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🧵 CGSociety shutting down

Anonymous No. 968104

Where have all of the forums gone? These places used to be treasure troves full of tutorials, WIPs and contests

Anonymous No. 968114


Anonymous No. 968118

CG Society, 3D total, every singe forum and every single CG magazine except 3Dworld is also dead
We have more than ever people making 3D shit but less than ever people talking and sharing their stuff? What's going on?
CG reddits are barely active and half of posts people shilling blender youtube videos

Anonymous No. 968122

>CG Society, 3D total, every singe forum and every single CG magazine except 3Dworld is also dead
sidefx official forums are not dead, mate. Neither is blenderartists

Anonymous No. 968133

Get with the times boomer, it's all on Discord.
I don't care if you like it or not, that's how it is and there's nothing you can do about it. You can either move to Discord or just do without.

That and Pajeets. It used to be artists in movies, games, etc. would be at least somewhat passionate, nowadays more and more are being replaced with Pajeets who only care for the money. They don't discuss /3/ matters beyond what could make them more money faster, they don't post their progress because they think other jeets will steal it cutting into their profits. They have discussions but it's all about how to shit out as many barely passable assets as fast as possible to get the most money possible to get girl to open vageen. Only east Asians seem to have proper tutorials, communities, discussions, etc but good luck with that language barrier.

Anonymous No. 968134

no, its not all on discord. SidefFX forums and blenderartists. Discord is terrible for WIP sub boards. Side and blender artists have these in spades. They have AgX creator answering hundreds of questions. They have contests with good prizes. Once you post on discord your post is forgotten forever after like 20 minutes unless you search for it.

Anonymous No. 968144

I will NOT join your discord tranny!

Anonymous No. 968151

>What's going on?
faggots keep posting their works on websites like 4chan that just delete every thread after a while instead of posting on long-term public forums

Anonymous No. 968155

>CGSociety/CGTalk is kill
its actually, unironically, and literally over for cg industry.
AI and pajeets did this.
you could've prevented this, /3/, but you dont...

Anonymous No. 968162

post your work

Anonymous No. 968178

Blenderartists is for blender and sidefx forum is very slow might be slower than this dead board.
Only place for news left is CGpress and only "Galley" is Artstation and artstation is fucking trash. In 2005 we had dozens of those.
All forums are dead, all magazines are dead, 3D reddit on life support.
Yep it's officialy over...

Anonymous No. 968181

>Blenderartists is for blender and sidefx forum is very slow might be slower than this dead board.
this board isnt dead. This board is the only one that lets you post real criticism. The thing about discord is that its basically a online ID where if you say too harsh words or wrongthink you will get banned from your precious discord faster than anything and then all of your discords and your entire reputation is in jeopardy. Its just not worth it. Fuck discord. Think procedural / cgwiki are for zoomers like Alfie Vaughan with no practical experience and horrible reels, too.

Anonymous No. 968184

which forums have good tutorials and shit?

Anonymous No. 968187

learn from example scene files with tutorials embedded in them. SideFX content library example files does this.

Anonymous No. 968189

3Dtotal used to have huge tutorial section with thousands lessons but not sure if it still up, would be a shame if all of those gone forever.

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Anonymous No. 968190

>that feel when my vfx forum finally shuts down but I had the foresight to download, save and archive the useful threads before it went belly up

Anonymous No. 968277

>Checks out a (year and a half old mind you) reel of this so called Alfie Vaughan

That should've never left his local area network, holy shit.

Anonymous No. 968278


Anonymous No. 968281

I found good tutorials before that's true, are there any "hidden" channels? (written only in chinese so you can't find them by typing keywords)

Anonymous No. 968286

Not that I know of unfortunately, I've been out of the tutorial phase for a while

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Screenshot 2023-1....png

Anonymous No. 968288

Saars, but where will I post my spam then?

