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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969110

How can you people say Blender is industry standard if after all these years it doesn't even have Vellum? You make architecture all day long?

Anonymous No. 969111

A thread died for this

Anonymous No. 969113

t. blender user since 2005, still making the same tired old static objects and wondering why he or she never gets work

Anonymous No. 969114

If that makes you happy bro

Anonymous No. 969115

i was describing your perspective, bro. That's what "t." means

Anonymous No. 969116

If that makes you happy lil bro

Anonymous No. 969117

Why are you so passive aggressive? You got called out, you have no comeback, and yet you want to be industry? You are a static model, architecture machine only.

Anonymous No. 969118

If that makes you happy my guy

Anonymous No. 969119

It doesn't.

I can only be happy when you blender people defend your stance

Anonymous No. 969120

I thought so

Anonymous No. 969127

Please post a nice example of something made using Vellum. Doesn't have to be your work.

Anonymous No. 969128

high likelihood that every cloth and hair sim you've seen in film/tv/advertising for the last 4 years was done with vellum. unironically industry standard.

Anonymous No. 969130

almost every muscle sim is done with vellum too

Anonymous No. 969132

blender has that node simulation thing that they added a couple of months ago, as long as they don't need it for the next open """movie""" they aren't working more on that.

Anonymous No. 969134

i think they'll add some sort of xpbd support by 5.0. even maxon managed to do it for the new c4d and they're somehow more retarded than blender devs.

Anonymous No. 969135

You mean Simulation Nodes? Yeah, that stuff isn't going to get you very far at all.

Anonymous No. 969139

Is 90% of this board just copers crying about blender or is 90% being too generous?

Anonymous No. 969140

its Blenders birthday today dumbass. Its fucking 30. No vellum, no live mirrored component selection.

Anonymous No. 969143

>No vellum, no live mirrored component selection
Oh no, anyway

Anonymous No. 969145

can you even comprehend how needed vellum is? Can you even comprehend how late to the party blender is?

Anonymous No. 969146

Post vellum tutorial pls

Anonymous No. 969147

>can you even comprehend how needed vellum is?
Don't care + didn't ask, never needed to even know tf it is still make a bank from 3d.

Anonymous No. 969149

get out of the vellum thread for blender then you literal retard

Anonymous No. 969152

>Blender doesn't have X
>No mention what X is
OP is a faggot

Anonymous No. 969156

Blender doesn't have vellum retard

Anonymous No. 969159

reading comprehension, esl

Anonymous No. 969161

Kys retardo blendfag

Anonymous No. 969162

Its blenders birthday today!!

Anonymous No. 969175

I have no idea what vellum is, and I'm not going to google to figure it out.

Anonymous No. 969176


Anonymous No. 969177

Use your words, autist, and actually state what it is. Then maybe, MAYBE I'll look into it.

Anonymous No. 969179

you're pathetic

Anonymous No. 969180

Thought so. You just want to talk shit.

Anonymous No. 969181

wow you retard, you can read this very thread and find out what it is. You will never make it

Anonymous No. 969185

>You will never make it
Yes, I will never make the purchase to Houdini. You're right.

Anonymous No. 969186

you can literally get houdini for free you drooling retard

Anonymous No. 969187

"""Free""" with severely limited features and capabilities. You already tried this shill tactic on me last year, Houdinifag.

Anonymous No. 969188

all the necessary features are there, idiot. You dont need anything else

Anonymous No. 969189

Lies, deceit, omissions. Shill tactics to get people on the demo, so from there you can entice them to buy the full thing.

Anonymous No. 969190

you are schizo

Anonymous No. 969192

Buy an ad

Anonymous No. 969199

It's calf skin used to make illustrated manuscripts back in the olden days where a bible was worth a family fortune, and everyone fought with swords.