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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 968417

/wip/ - Works In Progress
Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>964650

List of free resources: (embed)
/3/ Discord:

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Anonymous No. 968422

Modeled one of them posable hand thingies.
In general I'm modeling some home decorations: some snowglobes (1 ball, 1 horizontal, 1 vertical), some bookends. What more decorations could I make?

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Anonymous No. 968431

Doin' some matryoshkas but furry.
Unwrapped two objects to see which was the better suited one for the texture projection. I'd say we have an obvious winner

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Anonymous No. 968434


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Anonymous No. 968435


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Anonymous No. 968436

Different anon here, this is as edgy as i could get it. No You can see that there is vertical warping aligned with the edges, but almost all of the horizontal warping is gone

Anonymous No. 968454

>but furry
Fucking degenerate.

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Screenshot 2023-1....jpg

Anonymous No. 968458

Anonymous No. 968460

Eat my ass nigger

What's that?

Anonymous No. 968462

ebike battery.
Im hopefully going to cover it with old 2 liter soda pop bottles.

Anonymous No. 968463

this is cool. looks a lot like the battery in my old scooter. is the wiring accurate?

Anonymous No. 968464

Almost. I have to be careful in the way I wire or there wont be enough space.
Pop bottles make for really strong heat shrink.

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Anonymous No. 968496

it's chirstmas 96 and everyone in the world got a n64.

not YOU

you boot dads business computer and play one of a few cOmPuTeR games

Anonymous No. 968513


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Anonymous No. 968536

Work on mah lizard slut continues. Did a quick and dirty skinning test and proportions and expected deformation zones all seem a-ok. Next up, retopo. God help me. I mean it's not hard, just tedious, especially the hip area, that always fucks me up and confuses me. Ah well

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Edge volume 03.webm

Anonymous No. 968550

This was a struggle. Just about all of my spare energy for the last 5 days have been dedicated to figuring out how to make all the points move along with the edges. I couldn't figure out how to rotate the points. So instead I did some voodoo math where the points know how far along they are in the edge in the resting position, and then find that place along the edge in the new posed position. Honestly, I'm not even sure how it works. Sometimes I'm blessed with brief windows of understanding. And then I look back at what I did, and I'm confounded.

Anyway, check out the points moving. Armature controlled.

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Edge volume 04.webm

Anonymous No. 968551

With the inner points set up, then mesh knows how distant it is from the inside. And so I can tell the points, "you've lost X amount of volume, fix that by scaling Y amount". And so the points avoid volume loss. For now, it works best on simple tube shapes. Like this elbow here. But for other parts of the body, it gets all jagged and ugly. Part of the problem is that there isn't a smooth transition between zones of influence. I have no idea how I'm going to solve that. But that's the next big hurdle.

I'm going to take a break from this though. I should have taken a break before, but I just couldn't rest until I figured out how to make the points fit the edges properly. Now that that's done, it's a good place to break.

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updated enlarged ....png

Anonymous No. 968681

is posting textures okay?
I'm recreating a scene from Blood in 3D and thought I'd try and recreate the look of the textures while I'm at it
I compiled a load of textures from Blood, made a palette out of it in Aseprite, then got my own textures (top section) and ran it through the palette in Aseprite
works okay I think, although anything with white, purple or bright green doesn't work nicely since Blood doesn't do those colors

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Anonymous No. 968682

still a /beg/ so it might show, but this is a fun way for me to learn at least, recreating something I find cool in memepoly

Anonymous No. 968683

That looks awesome

Anonymous No. 968684

So far, looks good!

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Anonymous No. 968750

Aaand she's finished. I don't know about you but I think she's precious, lil' nigga gonna make a fine home decoration

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Anonymous No. 968754

So I've been testing 3DF Zephyr with videos to get references to sculpt, overall the results are great, it is faster and it requires less machine than meshroom, the only problems are the fremiun version, limited to 50 images mask included, but it has a mask editor, and the workflow is less automatized.

Anonymous No. 968761

>photogrammetry in a /wip/ thread

Anonymous No. 968762

photogrammetry anywhere in 2023 is cringe

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Anonymous No. 968765

I'm glad you liked it, yw.

Anonymous No. 968766

Anon this is the /wip/ thread. What's the "work" that you did here? Yeah that's what I thought. Go away and make a photogrammetry-specific thread

Anonymous No. 968767

these are the referencse, I painted the masks too, took me almost 20 minutes.

Anonymous No. 968774

Meh, even so I still think photogrammetry is gay, you didn't even model that stuff yourself

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Anonymous No. 968778

Mech modelling mostly done, UVs come next

Anonymous No. 968781

Looking good! Is this Zbrush/Blender sculpting?

Anonymous No. 968782

yes, blocking out in blender and than sculpting in zbrush

Anonymous No. 968784


Anonymous No. 968785

Thank you!

Whoaah that looks fucking awesome. Did you do the concept art too?

Anonymous No. 968786

What's different about this compared to that one guy who was doing the same with his car? I remember he put peanut butter or something all over it because the reflective surfaces were fucking with it.

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025 - The Medic.png

Anonymous No. 968787

The Medic (Based on TF2 concept art)

Took me long enough...

Anonymous No. 968791

sadly no, I am not that skilled in concept art...
The Artist is called Brian Sum, look him up on artstation, he does cool stuff.

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Anonymous No. 968817

I'll go with the demon guy, I made a second scan and I've been blocking a bit, it is kitbash from a different sculpture mostly.

Anonymous No. 968823

Very cool anon, good job

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Anonymous No. 968883

Eggy egg on a frying pan

Anonymous No. 968922

Eventually solved my guitar string issue so I want to thank that anon for his advice. I ended up doing it in a semi-unconventional way because I'm lazy, but I'm sure it's okay. It does look much better, the strings are the right gauge now, and I got the faces down from ~1m for the strings alone to 82k for the whole model so I'm happy with that. I think I'm going to have to make some kind of normal map for them though because I just can't find one anywhere.

Also started texturing it and it looks dogshit. Although I've never been good at texturing. I was going to put it into substance, but I'm not sure what substance is like when it comes to ngons. Probably isn't worth doing it that way anyway for what it is.


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Anonymous No. 968934

Glad to hear it worked out for you.
>I think I'm going to have to make some kind of normal map for them though because I just can't find one anywhere.
Can't you just do it procedurally? Pic related should be enough of a starting point. For far away views anyway.
For close ups though you'd do a bit more.
Throw some roughness on there at certain points to break up the perfect gloss, maybe tarnish them a bit near the top of the neck where your fingers would go, and where you strum, so it looks like it was played. Add some slight marking on the bottoms of the strings where the strings would hit the little ribs on the fretboard. Somehow figure out a good way to get some dirt and fuzz between the coils... All that nitty gritty jazz.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 968979

Not related to thread, but here is a friendly discord server for 3d and art. Pretty friendly and chill.

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Anonymous No. 969028

I've worked a bit more on this the head doesn't look right but it could be fixed with the helmet maybe, it is a model to print so I'll sculpt it only.

