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๐Ÿงต COOM Monies

Anonymous No. 969387

>Just make 3D porn, it's that fucking easy!
>Sellout and do furshit and rake in the dough.

The average Patreon payout is < $10.

Yet "it's easy fucking money I swear any retard can do it."

How much is your 3D Porn career making you, anon?

What niche have you carved out in this saturated market?
(Keep it classy this is a blue board)

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Anonymous No. 969391

Sounds like you got some aggression to work out my friend.

Anonymous No. 969411

ive been into 3D for 2-3 years now and this week a decided to make porn animations despite not having any prior experience with animation
idk im starting to think its not as easy as it seems but i'll be patient and see if it makes me decent money...

also its acceptable to just steal people's models and make money off of animating them right?

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Anonymous No. 969414

>acceptable to just steal people's models and make money off of animating them right?

That's the entire fucking industry.

Anonymous No. 969416

check the difference between the average patreon payout and the average patreon payout of people doing 3d porn dumbass

Anonymous No. 969419

It's pretty much guaranteed money in the sense, that if you've already made it to a industry job, but get fired or just burn out, you can very easily transfer to making porn. Or if you can just create content at a sufficient level of course.

Basically, porn is one of those things that is sure to find an audience, as long as it looks good enough. While other stuff matters as well, visuals is the main thing. Which means it's easy to do solo, if you can handle that part well.

Anonymous No. 969425

...Tails has a mortgage?

Anonymous No. 969430

HAD a mortgage

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Anonymous No. 969431

>How much is your 3D Porn career making you, anon?
Not much but that's because I decided to get stuck in infinite comm hell instead of opening a patreon years ago

Anonymous No. 969435


And visuals alone earn money how? Especially now that AI has devalued online imagery.

The internet has conditioned degenerates to view porn as free. It comes as a waterfall and it rains daily.

Finding an audience != Making degen dollars

Anonymous No. 969436

Has it? Last time I checked things like HEAT were still making something like $70K a month

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Anonymous No. 969440


Patreon 3D coomers are a subset of Patreon earners.

Do the math:
24m / 301k = 79.

That's not even factoring in all the Patreons with ZERO patrons.

The payout goes lower (<$50-70) if you filter by any adult category. No category exists for "3D porn peddler".

So you two are right: Patreon 3D coom artists are making more than ten bucks.

They're making enough to pump one tank of gas and buy two subs at Subway.

Anonymous No. 969441

Of course; anyone can make an account for free. I could have 10K accounts from a chinese botfarm if I wanted. Their count is not that significant, it's the people doinh things you are thinking of doing that matter, and they seem to be raking in quite a bit

Anonymous No. 969442

Right above you are Patreon numbers showing that 3D porn artists do not make above the Patreon average (in fact, filtered by adult categories, they make less).

How will people learn to make better 3D art when they won't even read?

Anonymous No. 969458

AI is still shit at animation though. It will likely become a problem eventually, but it's not a problem quite yet. But even then, there's likely going to be a decent period, where you can still outperform the more inexperience users, by incorporating AI in your own work, and as a tool in your own toolbelt.

Admittedly I might be biased, since I make around 120k โ‚ฌ doing porn animations on patreon, but it sure felt like an easy transition to me, when I got burned out doing freelancer work for studios. I just have trouble seeing anyone who does good looking content, not getting to 5K+/per month, assuming their content looks good of course.

Anonymous No. 969461

On one hand, like has been said, average patreon account gets $10 a month.
On the other hand though, I've seen such shitters get their $1k that it makes me strongly believe in YGMI

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Anonymous No. 969462

>shooting for 'average'
why would you do that in the first place? just BEElieve in yourself and your abilities to learn and be above others

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Anonymous No. 969475


If most make jack shit but others hit it big, how do you make the big coom bux with 3D?

Anonymous No. 969476

you make a vidya
remember that a solo dev worked on this for 60k/month and still didn't bother to update the game more than twice a year lmao

but the most important thing is: it's more of a marketing thing than skill, you have to shill, make paid ads/promotions and be on good standing with the 'big figures' of 3dcg porn since connections are important everywhere

Anonymous No. 969481

I've been considering getting into this honestly. never expect to retire off it but some small beer money would be nice.

Anonymous No. 969491

ok that sounds great, can you now tell me how to hide my IP to login and upload to patreon?

Anonymous No. 969493

I have an adult patreon. 2D not 3D. At my peak, I was making about 200 a month. At my lowest about 50 bucks. I've never had more than 10k followers on any social media website either. I'm not large.

Here are my two cents:
When it comes to selling your product, consistency is always king. It doesn't matter if you get lucky and blow up quickly. It doesn't matter if you're unlucky and take a long time to get popular. What matters is how frequently you pump out new material. If you're putting out new material regularly, you will grow. If you're putting out material slowly, you will shrink.

Averaging total accounts is a bit biased. Because you're including abandoned accounts that have sat stagnant for a long time. Of course everyone stopped supporting those. You're also counting accounts that aren't necessarily "abandoned", but they're run by people who don't put out material very often. This is where I'm at now. I'm not indicative of a healthy account's potential earnings. Because when I was at peak, I was earning 200 and growing. I just fucking burned out.

So the question isn't "how much do adult accounts earn", it's "how much do active creators earn". It all depends if you can handle the work load. Or will you burn out and get lazy and stop working. That's the TRUE filter.

Anonymous No. 969518

You'll meed your own company and you need to pay taxes on it. Lucky for you drawing furries isn't illegal in most places

Anonymous No. 969519

The irony is strong with this one

Anonymous No. 969526

i lost the creative spark, what do i do? any time i open blender i can work on something but it never hits me with excitement like things used to in the past
i think making a few things which did really well (but which i didn't think were that good) ruined me as i now see it's basically total rng if you succeed or not

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Anonymous No. 969527

>excludes hidden pledges
>excludes hidden earnings
wonder how many of the top 100 adult animators on patreon hide their earnings. even if you were deliberately being obtuse to make this argument, this is bottom of the barrel stuff anon

Anonymous No. 969528

Forcing it is probably not that good idea. Usually passion returns once you've spent some unmapped free time away from it, so that you don't have an end date set for your vacation

Anonymous No. 969529

i've tried that for almost a year now and while i've been excited to work on some other stuff (making models), actually making anything of my own is an enormous chore

Anonymous No. 969532

it IS easy money, if you are skilled and passionate enough to make quality content. It helps infnitely if you the content you make is an actual kink of yours.

