the end, is not how you end a movie.

The “movie” should be illegal and be taken down right away. It’s a crime against literature.

Anonymous No. 970373

>The story itself just happens without conflict or problems
You haven't seen the movie.Or didn't pay god damned attention.
> That’s just ignoring the many smaller issues like how the kid even drives a car in one day.
You haven't seen the movie.Or didn't pay god damned attention.
> No emotions on characters
You haven't seen the movie.Or didn't pay god damned attention.
> The announcers aren’t giving a good play by play of the race.
You haven't seen the movie.Or didn't pay god damned attention.

There are 3 layers of antagonism in the film ( which mean there are 3 layers of conflict ) her brother who think that she is dumb. Her father that think that she is too young to drive a car. And the other racers that do not want to let her win them in a race. The story is about proving the brother wrong, proving the father wrong and wining the other drivers. The arcs are in the antagonists because those are the people who I want to change their mind.

Moria knows how to race because their family is fucking obsessed with cars. They have fucking racing simulators instead of computers. They have cars themed pajamas, cars themed beds, cars themed rug on the floor, books about cars on shelves. They have a fucking racetrack visible out of their window, they have a model of the racetrack in their living room, they have racecars in their living room. The family owns a fucking racetrack. All she did was to train for this all her god damned live. Of course she will be good.

It is not Nascar. The racetrack is designed to eliminate the problem of visibility. The viewers are on towers with view on the whole track. You don't need an announcer with this setup. Also it was needed so that Paps could fucking see where Moria is at any time in the race.

> This "movie" should be illegal.

Have you fucking heard about Free Speech!!!

You made a fucking fool of yourself, research what you are saying before saying it, if you don't want to sound like a stupid retard with 0 attention.

Anonymous No. 970389

Get the fuck out of here OP, your “movie” visually and storytelling are the worst anyone could possibly created. We don’t have information about your background story because you never addressed it. No, we don’t understand how the race works in a world you built.

This is your failure as the director, never blame the audience for what they seen. If you just took the time for feedback it would have been clear to you the mistakes.

Anonymous No. 970406

Holy mother of cope...
>They have fucking racing simulators instead of computers
Yes, it's told in the right from the get go her brother wipes the floor with her. Basically the brother was the real goat all along and all the other drivers were just talentless hacks.

But anyways Moria is a Marie Sue she beats everyone(except her brother) WITHOUT ANY EFFORT. Audience never sees her to struggle to perfect race craft so why should we even care about Moria? She is simply just like Rey Skywalker never did anything and suudenly wields god like powers just because story demands it.
The movie is simply Moria grand theft auto and some random race.
It's joever no defending this turd but I see you put effort in the details and maybe your next project will bear some fruit.

Anonymous No. 970431

I don't spoon-feed the audience. Thank you. I respect that they have at least some brain to figure something out by themselves.

Anonymous No. 970432

I set the rules. If I want Moria to be Marie Sue, Moria will be Marie Sue. I can play on the same level as J.J.Abrams. And you don't like it because you are envious of it.

Anonymous No. 970458

just watched the movie, it's wholesome as fuck, every little kid will love it, if you have a kid show it to him, and he will steal your car and go on a race, still worth it

Anonymous No. 970459

The phase:

“Everybody in the audience is an idiot, but taken together they’re a genius.”

– Billy Wilder

Has now become your identity, yes we don’t know anything about your world. It’s still your failure to get audience support. Movies are entertainment not work.

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Anonymous No. 970486

Yeah man really worth it. I hope OP is proud!

Anonymous No. 970489

wow this post was very ageist of you, just contacted amazon privilege checking enforcement

Anonymous No. 970752


You are failing me!
It was only +6 views since yesterday. Why? Who here forgot to complain about stupidity or vokeness of whatever? Who?

Do I always need to come back and start the fire all over again?

Anonymous No. 970765


This is not /pol/, anyone who passes through gates of /3/ comes to look at 3D modeling not discuss ethics of giving a child freedom.

the chair nerd No. 970788

Ok just watched it. Anon this is an achievement in making 28 minutes feel like 4 hours.

Anonymous No. 970789

is this trying to make fun of speedracer aka the best wachaowski sisters kino?

Anonymous No. 970820

Ok that’s just admitting you are advertising or begging for views. Time to get banned.