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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Reddit Gamers are Retarded

Anonymous No. 969098

>be me
>make reddit account to seek some help for a new GPU with enough memory and VRAY compatibility that doesn't exceed 600โ‚ฌ threshold
>ask about how 4060ti16 does on 3d
>redditard says that GPU has no value and I should go for a 6600XT
"but AMD can't run anything that's not Prorender Engine and it's still in development"
>yOuR jUst aN nViDiA fAnBoY iF aMd cAn RuN gAmEs thEn it cAn AlSo rUN vRaY
>Get 200 replies, 100 bout on how bad Nvidia is, keep getting shilled AMD
>the other ones tell me to get a 3080 instead
>fuckers don't read shit about price limit and don't give a fuck bout pc parts (especially nvidia) costing twice in Europe from basic America price

Reddit gamers are so mind dumbing to deal with, deleted my reddit account and kept coping. Fucking brand fanboys and manchildren with worse money management than a gamble addict.

Anonymous No. 969103

A thread died for this

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Anonymous No. 969105

>Fucking brand fanboys and manchildren

Anonymous No. 969123

blender vs maya is an irrelevant topic, all i wanted to know is how a 4060ti 16 behaved in 3d since 90 percent of YT videos only care about gaming.

Anonymous No. 969131

Yes, redditors are retarded, 4channers are retarded, internet users are retarded, more news at 11

Anonymous No. 969148

I love how cocky and dumb you are OP. You can't even do basic research.

The biggest thing you need to focus on is VRAM. So reddit was right. the 3080 is better since it has 10gb. The 4060 only has 8.

When it comes to gaming amd vs nvidia doesn't matter. However, you will get better results going with nvidia for 3d.

Anonymous No. 969169

>Reddit gamers are so mind dumbing
And you are one of them.

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Anonymous No. 969216


I was talking about the 4060ti 16.

So you are telling me you don't know how to read

Anonymous No. 969217


I don't even play games you faggot. Go to /b/ if you want to be unhelpful.

Anonymous No. 969226

You are arguing with bots and indians literally paid (or their owners are paid) to shill products on the most astroturfed site on the planet.

Anonymous No. 969233

what about the brats telling you that a 400โ‚ฌ+ upgrade for the next number is not much?

my only hope is going for a 4080 if that shit ever gets lower than 2000 bucks and cope with it for five more years as production only needs bandwidth and Vram. I'd probably have gotten a stable job and kids before the prices even become sensible jesus Christ.

Thanks for your support.

Anonymous No. 969238

In five more years the production of consumer GPUs will probably get shut down competely to prevent regular people from training neural networks, they are already restricting high-end RTX sales to half of the Asia.

Anonymous No. 969255

>Reddit Gamers are Retarded
>be me
Go back you underage ESL nignog retard

Anonymous No. 969259


Anonymous No. 969260

Ymmv on this but I heard 4060 is dog shit because it's bandwidth is somehow fucked up compared to how it should be. Not just the vram.

Anonymous No. 969262

yes, 4060ti is just 4060 with extra VRAM and probably that will hinder it more. The price to performance ratio of 4000s is a fucking shill, especially the 4070s.

Anonymous No. 969263

so let me get this right

Nvidia stopped making Quadro which were fucktastic cheap cards for personal render farms (alas, blowhole format) and now they're slowly restricting worldwide high end sales? are they literally treating us like garbage a la MMO developer?

Anonymous No. 969267

Stop acting like you're going to make anything besides a blender donut

Anonymous No. 969311

I think that you are retarded to even Go to Reddit in the first place.

Anonymous No. 969314

Blender doughnuts are trve art and you know it

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Anonymous No. 969335


Stop mirroring your mediocrity into others.

Anonymous No. 969336

I'm retarded because of that action indeed

but at least I'm not a gamer faggot, just a faggot :-]