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is this good enough to make coomer money? No. 968942

Some tips to improve it, where is it good to promote yourself?
also show and look thread

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is this good enough to make coomer money? No. 968943


is this good enough to make coomer money? No. 968944


Anonymous No. 968945

What in the everloving fuck is this

Anonymous No. 968961

3DGuy has some serious competition

Anonymous No. 968988

>good enough to make coomer money
In isolation, no
If textured and whatnot, probably but nothing much
There'd be at least 1 coomer that'd pay for something like this @ this level

>Some tips to improve it
I don't know where to start, would just boil it all down to keep learning how to model (&texture) and compare your work to that of other coomers. 9999 out of 10000 of them aren't making models from scratch though because they don't have the skill. so you're semi-competing with game/software studios on the modelling front.
You're better off just downloading other peoples kit bashed shit like everyone else.

>where is it good to promote yourself etc.

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Anonymous No. 969051

I think its this?

Anonymous No. 969057

Average american female

Anonymous No. 969072

What ever you were going for I think you nailed it.
But for gods sake don't post it here once you've uv mapped and textured it.

Anonymous No. 969269

Surely it will vore cute girls right?

Anonymous No. 969271

I know it's WIP but add some more lighting. That shit is too dark to see