Anonymous No. 968291

>I've been out of the tutorial phase for a while
the tutorial "phase" isnt a phase, you just have your head in the sand. Side releases official tutorials embedded in scene files on their content library. If you dont follow side closely by now you are an npc

Anonymous No. 968293

literal internet cancer
it's a total information black hole. no search engine indexing and if the server gets shut down then it's all gone

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Anonymous No. 968295

i miss c4dcafe
used to be a regular back around 08-14. there were frequent (monthly to quarterly) challenges with reasonable prizes like plugins or some assets. Not so much that it wasn't sustainable, but enough to keep people engaged.
those slowed down over the years. People aged out. Cactus Dan passed away (RIP)
fewer students were choosing Cinema as their general 3D package, and it always was best at MoGraph to begin with. MAXON went subscription model, and their development is lacking according to some folks
the site got slowly less active, and now it doesn't exist anymore

core4d is not the same

Anonymous No. 968307

good riddance. now you'll have to consoom the discord garbage that may be plugged off once you're offending someone without notice.

Anonymous No. 968308

You must possess self-respect in negative to use reddit or dickshoard

Anonymous No. 968309

ONE wrong move, even if its not egregiously wrong, just offends someone a little bit and you are DONE

Anonymous No. 968310

I mean the beat for beat video style of tutorials when talking about the 'phase'
I'm sorry for not being a scene file downloader either though

Anonymous No. 968311

The first wrong move is consider entering those pools of narcissistic circlejerking manchildren. As if there is an actual pro hiding in the depths somewhere, waiting to answer your questions, constantly checking for them before they get washed away by stream of bugmen asking about most trivial stuff possible that can be found in 2 minutes of googling.

Anonymous No. 968312

yeah side releases those as well - masterclasses

Anonymous No. 968316

polycount still exists and has not had any issues since it's inception. it's always been weird to me that people sleep on that forum, considering it has a full wiki with link-backs to important threads and information.

Anonymous No. 968317

Now see >>968286

Anonymous No. 968319

how are you out of the "phase" for brand new features? You have your head in the sand.

Anonymous No. 968322


Anonymous No. 968324

you dont get complete or correct documentation for beta features, idiot

Anonymous No. 968325

Hasn't been a thorn in my side yet,
But it's not like CG has changed in a decade so I guess that'd explain it

Anonymous No. 968327

side changes houdini each and every year.

Anonymous No. 968328

Yeah, software changes all the time. Renders? not so much

Anonymous No. 968329


Anonymous No. 968332

When new bells and whistles come out, there are new methods to get to the end, but the end has been the same for many many years if you haven't noticed

Anonymous No. 968333

tell me how to do machine learning ONNX skinning without following the tutorial, same with APEX rigging

Anonymous No. 968338

There you have it, I don't use any of those
Now see >>968325

Anonymous No. 968339

Have what? You didnt answer my question. Do you concede?

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tired of this shit.png

Anonymous No. 968340

>I've been out of the tutorial phase for a while
>Explain how to do this thing you'll never need to use that'll achieve the same end result that CG has been achieving for a decade
Yeah I concede

Anonymous No. 968341

There’s some very good 3D animation shows from companies who were sponsored by Biilii and one of them is Hoyoverse with upcoming projects. You can search for them by ova or specials because most aren’t available at the moment but give small 30 minute videos.

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Anonymous No. 968354

>tell me you're an idiot without telling me you're an idiot

Anonymous No. 968406

Honestly I can't believe that cgTalk is shutting down. To this day it comes up with answers to scripting questions from the main packages. Now those results are going to not be there, for no reason but literal internet Rot.

Fuck this timeline.

Anonymous No. 968409

lol freeloaders get fucked

this is like a party that was cool at first and then a bunch of dorks showed up and their negro friends carrying guns


Anonymous No. 968424

You look like a Jackass

Anonymous No. 968425

What are you going to say next - that KineFX isn't the future of rigging and animation??

Ouch man, ouch!

Anonymous No. 968428


Anonymous No. 968481

>What's going on?

Cattle keeps flocking to huge soicial media hubs instead of staying in specialized forums.
That's literally all to it.

