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๐Ÿงต Blender vs Maya for modeling

Anonymous No. 969357

Thoughts? Assuming the subscription costs don't matter.

Anonymous No. 969359

>Assuming the subscription costs don't matter.
Try both and pick the one you like

Anonymous No. 969365

Both can be obtained for free.
Both can do it.

You can either use Maya and be taken seriously for job applications if you choose.

You can use blender and be seen as a hobbyist that uses an app that has no live symmetry still. That may fuck your modeling up.

Good luck.

Anonymous No. 970184

just try both and see which one you like, one big difference between them seems to be: maya uses menus: blender uses more shortcuts

theres plenty of jobs in 3d animation/games with blender, stop being a jew

Anonymous No. 970185

>theres plenty of jobs in 3d animation/games with blender

should we tell him?

Anonymous No. 970186

For modelling? Either. But max above both in that regard.

Anonymous No. 970195

>theres plenty of jobs in 3d animation/games

should we tell him?

Anonymous No. 970205

The last straw mayafags cling to is muh jobs, but as a tool Blender is just ridiculously good and businesses are taking notice (fucking finally).
I work only in Blender, and I have worked in four companies which used Blender (3 used Blender and Maya, 1 used only Blender exclusively).
I haven't touched Maya in years.

Anonymous No. 970242

>I have worked in four companies
Looks like the companies that hire you and your Blender shut down one after the other. I wonder why.

Anonymous No. 970253

>Blender modelling job

Anonymous No. 970506

i used to be a software elitist but then i realised im not an entire studio working on a million dollar ip and having an unnecessarily complicated pipeline is only something that should be used when working in a team
the reality is that only the end result matters and using dozens of software just end up slowling you down for minimal gain in quality (if not sometimes making it worse)
these days i try to limit my workflow to blender and after effects and only use other 3d packages if needed
trust me you get a lot more projects done, it feels more rewarding and you end up making actual progress in your art
i feel like a lot of industry standard people are just fresh college grads with a shitty portfolio who are trying to cope by using the fact their workflow is industry friendly

Anonymous No. 970530

>these days i try to limit my workflow to blender and after effects and only use other 3d packages if needed
sounds like you make still props and still architecture, nothing worth viewing

Anonymous No. 970531

They are totally different, for example Maya doesn't have that thing that blender users call topology, if you like that old way to make 3d art you may prefer blender, but i like my topology free 3d models so Maya is the best for me

Anonymous No. 970532

Max is a dead software, not even my dad remembers it

Anonymous No. 970535

Maya is way easier, there a 10 different ways to do the same thing in Maya, and you can do which ever makes the most sense to you.

Anonymous No. 970536

nothing i said here is false so you're making up straws to grasp at

Anonymous No. 970543

so you make still models in blender then

Anonymous No. 970614

No, I use Maya, because it doesn't have topology.

Anonymous No. 971264

Model in Blender, animate in Maya.

Anonymous No. 971269

Model in Zbrush sculpt in Maya retopo in blender and render in mudbox

Anonymous No. 971297

Don't use blender because all the shills are making money off you, the viewer.

Anonymous No. 971313

I recently start using Maya, and what the fuck does that even mean? is it nurbs? auto retopology? please explain

Anonymous No. 971414

maya doest use topology native, i think you can use topology if you want but its unnecessary

Anonymous No. 971439

>maya doest use topology native
what does that even mean?

Anonymous No. 971441

Its a forced meme

Anonymous No. 971446

If you want to be a forever hobbyist and be fucked over by the noob blender bros then go ahead and waste your time with Blender. Otherwise, Maya

Anonymous No. 971447

Nice india workflow you have there

Anonymous No. 971462

A workflow without sculpt, manual retopo and some geonodes is not a modern workflow. It's just not industry standard.

Anonymous No. 971463

> should we tell him?
Should we tell him?

Anonymous No. 971471

Stop messing with the guy dude.
Yes Maya doesn't need topology, but you can use it if you are used to model that way in blender or those old 3d software.
For me is 0 topology so I don't know much about it

Anonymous No. 971482

No, it's a secret.
You don't know anything about Maya. Post workflow

Anonymous No. 971566

ah I see, so basically Maya fags are getting desperate that they invented literally nothing burger feature each time someone compared Maya to other software...

Anonymous No. 971572

WTF is a "0 topology" or "no topology"? How does it looks, can someone post a screenshot? And why that autist says only Maya has it?

Anonymous No. 971582

So you don't use Maya but you know everything that can do?
Ok, I see...
No topology has been on Maya for years you insecure blender user

Anonymous No. 971594

>No topology
Is it nurbs you call a "no topology", degenerate?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 971599

Are you dense? Burbs are just burbs, I am taking about no topology 3d modelling

Anonymous No. 971600

Are you really that dense? I am not talking about nurbs. I am talking about Maya's no topology workflow, what is so difficult to understand?