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Anonymous No. 969535


Nothings worse than people who make coom art for fetishes they don't like.

It's insincere. It's awful.

If you can't jerk off to the art that you make, how the fuck am I?

Anonymous No. 969536


You get it. Visuals alone won't do--people want experience sex.

Games are the closest thing that a basedboy will get to the female experience and 3D lends itself to virtual projects.

Anonymous No. 969537

the big boys have been at this for like 7 years now so if you're trying to compete with them from the outset you're retarded

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Anonymous No. 969540


Guess no one should open a restaurant or write a book because chains and publishers got the market cornered.

That defeatist attitude is why you're here.

Anonymous No. 969542

But if a Coomer open a restaurant I would not go, because I am sure that they don't clean their hands when they finish with their Coomer deeds like Asmongold

Anonymous No. 969545

no i'm telling you to be realistic about your expectations. you're not going to compete with the michelin star chefs when your only experience is flipping burgers at mcdonalds

Anonymous No. 969573

If you're already good 3D generalist, you could generate buzz with images alone in under a month.
People have no idea how little they need to know about 3D to milk this shit,
You just need to take the first step which is to dump your pride and download assets off the net

Anonymous No. 969576


You burned out just making content to sustain a $200 a month job.

Totally feasible to make this a career, guys.

Anonymous No. 969577

amen to that

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Anonymous No. 969578

>120k a month just doing porn animations

Pyw or humble brag these nuts

Anonymous No. 969582

>People have no idea how little they need to know about 3D to milk this shit,

That's the thrust of this thread: People talk that shit but no one says how.

"You jiggle the titties and drip the pussies and cha-ching! money bin. It's just that easy fr fr"

I'm gonna go sway some knockers in an eight second loop, put it on Twitter and retire now.

Anonymous No. 969583

120k yearly obviously, not per month. I'm too ashamed of lurking this board to associate my work with it, but if you want an idea on the quality required to reach those numbers, just look at the work of the top porn earners on graphtreon. If you can match that quality level, you can get to those numbers as well, assuming you can do at least some basic marketing. You absolutely need to do marketing. Post free content on social media/tube sites, or your chosen niche relevant sites etc. It'll likely take a few months to reach income levels that would match your industry job, but if you're not at 5K/month within a couple years of doing 3d animation, you're doing something wrong, or your work is not up to standards. Standards are of course higher, the more competition there is within your chosen niche. Vanilla has the most competition, but on the other hand it also has the most viewers.

Anonymous No. 969584

Create content that you would personally enjoy. If you enjoy it, surely someone else does as well. Don't bother with fetish content that you're not into, chances are you don't understand the nuances needed to make it appealing to those with the fetish, so you're unlikely to compete with the people who are into the fetish, and you'll also likely burn out fast creating content you don't like. You can do lower effort loops on the side to fill your page with content, while working on more fleshed out scenarios, in the scope of short films.

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Anonymous No. 969585

So short films and games? The value is in the big projects?

Seems the same with general 3D as with 3D porn: People want something to bite into.

Anonymous No. 969586

Yes, but you can get away with much simpler scenarios in porn, compared to normal content. It doesn't need to be some thought provoking piece of art or comedy. All it needs to do, is get people off. Some creators do get by with just doing appealing short loops as well. But yes, bigger projects with some sort of scenario, at least for me, are the ones that seem to bring in most new customers.

Anonymous No. 969621

>Download model(s)
>Tweak/Upgrade model(s) (because you know how)
>Pose and render model(s) well (because you know how)
If you don't know how to do the things above don't bother
If you don't have an eye for aesthetics don't bother
If you don't know your render engine of choice don't bother

over 10% of this board can probably do these things but they don't want to stoop down to it

Anonymous No. 969625

It's obvious who when you factor in taxes and shit

Anonymous No. 969645

>Not much but that's because I decided to get stuck in infinite comm hell
what do you mean by that?

Anonymous No. 969651

I dont count "artists" who just steal 3d models, pose them around in blender, do the same 5 seconds loops and dont have any idea to even head hack a new model, rig, uv, sculpt, texture, retopo or create anything by their own.
Thats mostly why 3d coomer animations have that bad reputation, because of daz, overwatch and the same models over and over.
Anyone with less than 500$ on patreon but creating their own works always has more respect.

Anonymous No. 969653

I don't disagree with you. I can admit to being annoyed at times when seeing people make a lot of money using character's they didn't create or design. Personally I do my own models/designs, since I don't want to settle with someone else's creation, and I'm very "by the book" as in I try to avoid any potential legal trouble infringing on someone else's IP can bring, but I can understand why the average consumer wouldn't care about stuff like that, and would just rather watch content with the popular characters.

That said, I can't fault someone for doing that either, some people have their strengths in animation, some in modelling, design, rigging, whatever. Not everyone is a generalist, so they do their best in the area they're confident in. I can respect the content, if the animations are at a professional level, even if the models are stolen. But of course there's creators who only do the bare minimum, and their content's only saving grace is the models they've downloaded, but those are unlikely to reach even 500$/month, there's too much competition for low effort content like that to garner much interest. Pretty much all the top earners have at least something going for them, even if a lot of them do use the same models. Regardless whether you're using your own models or not, if you're making less than 500$/month, you're either just starting out, or doing something wrong, be it in marketing, or quality.

Anonymous No. 969655

whats your strength then? Whats the aspect of 3d content creation you consider yourself an expert in?

Anonymous No. 969657

Jack of all trades, master of none. But I guess I could say I have the most expertise in animation. It's pretty much the only thing I used to do professionally before switching to porn. On the other hand, it's also the aspect I least enjoy these days, due to burning out on it before the switch.

Anonymous No. 969659

>infinite comm hell
>what do you mean by that?
It means they are making their money from commissions rather than a subscription based service.

The advantage of commissions is that the money can be more immediate; you're paid as soon as the work is completed, with the caveat of not being paid by the hour. You also have to deal with clients and all that entails.

By contrast setting up a subscription means putting out content regularly and receiving the money at a slower rate while having to put in enough regular hours and maybe even having to support a community.