Anonymous No. 969141

I didn't think about doing it that way, but it looks like it's worked perfectly well. Thanks. From a distance it's really subtle and I won't be doing any close ups so it's all cool.
I'll take a look at some refs for markings and such and see how I get on. I was watching a tutorial not long ago about adding dirt and fuzz and things so now might be the right time to give that a shot too. Although because it isn't close up it might not be worth it. Still, if I do decide to do some close ups I would definitely add that kind of thing in.
Appreciate all of your help.

While I'm here I might as well ask, I did a test render on something else, but I don't really know how to explain it, it's got this black rectangle across part of the texture. It's almost like the texture is being shrunk or the bottom is being moved up on the Z axis when it's rendered, but in the viewport it looks fine.
Anyone know what this could be? First time I've came across it.

Anonymous No. 969142

If you are going through all this trouble why not just make something of your own anyway?

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Anonymous No. 969165

Work on my lizard slut continues, did her head, will do the body too, soon
I also toyed around with skyboxes a bit, trying to figure them out. They're actually extremely simple: I tried Unreal Engine once and it seemed super complicated to set all the "sky stuff", let's call it that, up (so sky color, clouds, ambiental lighting etc.), but it's actually much, much simpler than that. The quick and dirty sky here is just a box with some keyframes to make it rotate ever so slowly. I also disabled its shadowcasting and plugged the Diffuse texture into the the Material's Emissive slot as well.
Anyway my attempt is very amateurish so I'll need to find some tuts that go a bit more in depth

Anonymous No. 969166

>I don't really know how to explain it
A picture is worth a thousand words, anon. Don't try to explain it, just show us what's up.

Anonymous No. 969170

>A picture is worth a thousand words, anon.

Anonymous No. 969191

I'm finally starting to understand your point. Looks like a convoluted way of going about it, but maybe at the end it will be worth it. Good luck anon.

Anonymous No. 969198

I could come up with 1000 words for faggot to describe you, and it still wouldn't be enough.

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Anonymous No. 969200

I'm trying to bog him, not quite there yet

Anonymous No. 969201


Anonymous No. 969204


Anonymous No. 969210

My name is Skyler White, yo.

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Anonymous No. 969213

Ok, fuck it

Anonymous No. 969223

This is how I make minis and things like that and I wanted to test 3DF Zephyr, yes I can work with imgs as references and things like that too but the sculpts are less accurate, I'll work more on that the next weekend, the wings and the hair will be a pain in the ass.

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Anonymous No. 969225

Starting to look like pic related

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Anonymous No. 969237

gotta love junji ito

Anonymous No. 969289

I like the sculpture

Anonymous No. 969294

Looks like my dad

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Anonymous No. 969300

Thanks senpai

Anonymous No. 969305

Sort of reminds me of a stylized Darlene Snell

Anonymous No. 969310


Anonymous No. 969316

Thanks. It seems convoluted. But I bet someone better at vector math than me could have figured as much out in a few days, rather than months.

Take a look at this guy's work:
He uses simulation to find the center of limbs. Those center points are a lot smoother than the ones I created and will probably get better results when deformed. I don't know.

I'm still not sure how to proceed. I'll have to think on it some more.

Anonymous No. 969320

I was going to ask why you let the crusty wire frame show. But I guess you enjoy the crackliness of it.

Anonymous No. 969322

This is a real nice look, you’ve got an eye for this. You should step into the creepy girl porn territory, it’s growing huge these days.

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Anonymous No. 969324

Good point. For some reason I always forget to do that.
Added a pic to explain it better than I can.

Anonymous No. 969327

Yeah that's definitely weird. What are the settings for your image texture? Do you have it set to something like clip? That'd do something pretty similar. You might also have a face that's occupying the same spot and casting a shadow on the area, I'd go over it and remove doubles to see if that fixes the issue.

Anonymous No. 969328

I just have it as
>Single image
It was on repeat, but that didn't seem to matter because I'd moved the UVs to a position where you wouldn't see any repeating.
At first I thought I might have had something in the way that was causing a shadow or rendering in front of it, pretty much the same as you say, but I disabled everything except that just to be sure and it still happens. Also tried to remove doubles too and there were none.
I'm going to try a different image and see if it happens with that too.
Thanks anyway dude.

Anonymous No. 969330

Never mind, I'm a total fucking retard. I forgot I had a subdiv on.

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Anonymous No. 969332

hnng I wish I was Wyatt langmore ngl
Is pic related good enough?

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Anonymous No. 969340


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click click pow.png

Anonymous No. 969341

Doin' a M16A2, you know, the one with the cool cheesegrater foregrip or whatever it's called.
Would like to continue modeling today but I gotta lay off for the time being, my wrist don't feel too good

Anonymous No. 969379

Hey dudes, someone asked me if they could pay in crypto, but traditionally I've only accepted money via paypal. I know fuck all about crypto, but I did say I'd consider it. I've tried looking it up and I get all kinds of bullshit about wallets and blockchain and crypto autists, but I just want to accept the payment somewhere and transfer it to cash on Paypal or something.
I don't want to get too into details, but Paypal doesn't work for him. He's paid me in the past though, so he's not trying to throw me for a loop.
So yeah, is there somewhere I can accept his payment and then send it to my paypal without a bunch of BS like installing some program that runs in CMD for pretend hackers? I'm sure some of you guys are getting paid.

Anonymous No. 969382

I've never done it myself, but I have heard of people being paid in crypto and then just selling the coins once they get them.
What most of them seem to do, I think, is sell them on coinbase and then cash their balance out to their bank (or paypal if that's possible).

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Anonymous No. 969408

Currently grabbing 2D images from boorus and recreating them in 3D. I hate all the 2D cheating tricks and detail cluttering to cover up something sketchy when I model the scenes, but I still like the images. Currently wondering how the fuck I'm supposed to figure out that mess of a ceiling on the platform.

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the chair nerd No. 969427

>I'm sure some of you guys are getting paid.

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Anonymous No. 969429

Added a flock of birds to this nature scene with boids. Does it look semi convincing? I even animated them but you cant offset it with boids it seems.

Trees made with The Grove. Plants straight from Megascans. Feels like cheating but whatever

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click click powww.png

Anonymous No. 969437

More progress: optimized parts, put on a different stock that's more in line with the foregrip's more blocky appearance, UV unwrapped parts, manually defined sharp edges. I'm only missing the lower receiver, mag, grip, trigger and stock. Gettin' close

Anonymous No. 969439

Looks good to me anon

Anonymous No. 969451

>Is pic related good enough?
Yes, cummers gonna cum

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Anonymous No. 969511

tried to recreate the bike scene from fallen angels. thoughts?

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Anonymous No. 969575

I've been working a bit more on this, the long feathers are done, they are sculpted individually, the other are just clones and i think I'll sculpt the smaller ones, I hope i can finish the wings this weekend.

Anonymous No. 969613

>bike scene from fallen angels
That's a really neat tunnel.