Anonymous No. 971605

Ah, i see. Nevermind, degenerate.

Anonymous No. 971607

There are more thing in this life than blender, if you don't know you should shut up and let the grown up talk. Go make a doughnut blender boy

Anonymous No. 971663

>Go make a doughnut blender boy
I'm going to steal that

Anonymous No. 971717

I use maya u nigger faggot, but there's no such thing as no topology workflow, u made me researching this non existent workflow nigger, wth is wrong with Maya fags

Anonymous No. 971747

If you use Maya then you should know about the no topology workflow, it's standard in maya. Stop larping blender boy.

Anonymous No. 971930

post documents or videos about no topology workflow otherwise you're trolling

Anonymous No. 971985

Maya is a lifesaver for me, I changed to Maya because of this.
Check out on YouTube, there's millions of tutorials there

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Anonymous No. 972019

samefag, literally the first results on jewtube is standard subd modeling workflow

Anonymous No. 972168

Stop being a troll, you are the only person In the entire thread that doesn't know about no topology workflow, just stop dude.

Anonymous No. 972169

Model in sculptures, sculpt in marmoset toolbar, retopo in mari, texture in 3ds max, render in Zbrush.
That's my workflow, the 3d industry standard

Anonymous No. 972206

But maya does have topology

Anonymous No. 972226

>le no topology maya bait is still going
I'm disappointed in you anons

Anonymous No. 972231

That second video thumbnail is so retarded, I keep seeing it

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Anonymous No. 972240

I'm wheezing

Anonymous No. 972248

I think that you still can use topology on Maya but no topology workflow is the standard

Anonymous No. 972281

Why is it retarded

Anonymous No. 972302

Because nobody uses topology anymore, Maya's no topology workflow will get you hired, not a 10 years old workflow.
It's like telling you that learning anim8or will get you a job

Anonymous No. 972358

To be fair yeah, Maya does use topology, but he is talking about the no topology workflow, i use that too, except when I work with teams that use software not compatible with the workflow

Anonymous No. 972360

I don't think that topology is completely out of use, if you work on the no topology workflow you are correct, but sometimes you need to use it, specially to make it compatible with older software, like blender for example.
Why are you cherry picking those weird tutorials?
Hopefully it becomes an standard for all the industry, maybe blender can implement it on the future, that would be great!
Yes box modelling is a thing of the past, and one day with implementations of Maya's no topology workflow we would take retopology out of the workflow

Anonymous No. 972437

it's not a bait you stupid blenderfaggot, Maya no topology workflow is the future

Anonymous No. 972449

Invisible costume that only smart people can see

Anonymous No. 972452

because blender doesn't have it its bait?
I guess UDIM were not real a few years ago then?

Anonymous No. 972453

Shut up, shut the fuck up

Anonymous No. 972469

its actually fucking over bros, I'm working on some [spoiler]netfl*x[/spoiler] stuff and all the client side assets are in blender. Can't believe I wasted over a decade on maya..

Anonymous No. 972477

Are you angry donut boy?

Anonymous No. 972502

Yes, a lot of people use blender for production, that's not new, blender is "indi" industry standard for a long time now, and a lot of netflix series/movies, are made on an indi budget.

Anonymous No. 972504

I hate to tell you but Blender in production is used only for laundering assets created in proper software and to dodge license seats.

Anonymous No. 972505

Keep coping fella

Anonymous No. 972506

Watch a random Blender tutorial on youtube. Pay attention to the workflow. If you think such a clumsy workflow would be anywhere acceptable in production, then you know nothing abut production.

Anonymous No. 975197

>theres plenty of jobs in 3d animation/games with blender, stop being a jew
A company I know is looking into blender for modeling and they're completely unrelated to the games/animation industry.

Anonymous No. 975275

I was looking at blender tutorials and I couldn't find a non topology workflow, Maya has no topology workflow since a few years now, is the blender foundation getting to the no topology workflow trend?

Anonymous No. 975313

blender is good for boolean workflows and has really nice tools to help do hard surface concept designs. thats really the main use i see for it in my workflow rn.

Anonymous No. 975373

No topology is not real and I will not be proven wrong.
This is a successful discussion.

