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Anonymous No. 969354

>having to contact support

This is why you pay for a license

Anonymous No. 969367

>he has to contact suppor for his user error
>he thinks calling a minimum wage worker on the phone is worth thousands of dollars annually
you’ve been scammed a thousand times without even noticing it

Anonymous No. 969369

wrong on both counts. I'm using NEW technology. I contact them via discord.

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Anonymous No. 969384

>discord support

Anonymous No. 969385

>he still doesnt understand that private, paid customer only discord servers are a thing
Get with the times, boomer

Anonymous No. 969402

Havent needed to contact blender support for 20 years

Anonymous No. 969403

You dont even have live mirrored component selection in Blunder.

Anonymous No. 969422

>contact support TOO often
>they start giving you attitude

is there anything worse, lads