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1996_SideBySide (1).webm

๐Ÿงต Visual Reference / The Mind

Anonymous No. 969061

If you have any shroud of spatial intelligence, you will use your MIND. The mind is a map for the soul. USE it.

Anonymous No. 969076

ok but souls aren't a real thing so what's your point. Did a thread really need to die for this shit?

Anonymous No. 969078

You have to admit it's a pretty good comparison with no original source files.

Anonymous No. 969079


wtf are you talking about

Anonymous No. 969082

The video. Look how it compares to that old school render.

Anonymous No. 969086

I didn't understand this thread...

Anonymous No. 969090

Yes it uhh compares, what is the thread about

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Anonymous No. 969184


Anonymous No. 969231

so...1996 version of 3ds max is the new hot soul in this board now? bored of bryce already?

the chair nerd No. 969252


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I hope you die op.webm

Anonymous No. 969290

Why don't you use your mind to jump off your balcony OP?

Anonymous No. 969291

Is this the comparable video to the op?
Can you show me the file to compare, or is just not comparable at all?

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Anonymous No. 969295

>Can you show me the file to compare

Anonymous No. 969296

I want to compare too, can you share the video to compare?

Anonymous No. 969298

Is this the comparable file? I think that comparable files need to be precise

Anonymous No. 969299

>I want to compare too, can you share the video to compare?
No I have no video for comparing so you cannot compare. Try and get the compare video so you can compare.

Anonymous No. 969301

What? I am confused
I am not joking, I want to compare the file

Anonymous No. 969302

The file I have is a file. compared to other files yes.

Anonymous No. 969303

I can not open the file, is Max the guy who created the file to compare?

Anonymous No. 969304

Bitch I do not have theo riginal file this shit I just something I made in 1 hour to fuck with OP. Are you that fucking blind that you cannot see that the animations and textures are not the same? You surely have a dull future in cg you flaming retar.

Anonymous No. 969306

I want to Compare to the file that is comparable, not to other files that are not comparable.

Anonymous No. 969307

So you don't have the file to compare to? Or is because its not comparable?

Anonymous No. 969309

Are this the files that we need to compare?
Or are other files too?

the chair nerd No. 969312

I'm having a great kek.

Anonymous No. 969313

Mmmm... Interesting, so no comparable?
You are the blue balls version of/3/

Anonymous No. 969380

I want to compare the file too, please send both files to compare

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the chair nerd No. 969389

OK OK this is a gltf version

Anonymous No. 969423

only lower forms of life use MIND. ascended beings will talk to GOD directly and receive instructions to create master pieces

Anonymous No. 969424

True, TempleOS, was created by the Will of good

Anonymous No. 969453

Op post yours to compare, it's god's will

Anonymous No. 969541

Op is not going to post to compare?
Is your soul not ready for comparisons?

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Anonymous No. 969679


OP here.

I don't come. I didn't see. But I did compare. With my mind.

It's a shame what happened to /3/ as a board. Used to be so full of imagination and wonder, now filled with retards with sacks of shit for brains.

I rebuilt your scene in Blender 2.79 because any other version is retarded.

Anonymous No. 969684

Can you help >>968888

Anonymous No. 969699

What is his email?

Anonymous No. 969840

Yeah nigger you know that the objects in the gltf did not have those names.

Anonymous No. 969842

Also what the fuck is a challis? Are you retarded.

Anonymous No. 969923

Chalices are the objects to compare in the first place

Do you want to compare emails?

Anonymous No. 970466

I remodeled it from scratch, nigga!

Anonymous No. 970469

What is thy comparable email?

Anonymous No. 970513

holy soulless

Anonymous No. 970515

I've been using it for years, /3/ zoomers are late to the party

Anonymous No. 970519

Because emails can be compared, everything needs to be compared

Can you send me the email address to compare?

Are they really late? Do you have something to compare it to?

Anonymous No. 970520

Do you have a soul to compare?
I want to compare the soul, souless dichotomy

Anonymous No. 970611

this thread is pure dementia

Anonymous No. 970613

Do you have something without dementia to compare?
I want to compare

Anonymous No. 970616

true artists use DEMENTIA. use it. it is a path to creative perfection.

Anonymous No. 970762

Can I compare a dementia artist to a not demented one? It's necessary to compare them. Can you show me the artist to compare?

Anonymous No. 971000

that's a penis

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Anonymous No. 971162