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Anonymous No. 969638

thank you. i told myself yesterday that i wont redo it again bc its driving me crazy yet i still did this. still havent color graded it tho. i think this is a little *bit* better

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Anonymous No. 969647

good god finally i think im done, post processing was crazy

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Anonymous No. 969682

final one i swear. what do yall guys think

Anonymous No. 969742

How do you use the HDRI lighting, but remove it from reflections? I'm not even sure if it is the HDRI I added or the default blender one.
Already tried that Mix RGB in the world properties method and it did nothing.

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Anonymous No. 969744

>but remove it from reflections?
Not sure entirely what you mean.
If you mean that you want to change the background to something else without affecting the reflections, you can do something like the left example.
If you want to affect ONLY the reflections, you can do something like the right example. I have half the object diffuse and half reflective to show that it's reflecting something different but keeping the lighting of the original for the diffuse.
If you want to remove reflections entirely, you'd do the same thing as the right, but set the color of the second input to black instead of inputting an HDRI.

Ignore the gamma node in the examples, they're just there to tweak the values to make the effect more prominent.

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Anonymous No. 969747

Thanks it was
>If you want to remove reflections entirely, you'd do the same thing as the right, but set the color of the second input to black instead of inputting an HDRI
that I needed. I was trying to remove the HDRI from the viewport background and from the reflections in the object itself. I'm not even at the lighting stage yet, but it was doing my head in every time I noticed it.

Are you that anon who was helping me with my guitar btw? If you are, it's gradually getting there I think. I just need to vastly improve my textures and work out how to properly map the imperfections.
I've only tried one so far, and white is probably the worst choice to use for them to show up, but still. When you zoom in you can see where the map doesn't extend . It's just there so I remember to go back to it.

Anonymous No. 969753

>Are you that anon who was helping me with my guitar btw?
I posted the string texture nodes and also recommended using curves.
It's looking pretty good though! If you're looking for imperfections, I have a black flying V guitar and that thing is a fingerprint and smudge magnet (especially where you rest your strumming hand and near the dials). Dust also likes to pool in the area between and around the pickups and that bit after the bridge where the strings angle down. Though to be honest I haven't played mine in a while, so the dust might just be because of that.

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Anonymous No. 969766

Did a business fridge. Was a pain in the ass, it took me much longer than it should have, but it's done, amen

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Anonymous No. 969771

Speed-modelling practice for videogame environment art. Making panelized sci-fi structure out of blocky shapes inspired by old game consoles.

Anonymous No. 969849

Looks good

Anonymous No. 969855

>I posted the string texture nodes and also recommended using curves
Yeah it is you kek.
Thanks dude appreciate that. I've looked up some pics specifically of flying Vs to see where the fingerprints and smudges are and it's pretty much just as you describe. I'm thinking that once I do the lighting properly it might highlight the imperfections a lot better. If not I might have to change the color.
Would using AO working for dust/grime/dirt around the pickups and anywhere else you'd expect it? I could do dust with particles in those sort of places, but I really don't think they'd be noticeable unless the camera was closeup so I was looking for a little cheaty way to do it because of the distance.

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Anonymous No. 969859

Anonymous No. 969861

bad anatomy
clothing folds that dont make sense

Anonymous No. 969897

This looks pretty cool nigga
My only gripe is the clothing folds on the upper pants (i.e. from the waist to the knee), they are not very realistic.
Also are those TWO adonis lines on his hips? Like if you look to the sides of the belly button there should be only one strip of flesh per side not two.
Other than that, good work

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Anonymous No. 969903

this is the very first completed project of mine
he's birb

Anonymous No. 969905

why the hell is santana merged with zodd?

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Anonymous No. 969922

Early attempt at making hair in my own physics simulator.

Anonymous No. 969924

Need more AAA workflow, you can go to the Cris thread to find out how you can achieve that kind of workflow

Anonymous No. 969925

Needs more workflow

Anonymous No. 969929

What does that mean?

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Anonymous No. 969944

more progress

Anonymous No. 969948

cool wings

Anonymous No. 969950

ty, it was a pain the ass to do that shit.

Anonymous No. 969953

my man's butt cheeks clenched real tight
also 6 pack in the wrong spot. it stops at the belly button. top 2 are just under the pecs

Anonymous No. 969960

no, that six pack is placed correctly.

Anonymous No. 969963


Anonymous No. 969964

it is tho

Anonymous No. 969973

ty but I have barely touched the torso and I'm just trying to match the reference.
I'll finish the feathers, the hair and some details the next 2 days and I hope I can do all the armor this weekend.

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Anonymous No. 969978

Testing vertex colors for painting in shadows and light highlights in environments. I feel it's getting there but could use more work. Having said that, the fact I can use as many vertex color attributes as I want to do stuff is very cool.

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Anonymous No. 969980


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Anonymous No. 969988

thanks for proving my point ;)

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Anonymous No. 970000

Trying to go for low-poly hair. Also have a question about it in the questions thread right here >>969999
if anyone can bother

Anonymous No. 970003

AO could work for around the pickups, sure. Then maybe mask off some areas in particular where you want dust to show up without relying on the AO on its own.
I think if you're using Blender 4.0 the new Principled BSDF node has a newer implementation of Sheen that is pretty nifty for dust (from how they've described it anyway).
If not, using the AO for the areas close to the pickups (a lower AO sample size might actually give a nice bit of graininess), and then using the AO as a mask to adjust the roughness and mix a bit of a dusty color into the base color would work pretty well I think. Maybe even breaking that up a bit more with a high frequency noise texture too.
Main thing is to bump up the roughness and use a grey color for the areas where dust will appear.

Anonymous No. 970009


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Anonymous No. 970014

i think you guys aren't seeing it

Anonymous No. 970069

Agreed, definitely needs more workflow

Anonymous No. 970071

You lost, it's ok man, just crack open an anatomy book, you'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 970096

No need for anatomy books, just follow the workflow like the real artists

Anonymous No. 970101

Sigma Chud Workflow or SCW is an essential part of the AAA production ready 3d model

Anonymous No. 970107

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raycast volume.webm

Anonymous No. 970140

I just realized something yesterday. And I should have seen it sooner. I can set up the raycast node, so that the rays start inside of the mesh, facing outward. I've been so focused on rays going from outside to in. When I should have been thinking from inside to out.

Now, the mesh knows when it's intersecting itself... about halfway. It detects intersection up to the point where the intersecting mesh passes through the center points. Then the rays are freed up again, as if they're not being hit at all.(because they aren't)
So it's probably not the grand solution I was looking for. But perhaps I can make it work by shooting a second set of rays from the backs of the first set of rays. I don't know. My head is swimming with ideas right now. None of them seem very good.

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shop propz.png

Anonymous No. 970251

Finished texturing my Shekelberg 9000 cash register today. Doing a bunch of shop props in general

Anonymous No. 970256

Man it definitely needs more workflow

Anonymous No. 970279


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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 970288

I made this in ~6 days. That’s not particularly impressive but it genuinely is a record for me considering how long I normally take. I could still stand to do more with the rigging.

