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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969221

You know what makes going to college worth it?

Checking the instagram pages of all the arrogant losers that were in my class and seeing what pathetic lives they lead. /3/ is not a business degree, you need to actually work hard to continue your education, You can't just get a degree and expect the world to be handed to you like in some industries.

Now that AI the destroyed their meager art monkey careers and made mine even easier I'm fucking loving it even more.

Anonymous No. 969222

Just do the assignments, don't think. As long as you are getting good grades you are set for life. Don't bother taking any initiative outside of class to learn how to become a true artist.


Anonymous No. 969241


True artists seethe on 4chans about other artists instead of creating, I understand sirs

Anonymous No. 969350

yes making this post took several thousand rewrites and 10,000 man hours

Anonymous No. 969487

you sound somewhat arrogant too, especially since you gave no real context what topic you're studying ans what it was that made you dislike the others

Anonymous No. 969831


Anonymous No. 970920

>AI the destroyed their meager art monkey careers and made mine even easier
Wow I didn’t know rich CEOs posted on 4chins

Anonymous No. 970933

I am rich in knowledge anon

Anonymous No. 970939

lmao imagine posting on 4chin and thinking you accomplished something

Anonymous No. 970942

>bro just compromise on your values and become a conformist sellout
>no bro you don’t understand money is the key to happiness that’s why I constantly have to buy more and more things and let everyone know how much money I make
this isn’t /lit/ but it might as well be with these andrew tate threads