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Anonymous No. 968920

Real Pro animators for film DON'T use cycles in production, so many of the "features" of your animation packages are worth less than you think.

Anonymous No. 968951

Real Pro animators will get filtered by ai along with the rest of memedustry within this decade

Anonymous No. 968956

Doubt. Look at the ai controversy with chat gpt, dalle and bing. Its incredibly neutered and thousands of prompts are blocked, even regular shit. And this prompt blocking is only set to get worse.

Because of this, you dont need to worry about ai for 3d. Stable diffusion was a once in a lifetime mistake

Anonymous No. 968960

>ai is neutered
Gods may do what cattle may not

Anonymous No. 968966

yeah, traditional 3d in DCCs don't get blocked by keyword prompting deemed to be offensive. And its only going to get worse - a lot worse. You can bet on that.

Anonymous No. 968975

Thank you for thinking that prompters are cattle, but I would consider them to be lower than that.

Anonymous No. 968981

They are, as are any people in the memedustry, you and ainigs are very much alike in the sense that both of you will be begging for money on the streets by the end of the decade

Anonymous No. 968984

These restrictions are only creating space in the market for competitors.
The technology underpinning ChatGPT, the transformer model, is public information.
No individual product will constrain this growth.
The cat is genuinely out of the bag and it’s not going back in and every day you will see the cat more and more regardless of what CatGPTs stock price is.

Anonymous No. 969003

>The technology underpinning ChatGPT, the transformer model, is public information.
Your "transformer" is literally a glorified python dict run on GPU derived from millions to billions of hand classified data that strips attribution, licenses, copyright, and being "right". You should know this. Chat GPT and other AI is quite literally an abomination. But, let me guess - you believe in ASI coming too? Roflmao

All of your prompts in new AIs are locked and nanny'ed and it will probably get locked or at least nannyed on a hardware and OS level at some point too, on all devices.

Anonymous No. 969004

>”your” transformer
*our transformer, it’s public information
>it will probably get locked on all devices
And so space will be made within the market for competitors without those restrictions

Anonymous No. 969005

what part of "all AIs will be locked and nanny'ed at a hardware and OS level" do you not understand? You will never ever be able to share, distribute, store in the cloud, let alone SELL anything made with AI that goes against the rightthink. You will be cracked down on and blacklisted if not outright jailed.

I'm trying to warn you. Your only option is to hand craft your works in 3d packages and at most use pure machine learning, not AI

Anonymous No. 969006

>what part of "all AIs will be locked and nanny'ed at a hardware and OS level" do you not understand? You will never ever be able to share, distribute, store in the cloud, let alone SELL anything made with AI that goes against the rightthink. You will be cracked down on and blacklisted if not outright jailed.
Too late. Current open source models and consumer hardware is already good enough

Anonymous No. 969008

This is a sad cope, unfortunately for you. The market will supply the demand.
Coca Cola is already selling AI products. Top animators are already using AI to supplement their work. Games are already using AI textures. The average internet news article has been written by AI for over 5 years now.
Just look at the AI porn scene. These people are running local models on their own hardware. They have lots of money. Someone will be there to sell them computer hardware to make their content.

Anonymous No. 969009

Again, all you have is literally a python dict running on GPU. I hate to be the one to have to tell you this

>coca cola

>nonsensical / babby level ai texturing

all you're doing is proving me right. You're in for a very rude awakening. I hope you stop posting on this board too and migrate over to /g/ so you can post with your fellow ASI cultists

Anonymous No. 969010

>Again, all you have is literally a python dict running on GPU. I hate to be the one to have to tell you this
Measurably incorrect

Anonymous No. 969011

sorry, but no. You have people that create associations (third worlders workers working for pennies) creating the associations and categorizations. This is a dict. You expand on it a little, but its still a dict.

Anonymous No. 969012

Huh? I wasn't asking your opinion, I was informing you of a provable fact. It's not something to have a debate over

Anonymous No. 969013

im not giving you an opinion, either.

Anonymous No. 969014

but go ahead, tell me how needing millions of hand categorizations and assocations isnt a glorified dict just because someone called it something else and published it you little baby

Anonymous No. 969023

You’re fooling yourself. Why isn’t photoshop locked down and incapable of editing women naked? Because these restrictions are pointless, difficult to implement, and only serve to push your customers away. The regulated AI products will be pushed out of the market in favor of open options.
I might see your argument if it was true for any other product that exists. Not a single one is restricted in the way you are saying AI will be restricted. The mechanism to enforce such a restriction simply does not exist within the realm of profitability. Maybe you’re trying to convince yourself, to tell yourself that you’ll always have a job because the AI will be restricted. But it won’t be restricted. It can’t be restricted. It’s genuinely too late and we should all start coping with a post-ai world.

Anonymous No. 969039

You're welcome. Your ai is babby level and every step you make at a software and os level will be monitored to prevent wrongthink. You think its bad now, but just wait and see it get exponentially worse. With or without internet. Bet on it.

Anonymous No. 969040

>I might see your argument if it was true for any other product that exists. Not a single one is restricted in the way you are saying AI will be restricted. The mechanism to enforce such a restriction simply does not exist within the realm of profitability.


Its called always online AI database and wrongthink censorship as well as future censorship built into the os and eventually the hardware with a custom chip. It is profitable for _no company_ in this current environment to be the company that allows X "awful" event to be recreated with AI and then posted on social media. If you think this, you are a fool, straight up. It has happened and it gets censored again and again. Like I said - Stable was a once in a lifetime mistake and even that mistake could be corrected, with all the new lawsuits going on (and waiting for a supreme court ruling)

Anonymous No. 969041

Dude Laion-5B database which was used to train stable diffusion is already being purged from the internet because there are few pictures of cp in it. And you can't just scrape a new one because most of the images in the web are now neuroshit made by sd and dalle. It's over unless you own the internet archive servers or something.