Anonymous No. 969660

ooooh comm like commision. I somehow read it as coom and was irritated. But thanks

Anonymous No. 969662

Any more tips or guide on marketing, especially on twitter and patreon?

Anonymous No. 969666

Patreon itself is not a discovery platform. So no one will find your content, if you don't advertise yourself outside of it. Potential suggestions: Phub, Twitter, xvideos, pixiv, rule34, deviantart (can't post explicit content, so can only post censored teasers), community related discords, or other community related websites/forums/galleries, like furaffinity if you're doing furry content, and so on. Although for phub for example, you need a verified account these days, so it can be a bit troublesome to set up, especially if you're worried about giving them private info.

The way I do it, is I post a free lower resolution version on the same day I do a paid release. It works as advertising, and also disincentivizes piracy, when you're sharing the paywalled content yourself, even if it is a slightly inferior version. Obviously you need to make sure you have the link to your payment platform included in the video somewhere, be it patreon or something else.

Anonymous No. 969674

Would making 3D porn in UE5 work? To get rid of the hassle of slow rendering

Anonymous No. 969688

as someone who started making models and posting them on smutbase you will be amazed how even some big names have no fucking idea how to use blender. they use it like they're still using sfm or something, it's embarrassing as hell

Anonymous No. 969689

just use eevee if you want real time rendering, that's what it's for. transferring it to unreal engine just to render it seems like it'd be annoying but i guess you could do some cool shit with interactivity

Anonymous No. 969691

Thank you for the answer.
Shouldn't I (depending of the case of course, in this one I can only shill one site of mine) shill my twitter more than my patreon? I feel like visitors don't click on patreon links because in most cases you wouldn't subscribe instantly.
But on twitter they see my free shit and WIPs and every posts and my profile mentions patreon anyways.
what do you think about that

Anonymous No. 969696

I guess if you're still building a following, it might be smart to funnel people to your main free distribution accounts first. Although I'd be vary about putting your eggs in one basket, in case you end up getting a twitter ban, or twitter just goes under, or changes rules to disallow porn entirely. Same goes for patreon as well, but if you're just starting, dividing your followers might be detrimental, since people tend to be more willing to subscribe to a creator that has a decent amount of subscribers, compared to someone who has a small amount. Basically a sort of, "everyone's doing it, so it must be worth it" kind of effect.

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Anonymous No. 969697


That's exactly what he said to do.

You're overthinking it homie. Get doing!

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Anonymous No. 969708

you don't understand...
I'm scared

Anonymous No. 969710

aren't they getting any problems by stealing models and making money out of it?

Anonymous No. 969734

is it too late to get into this as someone who's still relatively new to the field? ie will AI beat me to it?

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Anonymous No. 969737


What are you faggots so afraid of?

I'll tell you what it is: You're afraid of failing.

Of making Cris-tier pornography that no one will fap to or even look at.

Get over yourselves. As long as men have dicks they'll pay for porn.

But pretty visuals alone ain't worth shit anymore (thank you AI).

True arousal is way harder than looping your poorly lit Widowmaker taking it in the ass. And that's where the fucking money is.

Anonymous No. 969739

>As long as men have dicks
I'm sorry you made bad choices in your life

Anonymous No. 969769

cut your dick off for jewsus. fag.

Anonymous No. 969770

no because most porn models are made using game model rips combined with daz meshes so the ownership is nebulous at best. it's also borderline impossible to prove someone downloaded your model from kemono vs actually paying for your patreon
people do get DMCA-y about particular models though (like those fnaf girl versions)

Anonymous No. 969773

as >>969770 said. Most models are kit bashes of other shit from actual game &or software studios.

>Personally I do my own models/designs
from >>969653 probably requires a giant asterisk next to it to make sure nobody assumes they mean "from scratch".


Anonymous No. 969778

Im not afraid of failing, I'm just curious about AI. I have infinitely more experience in 2d than I do in 3d and I've seen firsthand what's happened there. just curious if 3d will be like pissing in the ocean in a few years like 2d is. I'm well aware you have to make yourself stand out from the slop.

Anonymous No. 969779

I'm wouldn't suggest it to everyone. But you can easily earn more than me if you have the energy for it. That's the thing, some people are just naturally attuned to putting out work no matter what. They either got that hussle gene that makes them workaholics. Or they got that free spirit gene that makes art flow through them. Those kinds of people will end up making good money with relatively less effort. I got neither of those genes unfortunately. I got the procrastination gene that makes me unable to focus on a task.

But yeah, I know my earning potential is pretty high, because I'm capable of selling commissions for a fairly high price. Much higher than my monthly patreon earnings. I could work full time on commissions alone, only doing 2-4 commissions a month, if I wasn't prone to burnouts.
If I kept the patreon updated regularly, it would grow for certain. It helps that I have popular artists following me, and they retweet my work occasionally.

Anonymous No. 969789

Okay thanks I get it, but let say an artist made his own OC but only has a standard license then I'm more likely to be sued if I'm getting caught right?

Anonymous No. 969794

I never tried. Should I?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 969797

1. Rigorously separate your normie & coomer identities to protect your different userbases from reacting poorly to one another.
2. Separate broadly straight & broadly gay fetishes, for the same reason. Use different names so shit doesn't overlap on booru sites.
3. Straight = obvious stuff, loli, straight shota, straight incest/inbreeding, straight characters/ships, less animalistic furries.
4. Gay = obvious stuff, gay shota, gay incest, gay ships, trans, lesbian, most furries, weird furries, scat, gore, child hate, animal torture.
5. Cultivate social media presences to more easily get commissions & figure out what people want.
6. Porn is a replacement for the entire social/sexual stack, not just cooming. It's about relationships. Your porn should be about vulnerability, relationships, boundries, and above all else the fetishistic breaking of boundaries.

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Anonymous No. 969807

>6. Porn is a replacement for the entire social/sexual stack, not just cooming. It's about relationships. Your porn should be about vulnerability, relationships, boundries, and above all else the fetishistic breaking of boundaries.

By God! Finally, we arrive at truth.

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Anonymous No. 969810


Fetishes are a synaptic connection between a man's eros (his urges) and his body.

