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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 968996

Don't mind me

Anonymous No. 968999

Good work!

Anonymous No. 969001

Thanks Anon

Anonymous No. 969026

Sad that I meant it to have a transparent background but ended up solid black.
I will have to choose a non-transparent background for the next ones.

Anonymous No. 969092

Only one video format can have a transparent background and it isn't supported on this site. Gifs can have transparent BGs here though.

Anonymous No. 969093

That's a good looking man

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Anonymous No. 971766


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Anonymous No. 974605

Test of making different faces/hair that should look like they belong to different people. Edits of same mesh with different hair.
Middle one has a different material.
I've been slacking but I hope to put more effort into making 3d models soon.

Anonymous No. 974612

That guy has *extremely* pronounced spinal curvature

Anonymous No. 974646

True. I will try to do better the next time.

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Anonymous No. 978625

I'm going to try redoing this model, hopefully better.

Anonymous No. 978788

Nice models, your style is pretty unique

Anonymous No. 978803

I am going to mind you...
You have been mound.

Anonymous No. 978926

Need to see her on a skateboard doing a sick ass grind down a stair set.

Anonymous No. 979817

*hides thread*

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Anonymous No. 980038

Thanks, Anons!

Animating is hard.

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Anonymous No. 980042

You're a real one. Thanks.

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Anonymous No. 983818

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Anonymous No. 984872


Anonymous No. 984899

kek, truly based

Anonymous No. 986727

If you don't mind me asking, what software did you use to display this? I like the little hexagon stand and the tri and tex info in the top

Anonymous No. 986733

I really like your texturing anon, good job

Anonymous No. 986926

Great job anon! Not to be pushy, but what software is this? I'd like to be able to display the information about the textures and tris if I ever get good enough to show off my models

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Anonymous No. 986973

Thanks Anon

>>986727 >>986926
Sorry, it's just Blender. I modeled the octagonal base and I'm just typing out the polygon and texture information manually
In the output properties (Red) I enabled Metadata -> Burn Into Image and Note, and put the polygon count information manually on the Note field.
Since it didn't let me type more than one line normally I used a script (Yellow) to insert the text with the new lines directly on the Note field.
And for rendering I'm using the Viewport Render function rather than the normal rendering so I can use the Viewport Overlay menu (Green) to control whether wireframes get rendered, and I set the background color on the theme preferences

Anonymous No. 987039

Thanks anon! I haven't really played around with everything in Blender so I really have no idea what half the settings do

Anonymous No. 989876


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Anonymous No. 992290

This is Placeholder-chan, she's a little grumpy, but does her job.

The hair is a mess of intersecting polygons, it was made through experimenting with the Blender curve hair system and the geometry nodes.
The animation is the first time I tried changing parents of bones during the animation using the rigify tools (her hands get parented to the hips briefly)
The animation was made to be used for some tests so it's okay that it's a little rough. I tried to have a variety of movement, including the eyebrows, eyes and lips and tongue.
The whole model will be upgraded in a distant future but it remain messy for a while as long as it is usable.

Anonymous No. 992307

She dances like white woman.

Anonymous No. 992337

Well, shes also whiter than most.