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Anonymous No. 968482

To be quite honest with you my dudes I'm actually surprised that Chyna doesn't simply soak up the increasing amount of dead websites, indexing, archiving them and hosting them on their servers again, harvesting all the traffic. There's tons of stuff on those about to get fucked websites that people are still interested in. If they copied that stuff over, tons of people would visit their copy sites. The sites are dead. Who'd complain about the shit getting copied over? The admins who already threw the towel? LOL

Anonymous No. 968489

A lot of knowledge and scripts are being permanently lost, for no reason, because people dont want to pay moderators and now they're moving to discord, where servers can be permanently deleted because of one mod thats on drugs

Anonymous No. 968499

>A lot of knowledge and scripts are being permanently lost
It's safe, it's been scraped by AI companies already. This is also a good thing, when I need info I'd rather interact with a helpful and knowledgeable customer service chatbot than some snarky autist with a superiority complex.

Anonymous No. 968506

remember when we could customize our (main) post with the most obnoxious animated gif, backgrounds and marquee wordings and links that went over the page borders for free? now on shitcord, those days are over and everything looks like sanitized hospitals with decors that can only be changed with limited palettes and designs.

Anonymous No. 968540

Same shit happening here
site prob has like 10k tutorials and all of that going to be lost, i mean the 3d total shop still going to be up but news site and tutorial site going to be down, the fuck.

Anonymous No. 968541

meant for

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Anonymous No. 968776

People shouldn't just bitch, they should offer alternatives that exist. For Instance:

I'm coming back to this thread to, again, remind people that still exists and has plenty of information and users that are willing to help and work with newbies. It's always been there, and it's alot more geared towards realtime rendering workflows given the site initially started as a place for modders to learn to make mods.

Anonymous No. 968788

That forum seem to be made to be as hard as possible for humans to use and at the same time as easy as possible for machine to datamine.

Anonymous No. 968808

I have absolutely no idea what this is even supposed to mean.

Anonymous No. 968809

It means that all those compartimentalized sub-forums are annoying and are a burden to the user because he has to self-categorize his posts and adhere to all the bizarre rues and stickies of every padded chamber.

Anonymous No. 968810

And speaking of internet moderation, I've found this videos that shows how jannies look like in real life:
Be warned. It's graphic content.

Anonymous No. 968814

CGS died a long time ago this is just the corpse decomposing.

Anonymous No. 968821

There are tons of maya scripting and maya c++ API examples on cgtalk and they dont expire. In my own scripts i often have to look up "how to do x in maya scripting" and the only solutions that come up are from cgtalk. The solution does NOT have to be recent. It doesnt matter if the solution is from 5/10/15 years ago.

Nobody writes script or maya api stuff here tho so you "think" you know what you are talking about. All you do is useless modelling.

Anonymous No. 968826

So go archive those pages before the corpse decomposes completely.

Anonymous No. 968834

Its already been done on My scripts - they are safe!

Anonymous No. 968841

>it's alot more geared towards realtime rendering workflows
That's why I always hated it showing up in search results

Anonymous No. 968845

realtime is the present and future, anon. Nobody watches movies anymore. The games industry dwarfs the movie industry

Anonymous No. 968850

That's cool and all but I do shit for myself not for profit

Anonymous No. 968851

Games in RT can like just as good as movies. Look at The Matrix Awakens demo with UE5 in HDR

Anonymous No. 968860

It's not the same
Maybe in 5 or 10 more years it'd be acceptable to my hyper fixated brain

Anonymous No. 968876

You don't have to stick as strictly as you think you do. The rules are incredibly loose.

Are you just annoyed that there's any rules at all? Then why even complain about cgsociety dying, since that place is almost guaranteed to be the same?

Anonymous No. 969534

It's over

Anonymous No. 969547

People are just using Ai, that's why, you don't need any tutorial or artist knowledge, you need to copy and paste some prompt that has gigantic breasts on it and you are done

Anonymous No. 969548

prove it

Anonymous No. 969550

Prove what?

Anonymous No. 969551

>People are just using Ai,
>"people" - what people
>to do what?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 969719

We are literally in the final hours 4

Anonymous No. 969720

We are in the final 4 hours