A fetish, basically, is a strong memory built in adolescence that communicates a person's desire into horniness. Reinforced by masturbation and time, the fetish (the synaptic pathway) becomes ingrained in the brain.

Men don't outgrow their fetishes. On the contrary, a fetish strengthens into a bridge: It becomes the quickest route to commanding the blood to the penis and men will always take it.

So what you're saying is that in order to gain an audience of people so attuned to your art that to see it they'll pay you money, you must reward them by activating their fetish.

You must tell stories in which these men break through oppression, fear, shame, and everything else to get what they want (i.e. tits, pussy, love). And they achieve it all through their fetish.

You reinforce the ideas they already have ingrained in their brain (feet, NTR, interracial, size-play, whatever the fuck it is). You make art and tell stories to activate those synapses; you reward those connections; you let men play in their erotic fantasy.

You become a bus driver who takes these guys over their favorite bridge to their favorite feeling (a rock hard dick) and these men will pay your fare to go again and again.

Is this the way to coom riches?

[Pic related lends research to this theory. (Book: "A Billion Wicked Thoughts")]

Anonymous No. 969812

What do you have to lose?

Agree on 1 & 6. Partly on 5, in that social media presence is important, but commissions in general are not worth it, they're a dead end, unless it's something you can incorporate well to growing your following. And by following I mean people who enjoy the content you also enjoy creating, not the followers who came for the content you only created for some pocket change. The other followers who don't at least somewhat match with your tastes don't matter, as they are not going to pay for the content that you realistically can keep creating for multiple years, the content you also enjoy.

In that vein, the rest of the points are irrelevant. You shouldn't be over reaching and trying to cover every single niche out there in the first place. You should just focus on creating content you personally enjoy, and are passionate about. Anything else only leads to burnout. You'll likely be able to keep it up for a while, but you'll be fed up with it and wondering what you're doing with your life, before you even reach somewhat decent earnings.

Anonymous No. 969814

you're not going to get sued, someone might get butt hurt at you and send their fans to brigade you for being a thief. or you'll get dmca'd and have your shit taken down
you can always ask the guy if you can make fanart, most people are friendly

Anonymous No. 969822

>you can always ask the guy if you can make fanart
I'm bad at sculpting so I guess I'll just purchase the standard licenses (which are cheap) and try to have patreon bucks
thanks for the heads up

Anonymous No. 969845

nothing really. I know how to model already and have a good handle on realtime optimization.

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Anonymous No. 969866

Please help! I want to use pic related to make straight shota comics, but I need a nude version of it, unfortunately I can't sculpt a good body by myself, so can someone here do it for me? I promise I will compensate very well when I get rich on Patreon!

Link to model

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Anonymous No. 969874


Literal fucking child porn. Even jews don't stoop to the level of you degenerates.

Anonymous No. 969875

>casually asks someone to make him a naked child model
are you retarded
also patreon will banish you from the platform instantly and probably report you to your local police

Anonymous No. 969876

End your life, you almost ruined a very good thread.

Anonymous No. 969907

If you ever want to kill yourself feel free to call me, I'd love to strangle you and jump on your head

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Anonymous No. 969913

>Can't use 3D tools
>Asking for free labor
>Immediate ban on Patreon

Baited by an obvious troll.

Anonymous No. 969917

because I cant achieve this level

Anonymous No. 969927

damn I saw about this book just yesterday, is there a torrent of this book anywhere?

Anonymous No. 969935


The book just tells you to like dickgirls.

Anonymous No. 969936


It's definitely possible and I believe you can do it.

Learn animation and lighting, copy reference video, done? Looks like Memz Tracer model too that's doing most of the work of visual appeal.

Her feet and toes are clipping into the mat for the most part as well which is humorous as it's a foot fetish psyop.

This level of quality the creators are leveraging addons and features to present the bodies as more fluid/jiggly with physics. They're not animating everything frame by frame.

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Anonymous No. 969937


Anonymous No. 969955

pretty sure it's yobo's model because he has a fetish for huge ugly feet

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Anonymous No. 969958


What the book actually says is that dickgirls are for straight beta bitches with submissive tendencies.

Guys like you.

Anonymous No. 969959


This. They're distracting you with copious jiggles. Can't even get the feet right in a fucking foot fetish animation.

You can do better because they're not doing great.

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Anonymous No. 969962

Having failed in becoming a character artist, I don't wanna go spend another 5 years in what could ultimately become another fruitless endeavor, I do know some anatomy and general game model pipelines, my question is, I am not an animator, could I get by with just creation sexy models?
If not and I need to learn animation I just need to know that there is at least some money to be made here, cause sinking my time and 20's into anatomy and 3d modeling has left me but penny-less so far.

Anonymous No. 969965

Find a partner who will do the animation and split the profits

Anonymous No. 969974

Its both easy and also hard in different areas.

On one hand if you get good, you'll stand out over the oversaturated shit flooding the market.

In the beginning your main competitor is some brazilian in a shack who thinks rendering with one light and zero fundamentals means money.

You rise above that, actually learn a bit, and even with the shittiest renders or animation, you will make at least a 100 if you get around 4k follows on twitter.

After that, continue to cultivate an audience, focus on models you like.

In the end its more about appeal than skill. Theres fuckers that smash dolls together like a mongoloid with adhd and rake in a grand meanwhile i bothered to study animation and can do what they do but better, yet not nearly as profitable.

Followers > Content > Consistency > Skill.

At a certain point, when youve reached a very high follower count and you notice profits plateau..

Skill > Consistency > Content > Followers.

Anonymous No. 970013

>could I get by with just creation sexy models
r2studio sells models of fotm characters and probably makes bank
memz is also big on the commissioned model route + patreon to sell all his models. pretty sure he charges a lot too and i never see him not working on something

Anonymous No. 970018

Reminder, if you make BBC porn, some seething chuddie will doxx you. Just look at what happened to General Butch.

Anonymous No. 970020

>Theres fuckers that smash dolls together like a mongoloid with adhd and rake in a grand meanwhile i bothered to study animation and can do what they do but better, yet not nearly as profitable.
i love seeing people on my timeline saying stuff like this because they're clearly seething and think they're way better than they are
they also post huge copium about the algorithm crushing them or them being shadowbanned and shit

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Anonymous No. 970023

What if the BBCs belonged to futas?

