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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 968199

Blender 4.0.2 does not have a live vertex / edge / face selection mirror.


Anonymous No. 968206

>needing mirror instead of using your artistic eye like the great artisans of old to chisel your work into a perfect symmetric work of art

Anonymous No. 968207

This is why Blender will never be industry standard, no - not even for modelling. Cope.

Anonymous No. 968210

>muh muh industry standards!!!!
Wagie wagie get in cagie
all day long you sweat and ragie.

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Anonymous No. 968212

Nope, you have to use this, you could write a macro to mirror after confirm the selection and you can try > too, maybe somebody could be interested ....

Anonymous No. 968213

I cant tell if this is bait or if you're being real anon

Anonymous No. 968214

hmm base

Anonymous No. 968215

I kneel

Anonymous No. 968220

its not bait. Blender literally does not have live symmetrical selection

Defend this

Anonymous No. 968221

Not my problem

Anonymous No. 968225

I-I... concede

Anonymous No. 968233

Wings3D has live symmetrical and so does many other products I tested. I can’t believe something so simple as of 2023 isn’t in Blender.

Anonymous No. 968321

mirror modifier -> On cage -> edit mode

have fun

Anonymous No. 968323

Should we tell him?

Anonymous No. 968326

And Maya and Max don't have an option to buy them for $0.00

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Anonymous No. 968331


you cannot select faces symmetrically in a live manner in current year in a software that is supposedly better than maya and max for modelling. THINK

Anonymous No. 968376

Because its open source. What do you expect anon. It lacks direction and just pushes features out for the sake of impressing normies. Its greatest selling point is "its free".

Its like blaming a retard for not nothing math. Ofcourse it doesnt know math, look at it, its retarded.

Anonymous No. 968377

>doesnt even know what he's defending anymore

Anonymous No. 968378

>pays for literally everything else
>doesnt know how to pirate
free isnt a selling point retard. your mother is free and look what happened

Anonymous No. 968379

its not 2012 anymore dumbass

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 968393

>different DNA sources

Anonymous No. 968395

just install the addon or write your own lol. blender is for programmer hybrid chads, not for brainlets.

Anonymous No. 968396

>write your own
ultra mega cope

Anonymous No. 968399

become the master of your own tools, anon.

Anonymous No. 968402

> write addons for blender that should be there already and the entire community has been complaining about it not included in vanilla for decades

Anonymous No. 968403

translation "I have never written a line of code in my life"

Anonymous No. 968404

>t. Peter Projector

Anonymous No. 968453

>entire community has been complaining about it not included in vanilla for decades
Only the whiner majority.
True hybrid chads don't complain about anything, they just acknowledge that they'll add the functionality themselves when they have the time. Creation over consumption.

Anonymous No. 968466

>install math library
>there is no sqrt
>"just write your own nigga"
this is how stupid you sound.

Anonymous No. 968476

I have the same situation with Houdini and Maya now. In maya there exists a plugin which costs big big big BIG money which does the job, but in houdini you can theoretically do the same thing and it would be free (only cost of houdini), but you have to develop the tool yourself

Anonymous No. 968745

but why? cant you just use the mirror modifier?

Anonymous No. 968746

>but why?
Well lad, what if he wants to select just a portion of the mesh mirrored and to keep all the other selection asymmetrical? .....