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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 968132

>showed someone my 4 second vfx animation on my phone
>"that's it?"

It took me 10+ years of general practicing and 6+ months with that specific software to be able to produce those 4 seconds.

Anonymous No. 968135

post it anon and I'll shower you with compliments on this fine Christmas Eve :)

Anonymous No. 968137

its stuff I've already posted here before and gotten good feedback on, so i wont post again, i just showed it to someone irl that i dont get to see often

Anonymous No. 968138

nevermind then
Merry Christmas to you regardless!

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Anonymous No. 968153

>showed someone my 3 hour cinematic masterpiece on my phone
>”that’s it?”

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KiKe Filmmaking.jpg

Anonymous No. 968235

vfx is over

Anonymous No. 968263

>OP doesn't even post the clip
that's it?

Anonymous No. 968289

here's the thing : in reality the "that's it?" was justified.

Why? Because what I should have done is copy and pasted the video a few times in vinci so it would loop. Youtube mobile app doesnt loop.

Anonymous No. 968315

>still no clip
That's it?