Anonymous No. 970030

yeah, quite funny. I was in the same position. Saw people make couple thousands on patreon and seethed hard because I knew I could do better. Eventually I tried and it actually worked out more or less, started out very slow but I kept going and now I have very well earning patreon that allows me to make my shit full time. The seething stopped. Because I just went ahead and did it instead of just bitching.

Anonymous No. 970034

what amount of content do you produce? if it is 3d video, can you give an idea of video length you put out and how often. or if it is 2d images, how many per month for example.
do you feel you need to have a minimum per month or whatever to keep your subscribers happy?

Anonymous No. 970037

>do you feel you need to have a minimum per month or whatever to keep your subscribers happy?

Definitely, you need to be consistent with releases, weeky, every two weeks, every month, every two months, whatever you feel comfortable with. Its not about how quickly you release new stuff, its about how reliable your schedule is. Subscribers love knowing that you have a fixed schedule that you respect and can fill with sufficient content.
Find out for yourself what works best and stick to it. Put it in your patreon or subscribestar description how often you release new content.

The amount of content is also fairly secondary, in my experience most important is quality. And with that said Id rate the different types of content the following (just in terms of earning potential and market saturation):

Good full 3D animated games > good 3D animations > mid 3D games > mid 3D animations > VNs > 3D still renders

Im not sure where to put 2D images in this list because I think they play on an entirely different league.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 970055


Anonymous No. 970059

I'm thinkig based

Anonymous No. 970061

every time

Anonymous No. 970062

While I can enjoy the rare futa on female, most never stop there for some reason. I don't like it as much as this book says I should. It's gay otherwise. I'd sooner see the fat bastard takes down the whole group though.

Anonymous No. 970064

Maybe have a burner laptop, and upload from a nearby McDonaldโ€™s

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Anonymous No. 970065

GB made the best /pol/ bait. RIP. Heard he was sent to prison since it's illegal to make porn in his country.

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Anonymous No. 970066

Visual Novels are closer than any short animation to a lived experience. For that reason VNs are far more lucrative.

The more engaged your viewer, the deeper the hook in their lip. Bump VNs to the top of your tier list, right below a full 3D game (it basically is one).

The bottom tier is renders because there's a surplus of shitty artists and AI images.

Animations are only slightly above renders because most are bad, but even more fail to elicit desire or stir up horniness. The retarded 3D artistes focus too much on shaders and nodes and ignore completely appeal and heat.

You know, the shit you actually wanna touch yourself to.

Take a look at the multitude of Patreons for shitty 3D VNs for proof.

Anonymous No. 970070

in your experience do VNs need to be narrated? i have seen a few when i was checking out a UE plugin for VNs and they were just text appearing on the screen with visuals, no voice acting.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 970078


Play the top Patreon games and look for yourself.

I spent a day downloading and playing all the top 3D Patreon visual coom novels, and I can say this: The quality is repugnant.

>Typos in the first ten slides.
>Barely any music; no use of sound effects.
>Three paragraphs of pointless exposition per slide.
>Choice prompts with one single option.
>CGs with poor lighting, poor poses, poor cinematography.

Yet these games are making a minimum of 2k to upwards of 35k a month. A month!

The bar is so low a baby could crawl over it. Yet such is the desperation of lonely men to make-believe that they have power and relationships.

If you can do better there's a market dying for it.

Anonymous No. 970079

quality is way better amongst the top adult animation creators

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Anonymous No. 970080


Play the top Patreon games and look for yourself.

I spent a day downloading and playing all the top 3D Patreon visual coom novels, and I can say this: The quality is repugnant.

>Typos in the first ten slides.
>No voices.
>Barely any music; no use of sound effects.
>Three paragraphs of pointless exposition per slide.
>Choice prompts with one single option.
>CGs with poor lighting, poor poses, poor cinematography.

Yet these games are making a minimum of 2k to upwards of 35k a month. A month!

The bar is so low a baby could crawl over it. Yet such is the desperation of lonely men to make-believe that they have power and relationships.

If you can do better there's a market dying for it.

Anonymous No. 970081


Animations don't scratch the same itch as games do.

You know why? Because real sex is a pro-active activity. Watching videos is passive.

Men want to feel like they can hunt and conquer pussy. A game plays to that fantasy.

Which is why if you compare dollar-to-dollars, 3D porn gamemakers make bank compared to 3D animators.

And the kicker? Porn games barely need animations to succeed.

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Anonymous No. 970083

thanks, memz seems like a great example of what to go for, any idea how much these creators make monthly?

Anonymous No. 970093

>he was sent to prison since it's illegal to make porn in his country.

Anonymous No. 970103

Aint as easy as you think. Far easier to do a part time job and earn way more than you would doing 3D porn. Takes a few months and some luck to get beer money.

Anonymous No. 970112

no I get it, absolutely. thing is having a part time job is boring and fucking around with 3d is something I enjoy. I'm not desperate for money, but if I can use a skill I've developed to bring in even one cent then that's worth it to me. just something I've been considering lately, I'm well aware it's not something where I can flip a few renders into a $1k monthly income

Anonymous No. 970119

i think x3d is general butch and you will never change my mind
there's also like 5 general butch disciples who he gave his models to before quitting who ape his style so closely they're like discount GBs in their own right
memz probably gets at least 500+ bux a month from patreon and then he takes model commissions on top of that and i think his rates are pretty high

sage No. 970122

so is like 90% of the 3d porn out there just someone taking someone else's model and animating/posing it to their liking?

Anonymous No. 970123

my guess is 90% or so is just ripped models, thing is, you can actually tell when someone is putting out their own stuff and that sets them apart

Anonymous No. 970125

are you surprised by this

Anonymous No. 970131

Ayo is it normal to kinda dislike most of your work? I recently got into making coom renders and although people sometimes comment how they like them, I find that they just aren't good enough. Is this bullshit some form of perfectionism or is the norm in the "industry"?

Anonymous No. 970132

if they already paid off your second mortgage, then you can afford to send me some of that

Anonymous No. 970133

>Get doxxed.
>People find out I'm actually a pretty cool guy.
>Report doxxer to the police.
>Doxxer gets arrested for harassment.
>Become a public figure, since everyone knows what I look like now.
>Start making lazy commentary videos on youtube.
>Get hundreds of thousands of views per video.
>Now have dual income, and become twice as wealthy as before.
Thanks for the exposure, chuddies.