Anonymous No. 970289

this is a blue board bruh, cover up them titties

Anonymous No. 970290

You can cover them if you like once I make my game. I was gonna use jewelry instead of regular equipment so you can use necklaces.

Anonymous No. 970291

Wtf, are you mentally handicapped?

Anonymous No. 970294

Yes, I have autism.

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Anonymous No. 970295

this looks really nice. how do you make your textures?
in regards to 'use as many vertex color attributes as I want' do you mean using more than just Multiply or whatever in the shading tab? here's how I usually set mine up

Anonymous No. 970321

I'm intending to use multiple so I can do various effects and possibly some texture blending, and I realized that Blender let's you have more than one Color Attribute.

It does mean that it is more complex to use since I have to paint two separate layers, but it also means I have alot of control over scene tone and how I paint in lighting without really needing lights in the scene.
I will likely need to add lights in the setup at some point, but for now I want to see how far I can go with just this to keep the look authentic.

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Anonymous No. 970322

forgot the image

Anonymous No. 970327

Cute low poly grrl. I don't know how this took you 6 days but hey we all gotta start somewhere, keep going, you'll get faster with time. She for a game or something or did you model her just for fun?

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Anonymous No. 970403

I'm done with this model, I could add minor things like wrinkles and other details but I'm tired of this sculpt, I'll try to do smaller things next.

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Anonymous No. 970404

Progress on my mech texturing

🗑️ Anonymous No. 970410

Don't be so salty, your work is incomplete, its just a constructive criticism, you just need more workflow

Anonymous No. 970411


Anonymous No. 970412

hello, arrimus

Anonymous No. 970414

I am just giving constructive criticism, I love helping people

Anonymous No. 970415

Hello, Sanders

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Edge projection c....webm

Anonymous No. 970449

I'm trying to figure out how to make the points bend between edges. I came up with this. But I'm not sure it's the best way. Basically, it sort of works like curves, except not using curves. The edges are set up so that only 2 edges connection. And then I do a bunch of node bullshit to sample the 2 end points of each edge. get their average position, then mix between the potions of the projected points and the average of the end points. Then set the factor of the mix by how near the projected points are to the center connected points of the edges.

It's probably not necessary to do all of this if I actually used curves. But I'm being stubborn and avoiding curves.

Anonymous No. 970450

it looks as if it was made out of plastic, which is obviously not a good idea
other than that it looks mad realistic

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shroom guy.png

Anonymous No. 970496

I finished the mushroom tutorial (my first ever 3d model) I am now ready to work at Blur studio...

Sadly the torrent I used didn't have the IMM brush used in the course so I'm missing a couple of details. Not a big deal though.

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Anonymous No. 970512

I need work more more on textures especially plaster but I'm almost happy with this one

Anonymous No. 970524

Noice I like both of your work, but make them with more workflow
They definitely need more workflow

Anonymous No. 970538


Anonymous No. 970539

I did make her for fun, but also because I wanted to make a game. In spite of the way she dresses, I wasn’t planning on making a porn game (but still an adult game), I’ve just been wanting to play around with the idea of a topless female character design for a while. My inspiration for such a design comes from my interest in history and cultures, like the way women from ancient civilizations around the equator (Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, SE Asia, etc.) would sometimes dress since it’s hot down there, and people had different standards of decency compared to today. I also take inspiration from some of the strange artwork some cultures created, like African power figures. They’re ugly little dudes, but I love them dearly and they make for great inspiration for monster designs.

She is indeed hot, that’s why she doesn’t wear a shirt. She’s gotta let herself air out.

Anonymous No. 970540

blender, sorry to disappoint you... or myself

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Anonymous No. 970551

I may never get a real woman, but as long as I can have a 3D serval wife I will be fine.

Anonymous No. 970552

Will you give her big boobies or small ones?

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Anonymous No. 970553

I think small boobies. She is not meant for cooming purposes.

Anonymous No. 970554

The normal maps on your bricks are inverted.

Anonymous No. 970557

then she's a companion, not a wife.
Wives are meant for breeding.

Anonymous No. 970559

>not meant for cooming
Anon, you should coom to your small boobie wife, she will be flattered.

Anonymous No. 970560

She is not flattered she is just flat

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Anonymous No. 970563

Well, its complicated. When I came up with her she was going to be my wife, but she deserves a loyal serval husband instead of a human like me, so now she has a serval man in her life. I made her so kind and perfect in my head that it would be a disgrace for a degenerate like me to be her husband, now I either watch them as a couple or self insert as a platonic friend. I think it's better this way.

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Anonymous No. 970565

Anonymous No. 970570

Looking good anon, did you do all the models yourself too?

Anonymous No. 970588

yes, took longer that I've expected

Anonymous No. 970605

You are so sad Anon, not even in your imagination you can get the girl.
>I'm a platonic friend
What is a lower range than a beta male?

Anonymous No. 970631

looks cool

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Anonymous No. 970632


Anonymous No. 970635


Anonymous No. 970638

let me start stating that it looks impressive, other than that it does indeed look like it's made out of plastic

perhaps the actual 3d niggas can give you more useful insight

Anonymous No. 970639

ok, the bottom left leg looks not made out of plastic

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Anonymous No. 970642

maybe to glossy for a metalic surface, also add some wear/use and dirt

Anonymous No. 970645

don't listen to these grime and dirt goblins.
Make it the most pristine chrome mech

Anonymous No. 970646

What about pristine chrome but full of mud

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Shiro Side Hop Ri....png

Anonymous No. 970670

main protagonist for the game ive been working on.

Anonymous No. 970677

looks good, under 1500 tris? can we see the face?

Anonymous No. 970682

i believe its somewhere around 1200 tris, im trying to aim lower eventually. sadly this is the only render i have

Anonymous No. 970689

looks good, reminds me alone in dark 1, in good way

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Anonymous No. 970690

801 crypt.

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Anonymous No. 970692

made a bunch of lego bricks and built something

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the chair nerd No. 970698

Nice. Lego renders are always cool.

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Anonymous No. 970755

k I think I'm done with this garbage

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Anonymous No. 970756

did also foggy version

Anonymous No. 970777

Put some graffiti on the walls. They take up 70%+ of your image with empty space. Wasted opportunity to make your render look interesting and alive.

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the chair nerd No. 970785

>k I think I'm done with this garbage
This render is what I call 16:9 fixation. Try and get out of the widescreen format.
>They take up 70%+ of your image with empty space.
Checked. Anon has the same point but as I said It may not be problem with the subject but the composition.

Anonymous No. 970790

It might just be me, but something feels off with the scale. It could be the bins. Where I'm from they're about 3.5ft tall and those red bricks are about 3.5". So there should be around 12 bricks per bin height. But in the render the bins are only 5 or 6 bricks high. Sort of feels like I'd tripped over them if I rounded the corner.

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Anonymous No. 970791

Good call with the Metal, I think I am getting close now to finishing this, some unique final touches maybe.

