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AI autismo.png

🗑️ 🧵 AI is now houdini but for 2D

Anonymous No. 968493

>AI will replace artists
>It literally becames houdini autismo mixed with blender nodes autismo to make anime porn

Anonymous No. 968494

go back

Anonymous No. 968554

12 year olds aren’t allowed on this board sorry bucko

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Anonymous No. 968758

>that smol spaghetti nodes workflow
do you even autisting?
autist harder, faggot.

Anonymous No. 969164

I just used ChatGPT to write me some MEL scripts for Maya. Holy shit

Anonymous No. 969168

good, now we can weed out the millions of shitty artists that paint whats trending for clicks and clout. We can finally see the actual artists that enjoy what they do for themselves.

Anonymous No. 969218

>mfw i look this up and this guy's just wired up a bunch of nodes to recreate auto1111 is trying to use it to sell himself as a consultant

>Since 1999, Alessandro delivered almost 500 presentations as a keynote speaker, all around the world, for audiences of over 4,000 people. Alessandro also delivered countless consulting engagements for some of the biggest brands in the world.

i'm so tired...