Anonymous No. 970134

pretty sure it's normal with any art
you see more after x hours working on it than the person who glances at it for 20 seconds
he actually could have become a social media figure like a pajeet shadman if he embraced it

Anonymous No. 970156

i mean, YOU can tell, can a normie though? which one do you think matters more?

Anonymous No. 970187

>dox 4chan guy
>no picture of himself anywhere
>"hey look he lives there!" if you even manage to find this information
>nothing happens

Anonymous No. 970190

>people find BBC Overwatch porn whenever they google your name

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Anonymous No. 970193

Better than Googling your name and finding nothing.

Anonymous No. 970204

More like 99.5%+ depending on how you define
>taking someone else's model

Anonymous No. 970292

account A: puts out studio quality work, probably is a whole ass team, even has a small degree of mainstream recognition, makes a shitload on patreon
account B: solo guy, appeals to a fairly niche fetish, genuinely passionate about his work, good quality and semi-reliable schedule, good and supportive following because of this
account C: solo guy, rarely does animations and they are pretty simplistic when he does bother with them, but his still shots are incredible. decent following.
account D: solo guy, main draw is early access to his files (which are lazily done and he makes them public eventually anyways) and his renders are shit. not bringing in as much as the first two but still better than nothing.

these are all actual examples, you get what you put in. tons of relatively smaller creators with like $1 or $5 requirements that still manage to pull in a few. I figure if you're semi-competent you can at least bring in something.

Anonymous No. 970348

Just posted my second picture on twitter and tried to post it on rule 34 (mod approval pending) and I feel good with it. Learning every day and trying to get better. Still scared of animation at the moment, but I will figure out the stills first before I go there. Still need to figure out how to pose faster and some mechanical shit like how to replace a male model's dick with a better one (for my taste). But onestepatatime.

Anonymous No. 970351

What do I care? I'm wealthy. I won't have to work a "real job". What? You think everyone I know is going to abandon me over some porn? Pshaw.

Anonymous No. 970354

If families will accept these OnlyFan whores and porn stars, your family and friends will accept you in spite of your perverted art.

This barrier, being "ostracized", is yet another manifestation of fear.

Anonymous No. 970365

What niche are you focusing on?

Anonymous No. 970375

I was going to type vanilla, but that doesn't mean shit now lol.

But straight sex in a romantic and sensual way. No exaggeration of body parts or sperm. I try to go in an aesthetic kind of way for couples, married ones or those who want to have a partner and miss "the touch" which will obviously be my bigger audience. No BBC, Beast and Futa stuff, I hate those genres. I'm surprised how many people in this space are ok with calling interracial sex "blacked" as it's inherently racist, but I'm not complaining. Like I said, not my genre anyway.

Anonymous No. 970376

BTW: 10 new followers 3 who aren't bots and someone who congratulated me on my start in DMs and is looking forward to my new stuff.

I'm gonna make it bros

Anonymous No. 970378

Farming, human cattle

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Anonymous No. 970381

Porn has become so degenerate that love and soul is literally a niche. And seemingly a powerful one.

Anonymous No. 970383

"Lovemaking" was never a major aspect of porn in all of human history of porn.

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Anonymous No. 970384

Focusing on cuddling, makeouts (with saliva simulation) etc. might be a good idea. I'm gonna steal this idea.

Anonymous No. 970385

Just uploaded my second pic on twitter. moderators still won't approve my post in the first booru, the second booru won't let me upload till next week because it's a new account. and the third booru...I can't find the fucking upload button lmao

based. Exactly the kind of shit I'm working on

Anonymous No. 970388

>I'm surprised how many people in this space are ok with calling interracial sex "blacked" as it's inherently racist

well man, that itself IS the fetish, and yes it is inherently racist but broadly accepted in our society as people get off on having a genetically superior man violate your sacred bond with a white woman, the most valued asset in society. it is rooted in self depreciation of ones value as a man.

Anonymous No. 970393

I'm interested but only started a month back. What programs should I use to model and animate if I wanna make 3D porn? Anime coom videos seem like they would be easier than trying to learn more realistic art and movement.

Anonymous No. 970407

godspeed, do tell us if this niche is working (having more good artists in it will shine more light onto it bringing even more people etc)

Anonymous No. 970422

fuck boorus man, no artist posts shit there themselves, they are just for some rando to repost your content once you are a bit more established

Anonymous No. 970433

let's see it. censor so the jannies who visit this board once a year don't ban you

Anonymous No. 970434

Once someone starts posting your shit for you on boorus you know you've made it

Anonymous No. 970436

since people are going to reverse imagesearch my shit anyways, JerichoSmut on twitter. literally my first 3 pictures (If you include the Profile Picture) working on the fourth one with loba right now. still have to figure out lightning

Anonymous No. 970437

btw the first one with wonder woman got rejected by the mod lol

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Anonymous No. 970438

not a bad start. look into learning sculpting to adjust things after posing so you aren't a slave to armature deformations which may or may not be good

Anonymous No. 970439

follow back you coward
jokes aside, is there a general google search enough or are there better tutorials/guides you know of?

Anonymous No. 970440

make it to the big leagues first then i'll follow
and i didn't use any tutorials really i just learned by doing. make a shapekey and move shit around with the grab brush or use a multires modifier and sculpt all the nice extra details

Anonymous No. 970441

will do, thanks!

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Anonymous No. 970452

Thinking of using AI voices for dialogue. I know coomers don't care, but other 3D artists might start seething over this.

Anonymous No. 970453

way to get instantly hated by everyone. it's not worth it. you can't build reputation on that and you will loose yours if you had any.

Anonymous No. 970454

the VA girls are literally a racket and if you try to disrupt their incredibly easy cash they will destroy you. that being said what are you using to synth the voice? elevenlabs?

Anonymous No. 970455

in your posts you have
>[MapEmoji] Map by someone
what does this mean? uv and displacement maps for the skin textures? were they not part of a model already?

Anonymous No. 970456

probably means the room

Anonymous No. 970457

like the other Anon said, it's basically the room I use. She made a very good woodshack room in the winter and it is easy to handle.