Anonymous No. 970797

i know you're posting a composition ref but christ, the grade on that image is horrible

the chair nerd No. 970799

Yeah not the best image only a ref.

Anonymous No. 970800

Definitely need more workflow, but the composition is good

Anonymous No. 970802

Having good references is an essential part of my day to day workflow, but thanks anyway

Anonymous No. 970806

I've worked too long on this project and want to hop on something new but thanks for well needed criticism.
more like nail in brain but you have point

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Anonymous No. 970810


Anonymous No. 970811

How do I know if my workflow meme is stale? Can I follow some kind of workflow to find out?

Anonymous No. 970814

the car in particular looks extremely realistic

Anonymous No. 970819

I feel like it needs harder edges/bevels in some places, like it doesn't look "HD" enough if that makes sense

Anonymous No. 970821

It does, my blur filter is to strong I believe. In general I cranked some values up to much in the render.

Anonymous No. 970822

nta, but it looks amazing really

Anonymous No. 970828

Yeah I see what you mean. Those bricks are fuckin huge.

I don't feel like there's anything to really look at in this. It's all modeled alright, but it's composed badly. The lines (and light) in the alleyway lead my eyes down it for zero payoff. Contrast is nonexistent. Loads of empty space on either side of the image that doesn't work well with what's going on in the center (I'd probably crop it to half of the walls on either side).
Never call your work garbage, that's for other people to say, but hopefully you've learned some things to use on your next project.

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Anonymous No. 970866

post ur best skeletons you stupid bastards

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Anonymous No. 970893


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Anonymous No. 970897

I started practicing 3D modeling with Blender yesterday, and here is today's result. Next, probably to practice modeling of the body parts.

It looks pretty dumb but you gotta start somewhere I guess

Anonymous No. 970906

Excellent rendering of Christina Hendricks. You really captured her essence.

Anonymous No. 970907


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Anonymous No. 970908

Calm down. I'm just having a little fun. It's a goof. Hendricks really does have that wide eyes, pursed lipped, slightly hooked nosed face.

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Anonymous No. 970912

That's pretty funny, actually I didn't use any reference for this lol.

But yeah I can see what you mean. This 3D stuff is really interesting, can't wait to learn more!

Anonymous No. 970915

Too much flesh, but other than that very good! If you did that and didn't just rip it off the internet then I'm jelly

I'm both deeply unsettled and curious to see what other horrors beyond human comprehension your depraved mind will spawn next

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Anonymous No. 970918

Completely nude skeleton.
It's 100% my own.
First I built a higher poly skeleton then I reduced the polycount to get to the simplest shape, that still represents a decent skeleton for simulation.

Anonymous No. 970925

>I didn't use any reference for this lol.
Yeah, you should use reference for absolutely everything.
It's not considered a "flex" when someone says they didn't use reference, it's just a red flag that they're bad at what they do. And they'll try to use that (and "I only did it in like an hour on my lunch break") as excuses as to why something is bad. Some people really are fine not using ref if they've really mastered what they're doing, but most people aren't masters.
You get a pass for now since you literally just started yesterday. Still, it's a good practice to use reference.

A little exercise my drawing teacher made us do that kinda really sent that home for me, was to draw a picture of your favorite dinosaur (or something else) from memory and then draw it again using reference images. It's obvious, but the ones using ref always turned out better.

But yeah, keep it up!

Anonymous No. 970927

keep rocking bud as long you have fun

Anonymous No. 970931

Sit on my face melted Mommy

Anonymous No. 970935

Don't sperg out. I made a reference to a famous person. All he said was he didn't use a reference to reply to me. He wasn't bragging or "flexing". He even tagged his sentence with "for this", which suggests that a reference is not an impossibility. Only, it wasn't the case THIS time.

>A little exercise my drawing teacher made us do that kinda really sent that home for me, was to draw a picture of your favorite dinosaur (or something else) from memory and then draw it again using reference images. It's obvious, but the ones using ref always turned out better.

If you drew from memory again, then your new memory dino would be better than your old memory dino. References are great for learning many things, but you should also have the ability to recall what you learned from memory. Part of your teacher's exercise should have shown you how you can improve your ability to visualize. Not always rely on references for every little thing.

Anonymous No. 970938

>you should use reference for absolutely everything
Sounds like the words of a guy who can't model without a reference.

Anonymous No. 970947

Keep going anon, today's results are shit, tomorrow's will be slightly less shit.

Anonymous No. 970948

I think you might have misinterpreted what I was trying to say. I wasn't sperging out, I recognize what he said. I know he wasn't trying to brag about not using reference. That's not really what I was saying, though I can see it being interpreted as that. I was just trying to say it's a good idea to use it, especially as a beginner. Since as a beginner it's easy to get into that pitfall of "well it's going to look like shit anyway, I'll use ref when I'm actually trying seriously to make something".

>If you drew from memory again, then your new memory dino would be better than your old memory dino.
Absolutely, I'm not arguing that. Still, having something handy to look at to reinforce that memory is better than not. Memory is nebulous and can change without you really knowing. Sure, I can know what something looks like, and be completely familiar with an object. Having a photo or that physical object on hand can offer up details that I otherwise would have forgotten or simply not noticed. That's why ref is useful. Not because I'm assuming people are all aphantasiatics that can't imagine what something looks like, or can't remember things after 30 seconds.
Besides, since it was a Still-life drawing class, I think the exercise was mostly about actually looking at something and drawing what's right there in front of you instead of looking at something and drawing your brain's interpretation of it.

Anonymous No. 970959

That's pretty neat, some really nice topology too, how did you do that? Did you use an add-on or something?

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Anonymous No. 970961

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Anonymous No. 970971

I pirated 3 anatomical models.
anatomy model plastic boy
Dosch human anatomy
the Kingslien anatomy model that comes with Zbrush, I did Kingslien's course on anatomy (it's okay)
I got myself the "human anatomy atlas" as another reference.
With the anatomy atlas you can quickly get the name of each muscle, then you put it into Yandex to get references and insertion points and Youtube to get their motion.

Don't rely on the 3D models to be accurate, all of them have some flaws somewhere.

How I got neat topology is poly modeling using a subdiv.
I didn't use any special trick, keep the polycount low and your edgeflow in mind.

Doing a bunch of poly modeling with subdiv is how you learn topology tbf.

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Anonymous No. 970972

I tried to get the shapes with as simple shapes as possible.
If I wanted to add more detail, then I would apply the subdiv once I got my shape and keep working on the higher plycount (probably make some changes to the topology around the knee joint to get a clean groove)

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Serpentinite Clay....png

Anonymous No. 970973

And use a muted blueish green matcap not white or red, you can see the shapes better in this color.

Anonymous No. 970977

that dude still around? always got the sense he thought he was hot shit. i guess back in day when there were fewer people in the field, he was.
last time i saw something from him it sounded like some self-help gifting for artists.

Anonymous No. 970980

I have no idea all I know about the guy is his one anatomy course for sculptors and his zbrush ecorche model.
His course was decent, it lacked a lot in the finer details I was looking for but it seemed good for sculptors.
I have to say his anatomy model is the prettiest but also the least accurate.

