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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 968296

Imagine being such a terrible artist that AI both blindsides you and makes your job more difficult.

Wait so
>smacks lips
You iz sayin
>smacks lips some more
Technology based art fields change?

Guys this is like being one of those total OG 3d guys who manually entered in the coordinates of things to make Tron and then being blindsided and confused that someone created visual based cg creation apps.

It's that fucking stupid. If AI threatens you job in any way other than creating another temporary learning curve you are a shitty artist that should never have been employed in the first place.

Anonymous No. 968297

>t. Moria's Race guy

Anonymous No. 968298

I'm bitter about one thing regarding AI:

>AI can literally make entire AA quality 3d animation from scratch in an instant
>still no fucking automatic UVW plugin or app

Anonymous No. 968299

AI is only a threat to me because this shit moves so fast & it's really tough keeping current on every development as they happen
information is all over the place, and search engines have going downhill for years

how to keep up with the bleeding edge?

Anonymous No. 968300


Anonymous No. 968301

>how to keep up with the bleeding edge?

If anyone found out how to make serious money with AI cg it would be extremely apparent on youtube or some other distribution platform

in order to make decent money you need 5-20 million views an upload

Anonymous No. 968302

this has always been a hobby for me
I'm a parasite (management) in an unrelated field and it's too late to change careers without taking a huge hit in standard of living

I see AI as a force multiplier that enables me to finish projects faster. My free time is limited and I have more hobby projects than time

Anonymous No. 968303

>If anyone found out how to make serious money with AI cg it would be extremely apparent on youtube or some other distribution platform

lmao. Its already out there.

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Anonymous No. 968304

I think AI is good at streamlining my workflow.

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Anonymous No. 968305

Not sure if this is a circlejerk or one schizo posting.

Anonymous No. 968306

moria's race guy started this. Google it.

Anonymous No. 968347

any AI out yet that can make a usable likeness basemesh from photo or video references?
output doesn't need to be sculpture level to make me happy

Anonymous No. 968356

>Not sure if this is a circlejerk or one schizo posting.
if I wanted comedy I would ask for your tax returns, tinder matches, and bench press/mile run PRs

Anonymous No. 968357

>lmao. Its already out there.
its not, if it was someone would be making millions of dollars off youtube for literally no work

AI making imitation AA assets off existing well documented IP is a far cry from minutes of well made unique content daily

Anonymous No. 968358

youtube pays 1200-6000 per million views

a quality youtube animation gets anywhere from 1-20 million views

that's what they get with shitty anime content with crappy stories no one cares about

they get ~3 million views a day which at 3k per million is about $3,000,000 a year in revenue

I find it impossible to believe that someone is sitting on software that can make them a multimillionaire for literally no effort

Anonymous No. 968359

they are and its been happening for a while, across all media, not just youtube, its just not being explicitly told to you and its being kept out of the news. Deepfakes are a lot more advanced then you think they are, think multiple generations ahead of what you have

Anonymous No. 968360

deepfake tech is far different than creating a unique animated story that is directed properly with unique visual IP and is also marketable

Anonymous No. 968361

you can get an AI app to make a bunch of warhammer space marines march around and fire guns, but for AI tech to advance to a level where it can create unique marketable animated content would require AI to be significantly more than just sentient

Anonymous No. 968362

once you get into procedurally simulating muscles and skin and bone and tissue for animation it all falls under deepfake umbrella

Anonymous No. 968363

asset creation is one thing

marketable animation that has unique IP that is lit, edited, scored, animated, written properly requires AI to be significantly advanced, far beyond what anyone is claiming right now

that is not "the google AI is talking to us" territory, that is "the AI hacked a nuclear silo and launched a missile at Denver" shit

Anonymous No. 968364

open your eyes man

Anonymous No. 968365

as the smoke clears on AI what it's going to show is that asset creation can largely be handled by AI
for non AAA content

the artistic elements of animation: storyboarding, cinematography, writing, character design, set design, etc. are still going to firmly be in the hands of real people

Anonymous No. 968366

>open your eyes man
art monkey's are getting fucked I'm not doubting that

AI is decades away from being able to write and direct marketbale animation

Anonymous No. 968367

>the artistic elements of animation: storyboarding, cinematography, writing, character design, set design, etc. are still going to firmly be in the hands of real people
probably not. Everything is so safe and neutered now that only a small subset of topics that were once available are now "legal". Ai can easily iterate over this small domain. Its over.

Anonymous No. 968368

AI really does nothing but speed up a process that has been happening far before it became a thing

as technology advances, craftsmanship becomes less of a bottleneck and artistry becomes more important

modeling a teapot in 1976 is light years away from modeling it in 2016, to do it in 1976 required a significantly more amount of craftsmanship and understanding of the trade

Anonymous No. 968369

>probably not.
if you think this you've never actually created professional level animated content

a dancing snowman was marketable content in 2002, in 2023 you need significantly more artistry that AI will not be able to provide for at least the near future

Anonymous No. 968370

please, senpai

Anonymous No. 968371

do you know how filmmaking works and how difficult it is to produce quality content?

ever seen a student film? They are often made with comparable tech to hollywood films, and they all fucking suck without fail

they are lit like shit, the stories suck, the acting is atrocious, etc.

so much work goes into creating marketable film content

Anonymous No. 968372

and my original point still stands, I clearly said that it's going to be great fun to see if AI can properly be harnessed to create content

AI is far away from creating animated content with one click or prompt, it still needs significant human input

Anonymous No. 968373

AI is light years away from someone prompting "a heartwarming story about a man and a puppy dog" and creating a pixar quality short out of thin air

Anonymous No. 968374

stop wasting my fucking time you fucking newbie!

im out!

