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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969370

Where the fuck can I pirate autodesk inventor?
I don't give a fuck if I get banned for this I am at my wits end.

Anonymous No. 969372


Anonymous No. 969373

It's really not that hard to find if you know the names of some reliable spots to look. I found Inventor 2023 with a quick online search.

Anonymous No. 969374

jesus fc your pc must be infested with miners and trojans by now

Anonymous No. 969375

You should KYS in minecraft ofc.

Anonymous No. 969376

Cope and seethe

Anonymous No. 969377

you pirated fucking autodesk inventor. Of course your pc is infested now. Jesus.

Anonymous No. 969388

Post your email and I’ll send you an invite
No temp emails gotta be your real one or the system won’t accept it

Anonymous No. 969404

[email protected]

Anonymous No. 969412

t. Grandma

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Anonymous No. 969460


Anonymous No. 969484

I’m not sending you shit I just wanted you on bot spam lists for shitting up this board

Anonymous No. 970063


Anonymous No. 970075

Just use blender, lol.