Anonymous No. 970981

he's been around in the zbrush scene for as far back as i can remember. you might recognize some of his work lmao:

Anonymous No. 970986

Very interesting, much obliged skelly-anon-kun

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 971018

Thanks for the feedback


Good point maybe

Maybe I should start another character, I'm still a total newbie on 3D so need to learn a lot more.

Thanks, I will!

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Anonymous No. 971019

Thanks for the feedback


Good point maybe

Maybe I should start another character, I'm still a total newbie on 3D so need to learn a lot more.

Thanks, I will!

Anonymous No. 971034

I really like this circle, did you use an sphere to make it or you made an sculpture and retopo later?

Anonymous No. 971038

you will never ever make it if you pirate.

Your skull isn't even close to being accurate, btw.

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Anonymous No. 971055


Anonymous No. 971062

I come from the homepage just to say holy shit.

Anonymous No. 971070

Absolutely horrifying. Keep up the dreadful work, and I mean "dreadful" in the most fear-inducing way

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Anonymous No. 971071

Not that anon, but here, just for you

Anonymous No. 971072

hes right, that skull is shit tier

Anonymous No. 971075

Why are you so envious?

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Anonymous No. 971089

I have roughly two more days to finish my scene for a contest, I'm still fairly new to blender and I did this scene while figuring out shit on the fly in a few hours, anything I could improve yet? (I haven't finished the stairs yet and will put snow around the cabin with fir trees and a lake after)

Anonymous No. 971091

You're delusional. I fucking told you guys that pirates never make it and all you did was prove me right.

Anonymous No. 971092

U will never place in competition with this garbage

Anonymous No. 971096

nice samefagging, midwit

Anonymous No. 971097

Reading comprehension

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 971099

It's spelled 'he's,' not 'hes.'

Is this what you do all do come to this half dead board and seethe at anons?

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Anonymous No. 971101

It's spelled 'he's,' not 'hes.'

Is this what you do all day? Come to a half-dead board to seethe at anons?

Anonymous No. 971107

I don't care Cris, it's not my goal

Anonymous No. 971108

not sure why he's bringing piracy into it, just makes him sound like a digitally illiterate weirdo

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Anonymous No. 971112

Some progress

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Anonymous No. 971120


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Anonymous No. 971138


Anonymous No. 971141

You merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, molded by it.

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weel what is it.jpg

Anonymous No. 971143

You were merely born in the dark. I possess the soul of it.

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Anonymous No. 971148

For you

Anonymous No. 971152

Reminds me of the style the "american goblin spamming the BBC button" uses. I bet those two would be happy together - they're equally horrible.

Anonymous No. 971153

It looks like she is made of plasticine, the character would look really good for stop motion.
I am starting to like the sculpture anon, with some hand sculpting textures would look like those old stop motion cartoons I used to watch but more adult

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Anonymous No. 971164

Thanks, I really appreciate your comment. It's true that I've only been practicing 3D workfor a few days or a week only, but I'm very enthusiastic about the subject. Doing it at the moment is difficult when you have to look for a tutorial at every step.

What do you mean about the ''american goblin spamming the BBC button'' lol?

Anonymous No. 971166

There's this really low quality animated 3D clip which gets posted on some boards from time to time. Think of the amerimutt meme and transfer that to 3D. It's just a short clip of the amerimutt character sitting at the desk, scrolling through 4chan and seeing something that "activates his neurons" to spam the only button on the keyboard labeled "built for BBC" or some shit. Somehow your style reminds me of that.

Anonymous No. 971195

Please, for the love of God, anon, make animations with this thing. Seeing this filled me with so much childlike joy. The dramatic lighting highlighting her cottage cheese curves makes this the best model in the fucking thread.

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Anonymous No. 971196

Am I going in the right direction or am I way off?

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 971197

Reference image

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Anonymous No. 971202

Oh I've never seen that lol

Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but thank you for kind words anyway! I have so much learning to do first with this 3D software but making animations would be amazing.

Anonymous No. 971204

>Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not
Pretty sure anyone praising your model is not serious. But you're still about 3.5 times better than cris.

Anonymous No. 971213

Who's cris? I'm glad that if at this very new moment I can be better than someone haha.

Anonymous No. 971227

you are best

Anonymous No. 971228

he's the board "chud"

Anonymous No. 971232

Still pretty sure you're being sarcastic lol

Never heard, I'm nee here

Anonymous No. 971236

Basically if you see any demoralizing posts or posts promoting AI, it's his doing. Don't fall for it.

Anonymous No. 971239

has he made anything high quality or does he just shitpost?

Anonymous No. 971243

Cris is soul of/3/ he even finished a game, what are your accomplishments apart from crying?
I like the melted Mommy character. >>971232
Not sarcasm, I do like your character, it's interesting
If you are talking about Cris he made a game, I played it last night. It's better than I imagined

Anonymous No. 971244

>Never heard, I'm nee here
Cris is a guy from Venezuela that people hate because he is the only one doing something in the board, so Anons don't like him because he is the only person posting work and not maya Vs max shit.

Be more like Cris, keep posting and better yourself. Don't be like those looses complaining about everything.
I also like your work, keep going and you are going to get much better really soon

Anonymous No. 971245

Cris... Take your meds...

Anonymous No. 971246

I'm not Cris you idiot.
You are crying because you know what I said it's true. Stop complaining about everything and go back to work, you would have 3d models to post and not just your tears

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Anonymous No. 971251

Small update. What do you think? Reference in previous post.

Anonymous No. 971252

Doesn't look like a "girl". Nose is too pointy. Eye slanting is the wrong angle, giving the eyes a different shape. Grin/Mouth is too wide, lips are too small - at least the lower one. The chin is a bit too massive for a female. Shrink it down a bit in height and width. Try to keep as much of the scene in the previews as possible, even if it's just temporary. The missing teeth rows make it look even more alien and harder to compare, especially with the thin lips.
I'm obviously assuming you want to recreate that face as close to the original as possible.

Anonymous No. 971256

Thanks for the feedback.

Anonymous No. 971258

you dont really know anatomy at have no fundies

Anonymous No. 971275

I'm this guy >>971195
I meant it when I said your renders made me smile. They'd fit in perfectly as a weird surreal claymation video with dark humor. Youtube has a ton of these types of animations but your model specifically looks like clay stuff Lee Hardcastle does. I imagine his humor with your model. Dont listen to the crabs and just practice. Keep it up fren, you're gonna make it.

