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Anonymous No. 968129

Where do you learn lighting/rendering?

There a million resources on modeling, sculpting, animating, texturing, but next to nothing on how to light/render scenes the way you want. I feel like this is the missing ingredient to make your work really pop.

Anonymous No. 968149

Read the manual for your renderer to understand how to set it up correctly, the rest is art and is best learnt studying things like cinema lighting and photography to understand how to compose and frame a scene well. These skills are agnostic to what package you use.

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Screenshot 2023-1....png

Anonymous No. 968157


Anonymous No. 968276

Read through this (skim through If you like)
Then realise lighting is not as checkbox based as you think.

>Looks good but am I using too many lights?
>Looks good but am I not using enough lights?
No, that stuff doesn't matter (unless taken to the extreme) if the result looks good.

For technical stuff, fpbp, read docs, forum posts etc

Anonymous No. 968282

Also, something that's overlooked - dicking around in the software itself

Anonymous No. 968330

really basic stuff that doesn't get mentioned enough:
>if your area lights have a spread parameter you almost never want it at 1.0. a sensible default is 0.3. directionality is important for light as is shadow hardness
>if your lights do not have spread then spread is a function of the size of your light - smaller light = harder shadow
>most of the time you can't throw 1 hdri in and call it a day
>hdris almost always help, even if you just use them as subtle fill lights
>you don't always need three point lighting
>stop doing the cool light / warm light meme, no one wants to look at your teal and orange shit in 2024
>you can put textures / ramps on your area lights
>shadows matter. whether you get them through gobos or geometry light blockers, they add a ton of depth to scenes

Anonymous No. 968344

>finds a million resources
>cant find out how to light like someone with few years of experience and fundamentals

if youre this retarded, you wont make it.

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Anonymous No. 968352


3D modeling is photography in virtual spaces.

So study what you're emulating: Real light.

This book basically states that light is information and dark is mystery (a lack of information). Therefore good photographic lighting is the balance of information given to the viewer and information withheld (thereby igniting their curiosity and imagination and focusing their attentions).

The book pictured is the best I've read to help conceptualize (and understand) lighting.

It goes much further than copying three point light setups; it teaches you what light is and what it does (and therefore how to wield it).

Anonymous No. 968405

Thank you anons, this information was actually helpful.

Anonymous No. 968414

No-one here is giving you the advice you need. If you want to understand how to capture light, you need to learn photography stupid.

Anonymous No. 968415

Starting with this information is only going to overwhelm you. You don't need to follow this retarded advice. Just learn the basics of photography 101.

Anonymous No. 968420

This is a post your work moment..

Anonymous No. 968423

I guarantee your own work is fucking trash my comparison. You're a retard that struggles to even teach the basics. If you want to understand light, start simple. Stupid cunt.

Anonymous No. 968427


Anonymous No. 968789

>still doesn't post work
how predictable

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Anonymous No. 968842


Anonymous No. 968847

probably too much information for a beginner but will actually check out this book, thanks

Anonymous No. 968853

I'm not the OP, but thanks to all the anons who posted in this thread.

Anonymous No. 968857

>op pic
That's nice, not let's see their big futa cocks