Anonymous No. 970473

I've noticed some people who've started and have made it within a year that started off by posting on r34

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Anonymous No. 970474

I use Elevenlabs for my visual novel. Sounds great.

A real voice actor bill would be in the thousands. Ain't nobody got time to negotiate VA fees and work with strangers who don't give a damn about your project.

Fuck the haters, seize the tools.

Anonymous No. 970476

why not just follow him back? why the gatekeeping?

Anonymous No. 970477

just uploaded my own shit for the first time as well.

Anonymous No. 970478

other 3D artist here. nah. Voice actors are a huge pain in the ass to deal with so ive also been contemplating use of AI voices. Also AI is getting pretty good with that too so eventually even the most nitpicky person wont be able to tell the difference.

Anonymous No. 970479

how is it gatekeeping? earned followers is better than charity ones

Anonymous No. 970480

>be a girl
>own a microphone and a cardboard box to record in
>make $200 for 10 minutes moaning into a microphone
>compete with like 10 other women for commissions
people think onlyfans is the grift but porn voice acting is the real grift

Anonymous No. 970482

a VA seems like the perfect use for synth voices. shame elevenlabs isn't good at moaning and the voice often deviates way off the samples you upload or the intonation is all fucked up. was fun to mess around with when it was free at least

Anonymous No. 970483

a VN* i'm retarded

Anonymous No. 970485

They probably want to stay anonymous
along with the dash of elitism that's in all this

Anonymous No. 970488

That's why you supplement the voice lines from ElevenLabs with Coom Sound packs, available anywhere on the internet.

The latest model, ElevenMultilingualV2 on Elevenlabs, is also much better at generating moans and utterances if you generate it enough times.

Anonymous No. 970495

Give him a break.I probably wouldn't follow me either if our roles were reversed. That's why I made the joke in the first place. All the people who start with 3D Smut and stop as soon as it gets difficult, I wouldn't want to bloat my follower list with half-dead accounts.

Anonymous No. 970497

this slayer guy has sponsors. SPONSORS. like mainstream sponsors on fucking 3d porn. and what does he do? like rape and beast shit. unreal. his fluid sim is top notch though that's for damn sure. I want to do this but idk how to reconcile the morality of it all. also how does the taxman view coombux?

Anonymous No. 970498

>taxman view coombux
They see "Patreon" as income source. Why would anyone care?

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Anonymous No. 970499

>Proud Father
>You play the role of a proud father. You have 3 beautiful daughters you have raised on your own since the passing of your wife. You have also looked after your younger sister and niece and have a close relationship with them. You will have opportunities to further the relationships with the girls you desire. How far these relationships go is up to you. Good Luck!
>Development halted due to the arrest of the developer by Australian Police.

Anonymous No. 970500

the federal taxman, sure. but let's say you hypothetically live in a state with notoriously conservative views on porn. curious about the state taxman.

Anonymous No. 970541

I thought about it a lot and I have decided I don't want to actively contribute to the degradation of the modern man and instead focus on making myself the best man I can be. Godspeed anons, hope you all make it in your own way.

Anonymous No. 970555

slayed dot coom? he's black, divorced his wife thinking he could transition to doing irl porn, made some vids with gross egirls then realized nobody wants to see his tiny dick and fat gut and has instead pivoted to shilling shitty powdered gamer juice
literally shameless

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Anonymous No. 970567

Extreme, but profitable niche

Anonymous No. 970580

Imagine going to double jail

Anonymous No. 970621

If you are completely committed to it, how much work should you post per week? Considering it's only pictures?
I ask that from a creator, and consumer perspective. please share your opinion on both sides.

Anonymous No. 970624

depends on the quality. if you're making generic bbc overwatch porn you should be able to finish something in a day if you're "completely committed"

Anonymous No. 970629

Webcomic creators would put out roughly 3 pages a week. Some went as high as 5-6 pages a week. Insane people did 7 pages a week. Slower people did 1-2 pages per week.

I'm using webcomics as a measuring stick. Because most of the artists were amateurs just doing what they can and trying to make it big. I think that's realistic for anyone in this thread. But if you want to be a professional and pump out work for a major publication, you have to be able to produce 2-3 pages a day.

This is all from the perspective of the 2D arts. With 3D, you should be able to produce a page a day, if you plot your work carefully. Once you have all your assets ready to go, then you can pose and render relatively quickly. Lulls in production would come from acquiring and readying new assets.

And remember, you don't have to post everything you make immediately. If you're rendering 2 pics a day, then hold on to one to post the next day. By the end of the week, you'll have 7 pics posted, and 7 more to include as part of the set. This will satisfy engagement daily and weekly engagement. The weekly being the full set.

Or maybe you're the type of guy who creates in bursts. Maybe you get 3 pages done here, 1 page done there, and 2 pages done there. Bubbles of productivity scattered throughout the month. That's fine. Just schedule your release schedule down to how ever many pages you think you can realistically handle. If you're averaging a scattered 4 pages a week. The promise 2, and release 4 as a set. If you're producing 2 a week, then promise 1 and release 2 as a set. Also under-promise. People like thinking they're getting more than what they should be getting.

Anonymous No. 970651

Consistency and specialization. The ingredients to successful coom.

If people know what you're about, they'll come to you for their fix. And if you publish regularly, people will follow you.

Over time these two things build a relationship of trust; that's when you've made it.

Anonymous No. 970654

I haven't read your post but I guess you're describing a good workflow.

Anonymous No. 970655

It's a really nice workflow, thanks for sharing

Anonymous No. 970666

that was very insightful, thanks!

Anonymous No. 970827

If I'm creating a non lewd game that happens to have horny/coombait characters, should I worry about the asset rippers uploading my stuff to smutbase and similar sites? Even if it can be viewed as free advertising, I feel like ownership will get lost at some point, like with those fazclaire models having dozens of blender smut peddlers who are building their brands with characters they didn't create and reselling edits to their patrons. I know that's the entire 3d smut scene, but I'm only interested in making stuff with my own characters. I've been considering shifting development to an actual porn game and hope my models stay contained there, or just start making my own renders and animations, even if OCs get less attention than the usual Overwatch stuff.

Anonymous No. 970832

surely there's a niche for tasteful pinups, I hate how extreme shit gets

Anonymous No. 970833

Cris, are you really worried somebody is going to use this >>969780 without permission?