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Anonymous No. 971338

Slowly and painstakingly building mah hoos. I really need to streamline my modular pieces creation process, as it stands I have too many and it needlessly complicates shit, becomes a hassle to work with when it's intended to make your life easier, not harder. Still, I believe in this project's potential

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2024-01-15 21_56_....png

Anonymous No. 971346

How do you actually practice sculpting? I want an exercise regiment, you know how drawabox has a homework section at the end of each lesson? Is there one for 3d sculpting? Anyone here interested in mentoring a newbie for a bit? Just someone I can pester with questions and ask for guidance, I know its probably a lot to ask but maybe theres a chance? Blogpost sidenote I think I wanted to do 3d for as long as I can remember but for whatever reason the fear of sucking at it stopped me for years, and now that im over that fear im almost euphoric to do it, even if the end result fucking sucks, the process is so soothing and meditative, all of my anxiety is gone, all negative thoughts purged. Nothing compares to it (picrel reflects my inner feelings when im sculpting)

Anonymous No. 971366

Needs a little bit more of workflow
You can clearly see the lack of workflow on the textures
Needs more workflow
Good workflow so far
That's not finished, put more workflow on the thing
Definitely needs more workflow
Can you give us the workflow for anatomy learning?

Anonymous No. 971367

He is, guy doesn't pay for his hentai and anime either.

Anonymous No. 971372

Looks literally homosexual.

Anonymous No. 971375

Not sure how to feel about the workflow gimmick...

Anonymous No. 971376

>I want an exercise regiment
A workflow basically.

It's not a gimmick. It's a social commentary about artists over complicating things and inventing issues that don't exist in order to justify their complete lack of talent and questionable usefulness in the context of a modern society.

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Anonymous No. 971387


Anonymous No. 971389

Looking good anon keep it up

Anonymous No. 971392

I just wanna see him hop and bounce around like a puppy.

Anonymous No. 971393

animation of this thing actually shooting would be so cool, it has to lean forward and brace itself right before the firing

Anonymous No. 971394

based hiigaran aesthetic.

Anonymous No. 971407

if you can match a reference, you can freestyle with confidence and make whatever you want in 3d

if you can't match a reference, it means your eyes need more training, you're not fully in control of your work tools, the art process, and there's too much randomness in everything you do. It means you don't have a bar of quality you're aiming for, which is dangerous.

If you want a 2-in-1 combo for getting a grip on basic shapes and subtle details, I recommend sculpting human faces from reference.

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collage 1.png

Anonymous No. 971410

just finished, trying to replicate the look of FF7 models by painting with vertex colors

Anonymous No. 971412

nice workflow anon, i like your 3d model

Anonymous No. 971417

Just pick a subject matter you enjoy (characters? faces?) and turn in something small of that every day. Do that enough times and eventually you'll get all the practice and skill you could ask for. You don't need a regiment or a mentor.

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2024-01-21 23_11_....png

Anonymous No. 971432

Thanks! Will do

Anonymous No. 971435

Can someone tell me which program this is made in?

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Anonymous No. 971466

ok I'll try to put more workflow, I've blocked the armor, some of the accessories are done too.

Anonymous No. 971469

Is looking much better anon, good workflow

Anonymous No. 971484

Workflow makes everything superior

Anonymous No. 971485

the work must flow

he who controls the work, controls the universe

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Anonymous No. 971495

how am I going until now?

Anonymous No. 971496

It was made a very long time ago anon.
I think I vaguely remember it being made in 3ds Max. Though for obvious reasons my memory is pretty hazy on it.

Anonymous No. 971502

I recognize the wild topology on the feet. I used to do something quite similar when I box modeled something. You'll have to redo the feet sooner or later. It never ended well when any kind of animation was involved and it also didn't look right from any angle. Try to implement an ankle (sideways cylinder for now) into your topo asap, so you can use that as a hinge and to connect the quite complex flow of the shape feet have.
Why is the torso this detailed btw? Your arms are jelly of the verts there. What's your reference image?

Anonymous No. 971504

That comment probably took longer to type than the guy took to make this... Thing

Anonymous No. 971505

3ds max

Anonymous No. 971506

I love it!

Anonymous No. 971550

Have you tried tracing the 3d model?

Anonymous No. 971553

Did yo traced your 3d model? Be real with me, tell me that you didn't trace it

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Anonymous No. 971565

>What's your reference image?

Anonymous No. 971588

Did you trace it yourself? I want to start tracing 3d models and become millionaire. I just need more workflow

Anonymous No. 971604

jokes on you, that's a ""traced"" model, you can see the scans here >>968817 .

Anonymous No. 971606

Did he became a millionaire?

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They aren't ....jpg

Anonymous No. 971617

If you were on the beach with your qt gf and a looky looky man came up asking you to buy his 4chan Plus™ Based Pills™ would you buy them or would you tell him he needs to put more effort into his workflow and shitty labels and textures?

Anonymous No. 971622

I will tell him that It Needs Nore Workflow

Anonymous No. 971624

Thank you for the feedback! I'm glad to hear it made someone smile lol. I've taken a few days off from practice but have to get back on it soon!

Anonymous No. 971627


Anonymous No. 971656

I knew it
You are a tracer, a 3d tracer. Pathetic

Anonymous No. 971712

>You are a tracer, a 3d tracer. Pathetic
I'm pretty sure that's the idea. He's just cleaning something up so he can print it, if I remember right. It's something like that.

I feel like you're a tourist here complaining and trying to rally people towards your rant about that one game that doesn't matter.
No one here really cares.

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Anonymous No. 971786


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Anonymous No. 971787

Animation is not my calling.

Anonymous No. 971788

i think to animate well you have to find a subject or a scene that interests you in making it look really good. What this is varies per person. So, you weren't interested in animating this robot and making it look good, which is fine. You cant really force interest

Anonymous No. 971791

hello potion seller

Anonymous No. 971793

if you can maintain this style it would probably make for a proper horror game.

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130 - SoyBooru.gif

Anonymous No. 971797

>4cuck furfag is also a neutralcoaler
many such cases

Anonymous No. 971812

The animation looks good.

Somebody in /lgbt/ was looking for you. You better go back.

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Anonymous No. 971850

I have to add a couple of details here and there but it is done, at last.

Anonymous No. 971851

those arms simply dont look right

Anonymous No. 971852

they match the refference more or less .....

Anonymous No. 971853

it looks like someone with synthol in their body, like Rich Piana, but even more extreme

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Anonymous No. 971854

>like Rich Piana

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Anonymous No. 971871

Thanks! I've tried to make some ideas today with it. All the other objects here are made with AI lol, so its not that cool.

But nice to flip some ideas around.

Anonymous No. 971877

>All the other objects here are made with AI lol
Don't bro, I hold you in higher regard than that, if you use AI I lose all respect for you, you can make those models by yourself, no AI shit needed

Anonymous No. 971878

I just tried that because I saw a post about it here, I also dislike the AI crap but it was kind of interesting to try what it's capable of.

Anonymous No. 971887

AI is like watching sports on TV or in person, even. You could find out what the players are capable of.

You need to give up the AI and find what You are capable of.

Anonymous No. 971890

How often should I post? I don't wanna spam the thread if all I've managed to get done for the day is like, the character's toes or something. But is that a big deal even?