Anonymous No. 975383

blender is way more convenient because of the mirror modifier

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Anonymous No. 975386

Well, I was gonna create a similar thread. Mind if I do, OP?
Alright so I tried Maya but it's retarded and counter-intuitive. I mostly want to create human models and animate them.
Before trying 3d I talked about that with my friend who told me this basically >>969365. Now that I have tried Maya, that I've seen the shortkeys are retarded, there is clipping everywhere, absolutely nothing makes sense, the standard size of the brush to sculpt is 10m for reasons, bulge has a crazy strength while smooth is super soft and even Maya professionals advise to use Zbrush because sculpting in Maya is absolute dogshit turd. I wonder if I wasn't wrong. Blender looks way more coherent and less buggy.

Now my 2 questions are :
Is it relevant to use only one software to model AND sculpt, like Blender? What does it really bring? Is using Maya the. Zbrush ok ?
What does Maya brings compared to Blender, besides being the standard for the industry? Are there some difference about the results? Can Maya do things that Blender can't? Which ones? I heard Maya was better to render animations and record them. Is it true?
I plan to use my software professionally but as a freelancer, not sending resume to a company, so the socalled reputation of Maya in the industry is useless to me. I find this software retarded, and the only argument who will keep me going at it is that it objectively overplays Blender, like you caaan accomplish things you can't with Blender or it objectively does it better.
Then if it doesn't, I'll gladly drop that retarded shit of a software, probably programmed by boomers who don't know the meaning of the word "convenient".
Is Blender faster, easier, and more user-friendly/noob-friendly?

Anonymous No. 975388

>>969365 You sound like a fuckin' asshole, a pretentious prick. I'm pretty sure you're lying just to suck corpos and sound smart. I've watched Blender tutorials and the guys can polymodel and retopo a ful body and face. You're probably a disgusting iPhone user, spreading lies the whole day just to look cool.

Anonymous No. 975392

Cris, you're taking things too personally.

Anonymous No. 975417

"the maya pro" x "blender hobby" argument is completely out of date now, i know countless people who work entirely in blender for big tv-shows, AAA games and marketing.

the only people i know who are on maya are the ones who are fighting against Blender because they've learned Maya and dont want to switch (or can't switch), usually they have a poor understanding of blender
and completely ignore its features, design and addons cappacities also, people who are forced on Maya by some game compagnies with specific workflow tend to mock Blender.

Blender is way more popular among people who just want to make some basic 3d stuff, animations or quick game assets, therefore when you search for Blender tutorials/guides, you will end up on a ton of shit
content containing a lot of mistakes and pakies wierd tutorials along with theses retarded Donuts videos.

The pro-Workflow in Blender is unique to individuals which make good content harder to find, its also pushing you into a lot of experimenting to find what works for you.

Also the people who sculpt tend to prefer ZBrush, but myself i find its interface disgusting and extremely annoying, some basics functions are hidden behind 5-7 clicks in subsubsubsub menus.

Blender's Interface is so good and modular that it makes other software seem completely retarded that when i switch to Unreal or Ableton, man it's a pain and i wish all my softs would use a similar modular interface.

The main thing that is lacking for me is the ability to better use sounds and MIDI integrations. being able to use Vst's directly in Blender and using the audio signals in GeoNodes or as animation drivers or to use Mesh data/animations to drive Vst's would be just perfect.

Also, some features are still lacking, like the Grease Pencil or the Evee Render (really bad atm) but theses are going to be massively improved in the near futur.

Anonymous No. 975428

Cris, could you please ask ChatGPT to summarize a little better. Add it to your prompts.

Anonymous No. 975430

>Blender's Interface is so good and modular that it makes other software seem completely retarded
I'm a blender user myself and blender interface is extremely retarded, probably one of the worst, don't be a fanboy, blender UI is disgusting and I use blender every day. You can also change the UI on Zbrush, just like blender, but you agree that it's still shit... That's fanboy shit there.
And now that blender put sub folders on the menu it's even worse, how much do you have to click to add a subsurface modifiers?
>The pro-Workflow in Blender is unique to individuals
There is no pro workflow for blender because most pros don't use blender, that's that simple, workflow for professionals is mostly standarized.

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Anonymous No. 975603

>The number of clicks to create a subdi ?
the answer is two... 3 if you count pressing the "s" on your keyboard, you could also do ctrl+1, the fact that you ignore that tell me a lot about you.
>Blender interface is retarded
Oh really, then give me examples of softwares packing as many features and allowing you to change everything, have multiple viewport on multiple screens, allowing you to individually zoom on any panel, including modifiers tabs and text menus.
>There is no pro-workflow in Blender
Thanks for prooving me that you are retarded.