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Anonymous No. 968375

you still need to give the AI proper prompts or it is just gambling

these are some warcraft images that i made with AI... in order to make decent marketable art you need to give specific prompts about lighting conditions, setting, etc, and this also cheated a lot by using existing IP

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Anonymous No. 968380

look at the stupids that can't figure out how to integrate AI into their pipeline

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Anonymous No. 968381

off to the showers stupid artists who can't learn to code

Anonymous No. 968813

>make decent marketable art
>give specific prompts

we live in a world where "writing AI prompts" is now considered a marketable skill.

Anonymous No. 968822

Ailosers really believe that writing a prompt takes skill, they've been saying this since the beginning

Anonymous No. 968833

all of these look extremely generic, do people really want more of these cookie cutter artworks? I get why Artstation fags are mad because most of them just shit out uninspired stuff like this, but if you're looking for new stuff AI can't do it in an acceptable amount of time.

Anonymous No. 968835

yeah but is >>968375 arthas leaving the capital and people celebrating him because they still dont know he killed the king? and that horse looks so healthy in contrast to how it appears later as being around arthas sucked the life out of it so much it is practically just bones?
I think its cool in concept focusing on a moment between the make believe glory and the actual horrors that will later fall upon all that people

Anonymous No. 968836

Dude its visual diarrhea that you think is cool because you spent your personal time on generating it. If you show it to normie he'll be like wtf?

Anonymous No. 968837

My dude those are just images of generic fantasy concepts done a thousand times over.

Anonymous No. 968844

I did not generate shit neither saying its good image, just liked the concept lol
just redrawit and will be cool

Anonymous No. 968849

As a concept it's pretty much worthless. You can use clip interrogate tool to transform it back into "a photo of an ork walking in winter forest, warcraft" prompt and save bandwith, nothing of value will be lost.

Anonymous No. 968856

It does, but its a skill on the level of learning how to use a mop and a bucket.

Anonymous No. 968891

>manually entered in the coordinates of things to make Tron
just like God intended

Anonymous No. 968909

You outed yourself as either nuprompter that used AI maybe 10 times in his life, or as somebody who sniffs their own farts. Only thing you market with art is your skill, rarely creative talent. This is why so many artists just do generic well rendered dogshit. Now with todays AI making generic well rendered images is piss easy, because almost any piece of text will give you something well rendered, the prompting magic is in making something specific you have in your mind. This is also how artists get jobs, not to draw generic shit or whatever they want, but as part of some bigger project like movie, game, book and so on where you have certain setting and many people working on making it cohesive. Only there you will need prompting talent, which I have no idea how you want to market in the first place.

Anonymous No. 969064

>le adapt or die
it's the same thing. There's no reason anyone would be an artist for the money. You have to like the work or you're a retard, and honestly you have to like the work more than you like doing almost anything else. If you're in this field for any other reason you're not going to make it, or you're a hack, or your daddy got your a job so you can tell your friends you're an artist. The only good thing about this field is the work.
So why would I willingly transition into a job in the art industry that has the same limitations as being an artist (you need to build clout, there's massive competition, and you work alone) but now I'm not doing art? My life just got worst by every metric and now I'm doing something I despise instead of something I love?

>if you're good enough you don't have to worry.
Employers and clients often can't recognise good work. Sometimes it's not even money men, some people will just have a shitty generic boring ugly "vision" and the power to demand it. Now they don't even have to pay for this stuff, they can prompt it and stroke their dick about being "a creative" even harder.

>AI does take skill though it is artistic expression
You will not get people like me to respect you as an artist. That's what you want and that's what you won't get. So give up.There's no prompt for this.

The only thing I enjoy about this situation is the proompters clocking their twitter timelines with anime girls, delusionally thinking that they're going to be successful and respected any day now. It's unskilled labour, bitches, you're not employable and there won't be jobs for you. Very funny how much of a rude awakening they're in for.

Anonymous No. 969065

>You will not get people like me to respect you as an artist
Oh the horror

Anonymous No. 969067

did you guys know they animated Toy Story with command line prompts?

Anonymous No. 969069

When you use Autocad whatever you do with the GUI adds parameters to a command line. When the command is complete it gets executed as a prompt, then the display gets updated.
They didn't type the command manually, that's just how some software works.

Anonymous No. 969071

Looks like are generating a bit of openscad code with the GPT4 api and sell you the output.
Highly deceptive. It won't do useful stuff besides really basic shit that can be described in a few sentences.

Anonymous No. 969073

Can't think of a better use case for parametric design programs and a worse use case for generative AI programs.

Anonymous No. 969096

That fad has already past.