Anonymous No. 971892

Just post Anon, there are so little posts on here.
Some Anons would complain, but they complain about everything

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Anonymous No. 971899

Anonymous No. 971901

No, you're not allowed to have fun on my board. Maybe you can spam once I get bored of this website and leave, which is going to happen eventually, but right now you have to avoid doing things that make me angry for a reason I can't explain.

Anonymous No. 971915

>it was kind of interesting to try what it's capable of
That's the trap: you just try it at first, it seems harmless, and then before you know it you end up using it more and more until you become entirely dependant upon it.
Don't fall into that trap: be free from AI and become capable of making models by your own

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Anonymous No. 971920

improved version
Aside from the head, is the body alright in its current state for a low-poly model?

>You'll have to redo the feet sooner or later. It never ended well when any kind of animation was involved and it also didn't look right from any angle.
I don't get why the feet? They don't even need that much of an animation, I'm more concerned about stuff like shoulders/knees/elbows

>Why is the torso this detailed btw?
If I add loops to the limbs, they propagate to the whole body

Anonymous No. 972006

It's a tool anon, not a fucking drug. It's not really making your work any easier, just shifting it elsewhere. Assuming you had 8 hours to work on a project, you can spend most of that 8 hours on the important shit, instead of like 1 or 2 because you had to spend like 6 hours modelling all the bits and pieces that don't "really" matter in the scene except for fleshing it out. You're still working 8 hours, the only difference is where you focused that time.

Anonymous No. 972007

I don't want to post my fail here, but how do I model vagina well in the open position in Blender? Does anyone have a tutorial for the modeling portion of NSFW stuff?

Anonymous No. 972041

As if I wanted to compare it to a drug. My concern was with overreliance on AI, to the point that you depend on it too much rather than developing your own skills. You really, really, REALLY shouldn't depend on AI since it's a proprietary tool that can be taken away from you at a moment's notice, literally a crutch kicked from down under you. Artistic skill on the other hand can never be taken away from you for as long as you keep it honed

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Anonymous No. 972080

Getting around to finishing this. Finally done with the modelling, time for UVs...

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Anonymous No. 972081

Some close-ups.

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Anonymous No. 972084


Anonymous No. 972085

how many hours did this take?

Anonymous No. 972111

Impressive but also
>3 million triangles
ouch my viewport performance

Anonymous No. 972114

nice waifu, would hug. does she have a name, anon?

Anonymous No. 972116

It's one of lansane's bajillion OC characters.

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Anonymous No. 972156


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Anonymous No. 972184

Forgot to post my area. Here is the finished product. Currently making the bug like thing below which means learning basic animation and rigging.

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Anonymous No. 972185

Current progress on said bug.

ugh sexoo.... *cums*

Anonymous No. 972186

Damn that is triple A material there!

Anonymous No. 972187

This entire board is dead as fuck. I don't think you'll end up spamming if you are worried about such a thing.

Anonymous No. 972190

>This entire board is dead as fuck
basically everybody is on discord now. I get much better feedback from industry pros, get to talk directly to actual dedicated official support if i need it 5 days a week, dont have to deal with trolling or racism etc. Forums and boards you visit outside of discord are legacy imo

Anonymous No. 972193

>Forums and boards you visit outside of discord are legacy imo
I agree that Discord tends to be more higher quality. Threads like /agdg/ are active enough. I think /3/ is dead because 3d modelling only is just too a specific of a niche that I think is too small for an entire board but big enough that it can't be contained in a general. However I believe places like 4chan in particular still serves a very useful purpose when it comes to feedback. At least, it's a far preferable audience to say, Reddit. I also believe 4chan has a far higher concentration of actually skilled users compared to a lot of places due to it being a natural gate-keep and autism being linked to actual skill.

Sure, you probably won't meet too many huge "pros" but I think those truly big pros would be spending too much time on either Discord or forums anyway. But from what I've seen, it's sufficient enough.

Anonymous No. 972202

more transparency on the veil and dress please

I really like the bug body here, I think the sections look really nice. Are you just folding a plane into the shape you want?

/3/ has always been dead. I've checked here when it first came out.

I don't need professional help anyway, just someone more skilled than me. So I'm trying to model genitals, should I model them from the open or closed position?

I know this has barely progressed from getting started, but I've already started over like 3 times now...

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Anonymous No. 972204

>I really like the bug body here, I think the sections look really nice. Are you just folding a plane into the shape you want?
Thanks. Yeah. For certain parts like the exoskeleton which I can just add a solidify modifier if I wanted to thicken it.

>I don't need professional help anyway, just someone more skilled than me. So I'm trying to model genitals, should I model them from the open or closed position?
I don't have experience with this but I would assume genitals would have to be quite high detailed to look good. Which would mean the sculpting > retopology workflow rather than box modelling it. Though, you probably can. Are you using references? This sort of thing overlaps like with regular drawing in general.

Anonymous No. 972212

So when sculpting, do I just need enough polys to hold detail?

Anonymous No. 972223

look at him go!

🗑️ Anonymous No. 972225

ty, the final sculpt has 1.1K objects and 5.5M tris

Anonymous No. 972228

ty, the sculpt has 50 hours of work or so, 1.1K objects and 5.5M tris.

Anonymous No. 972229

Pretty much. I think your type of question can only really be solved by going at it. Looking at the wireframe of actual models and or speed sculpting videos would probably help. At least, I assume that you are lesser skilled than me so that's how I "feel" the form. I also just straight up draw certain sections in Clip Studio Paint if I don't understand how it works. Are you a beginner or something? If so, going through more fundamental stuff would help before you tackle something specific like genitals.

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Anonymous No. 972242

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Anonymous No. 972325

what do you plug in 3dsmax arnold material's bump map?
there are these 3 maps & all have bump, input, & normal
and none come up right in render

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Anonymous No. 972422

Just messing around with blender after a long break. Still kinda new :p

Anonymous No. 972496

This looks very cool anon. This for a game or just for fun?

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Anonymous No. 972509


I do not believe zBrush does viewport transparency, unfortunately.

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Anonymous No. 972521


Anonymous No. 972673


Anonymous No. 972703

Just for fun, I could use more rigging practice so maybe ill do that once its fully retopo'd and try getting it into unreal or something

Anonymous No. 972770

Great stuff anon, cool to see your progress

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Anonymous No. 972771

Didn't put a huge amount of effort into the environment but here's a render of a fish I've been working on

Anonymous No. 972784

Fishe :D

Anonymous No. 972785

this place is so dead that sometimes I imagine the worst - some anon takes the work I posted here and impersonates me on discord to get those sweet sweet (You)'s elsewhere

it's not like I'd ever know either, I don't frequent those places

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Anonymous No. 972793


Anonymous No. 972795

>tfw no wants to even pretend the shit you make is their own for (you)s or otherwise

Anonymous No. 972939

Thanks bro.

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Zip20 !!YBmF52TMlBQ No. 972960

Okay, what do you think. I don't think it's very important to copy the shape of the reference 1 to 1, it's important that the face is appealing. Maybe eyes too big?

Anonymous No. 972983

New thread get in here homos

Anonymous No. 973008

That's funny.
Fuckin tourist.