Anonymous No. 975604

>Oh really, then give me examples of softwares packing as many features and allowing you to change everything
In Zbrush you can change everything, put every button in every place you want, you see that you don't know anything because you are a fucking mongoloid?
I have more possibilities changing the UI than blender, don't be so retarded, that's why people hate blender, because retarded fanboys like you, if you believe that a shitty UI it's good because you can personalised it then why you are complaining about zbrush on the first place?
>There is no pro-workflow in Blender
Are you mentally ill, keeping reading what I said, I said most pros don't use blender, and that's completely true

Thank for showing me that you have 0 comprehension reading. Go back to school kid, and stop being a fanboy, because the only thing you do is scare the professionals away from using blender.

Anonymous No. 975607

model in zbrush, sculpt in photoshop, decimate in 3d coat, retopo in after effects, UVs in GIMP, texture in nuke and render in maya playblast. the white man's pipeline

Anonymous No. 975615

>no autoretopo on blender
into the trash it goes

Anonymous No. 975619

Nice workflow anon, I model in sculptris, make the sculpture on anim8or, uvs in nuke, pbr textures in marvelous designer, retopo in substance painter, materials on metasequoia and render in blender internal, that's the real hyperborean workflow.

Anonymous No. 975781

Ok some Maya sucker tells me one thing Blender can't do and Maya can.

Anonymous No. 975793

No topology workflow it's the biggest thing it comes to mind

Anonymous No. 975799

The no topology workflow or 0 Topology like some Anons call that style of modelling, I can't see to find it on blender

Anonymous No. 975802

Pretty much this. It was a game changer for our studio, and now I cannot force anyone to go back to Blender.

Anonymous No. 975803

Same, blender can't compete with that. Sorry to all my blender friends but never going back.

Anonymous No. 975806

Blener has that, just use sculpting mode and remesh to whatever resolution you need.
Then retopo with quad remesher (sold separately)

Anonymous No. 975816

we are not talking about remesh, we are talking about non topology workflow, you dont need to remesh in a non topological 3d model

Anonymous No. 975819

not the same, retopo=topology
non topo workflow doesn't need topology

Anonymous No. 975836

I'm putting maya in my filters

Anonymous No. 975875

I'm still a beginner and working on my first model. If topology is placing the vertices and edges, what is non-topo?
Do you use Maya to sculpt? Zbrush?

Anonymous No. 976711


Anonymous No. 977406

all me

Anonymous No. 977413

Blender is now being listed frequently amongst Maya, Zbrush and Max for 3D modeling job. But if you want to be taken seriously for animation I suggest you still learn Maya, anon.

Anonymous No. 977417

The subfolders on the menu do seem stupid, idk why they changed it.
> how much do you have to click to add a subsurface modifiers
ctrl+1, BAM, you're done.
I highly doubt it can be done that quickly in Maya.

Anonymous No. 977825

i work at a uni full time and technically that makes me a student as well with their benefits and all that. I can provide any necessary documentation to prove that I am a student, including letters from faculty/deans if needed. is there an actual limit on maya's free student access? surely I can't keep renewing it every year indefinitely.
still using blender for now though. also afraid that I'm too used to blender interface/hotkeys that trying to do anything else would fuck me up.

Anonymous No. 977870

Does any of them allow for WASD camera movement?

Anonymous No. 977871

You can learn Maya in a day. Blender on the other hand....

Anonymous No. 977904

Yes, Blender allows wasd. Press Shift ~ and you enter the free cam wasd mode.
You can even record camera movement created that way (and then smooth/edit it etc.)

Anonymous No. 978037

how to download from autodesk?

Anonymous No. 978038

blender if you want to make models for the web or games, maya if you want to work with others that work with maya like in this video

Anonymous No. 978613

Interesting... I used to use this in 3DSmax a couple of years ago. Glad that this software is so old.

Anonymous No. 978866

In maya, is it possible to have two simulated deformation to collide with each other?

Anonymous No. 979059

>automatic retopology
explain to me why this is not something that must always be done manually

Anonymous No. 980279

>Both can be obtained for free.

Anonymous No. 980280

No one here actually is a modeler.

Anonymous No. 980426


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Anonymous No. 981033

Maya nodes have been around for like 28 years and it still took me 2 hours to create a procedural honeycomb pattern with uniquely colored tiles.
This shit in geometry nodes would take about 10 minutes max in Blender, and even be slightly more flexible.
For the last 4 years they added nothing substantial to Maya.

Anonymous No. 981040

isn't stuff like this done with the new bifrost graph they've been working on for the last couple of years?
i don't use maya these days, but it's what i started on. i still got love for those marking menus.

Anonymous No. 981049

It's a single shader. It's not an array of geometry.

Anonymous No. 981054

Am I a retard or can't you just pirate it?

Anonymous No. 982732

Blender? Ha ha ha ha ha, are you even serious?

Anonymous No. 982750

i got all the autodesk software for free from school & i was thinking about learning maya at a basic level over blender