Anonymous No. 970835


Anonymous No. 970842

I work hard on my models.
Chuds will not steal my new AI pixelart pbr pipeline.

Anonymous No. 970843

if anyone gives a shit about your game to rip the models and use them to make porn you should be flattered

Anonymous No. 970852

>3d Artist posting girls pooping.

The internet is awful and you perverts made it that way.

Anonymous No. 970855

tits or gtfo

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Anonymous No. 970856

Has anyone used face mocap to speed up the animation process?

Anonymous No. 970857

I bet you 50 bucks writer of that book looks like genetic waste.
All sexologists that write shit like this have a certain look.

Anonymous No. 970862

Ok, which one of (you) are FailedIncarnate?

Anonymous No. 970863

i've seen lots of people test it but nobody who has actually made use of it. seems like it'd be a no brainer for making animations faster so there's obviously something about it which sucks

Anonymous No. 970864

is that someone on twitter or what?

Anonymous No. 970865

>cyber temptation was a rising star of pinups
>now he makes soulless ai images using a 3d model as the base and gets no likes
ai destroys lives

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Anonymous No. 970875

They don't sell iPhones in 3rd world shitholes

Anonymous No. 970887

You can ask Cris, he is from Venezuela, but maybe they have a workflow for getting them? Like giving the police some bananas or something

Anonymous No. 970888


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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 970889

What should I answer?

Will probably ask for about 50.000$

Anonymous No. 970892

Can you actually do anything if you find out all your shit is available for free on sadpanda?
I always wonder when I browse entire artist galleries

Anonymous No. 970894

depends on what you mean with "all your shit". If it's for example patreon exclusive shit, you can always DMCA. Boorus work pretty fast on shit like that. if it's just the stuff you share on twitter, then who cares?.

Just helped yesterday on reporting someone who steals stuff from other creators and uploads it on his own patreon and even artstation. We got rid of his patreon, artstation, instagram and even MEGA. Literally just report/write an email with receipts and everything is fine

Anonymous No. 970896

free marketing. Some might end up becoming a patreon paypig if they really love your work.

Anonymous No. 970899

cool. i was wondering it you actually needed to pull heavy law shit to make things move
yeah i considered this too. btw do any artist actually set up an account on sites like that to post freebies as marketing/community building? i mean i guess someone will end up doing it anyways but i wonder if artists just focus on twitter

Anonymous No. 970903

Does anyone know why everyone is suddenly using Boosty instead of Patreon?

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Anonymous No. 970910

Absolutely killing the game right now

Anonymous No. 970949

>not invited to the nyl daily animation challenge
i'll never make it...

Anonymous No. 970953

most are saying that throwing out a quality animation daily is insane anyway

Anonymous No. 970957

i don't think it's that crazy, i could do a 4-6 sec loop in a day if the models are all prepped and ready to go. if you have to fuck with them a lot or make a whole bg from scratch or something it would certainly complicate things

Anonymous No. 970960

How do you get a following without spamming hashtags?

Anonymous No. 970962

use models made by someone big who retweets a lot (rigid, icedev) then @ them in the art post (so it shows up more in their feed) crediting the model to them. hope they see it and retweet you

Anonymous No. 970963

also hashtags are trash which nobody uses and if you use too many twitter will hide your post because it thinks you're a desperate spammer
also don't post links to patreon or anything on your art posts, that gets you squashed too

Anonymous No. 970964

It's physically possible of course. Depending on the complexity, amount of characters and so on, I can push around 10-30 seconds of passable animation per day if I absolutely need to. But realistically speaking, for a long time period, or doing it regularly, you won't last long mentally. You might be fine at the beginning, as you're still enthusiastic about doing something new, but that enthusiasm won't last forever. If you're still building a following, it's of course smart to push yourself for a while, but you really should start slowing down eventually, or you'll just end up quitting eventually instead.

I would recommend around 25 hours of work per week, breaks not included. That's comparable to what people do at studios and other professional environments, when you consider the time spent socializing, useless meetings, breaks, "procrastinating since lunch is in 1 hour, so no point in getting started before then, it'll just cut my flow", and taking extra long shits on company time, and so on.

Anonymous No. 970967

funnily also answers this question >>970621

That's also why I'm not the only one who says that it is insane to throw out an animation daily. You can do this for a while sure. I mean it's literally a challenge. But as a creator, and even as a consumer you shouldn't expect that.It just destroys you in the long term

Anonymous No. 970968

Scratching 30 followers but I feel like 5 of them are real people. Should I just go with it?
Which Follower goals are even to celebrate?
100,500,1000,10.000 and so on?

Anonymous No. 970969

if you're making good stuff you'll probably find some big boy will retweet you and you'll explode through 1k in a day so you might not get a chance to even do the lower goals

Anonymous No. 970970

then I need to do better stuff

Anonymous No. 970982

if the animation is looped its more than possible.
in my animation team if you take more than a day for anything that is a looped sex animation youre considered slow.

Anonymous No. 970984

Any podcats or video recommendations while doing other shit in blender to also learn about blender?
Or should I just fire up a random tutorial playlist?

Anonymous No. 970985

I see a lot of people set discord membership as part of one of their patreon tiers, but what goes on there, how do you keep your supporters hooked? polls?

would like some recs too, I listened to a lot of andrew price (blenderguru) podcasts which are pretty interesting, he interviews pros about their mindset, workflow, techniques etc but it focuses a little bit too much on the industry which i don't care about

Anonymous No. 970988

I would If I had the skill

Anonymous No. 970991

Anime Nyan interviews with coomer 3D artists like Slayed.coom. They're on pornhub

Anonymous No. 970992

Kemono doesn't take down anything
That said, patreon's the only ripper that works on Kemono at the moment.
Artists who circumvent getting their stuff ripped to there get their stuff posted elsewhere manually like F95Zone monthly.
Hard to tell how many pirates would be customers if pirating was impossible but alas, it's unavoidable

1 Ruski's being in the wrong country
2 kemono doesn't rip boosty (or does it?), might do in the future

Anonymous No. 971026

I recently came to the conclusion that I am not as critical about my own art as to others. I see the top artists making mistakes in clipping, false physics weird lighting and so on. But if I see mine, I don't have this kind of mentality that I need to be better. why is that?

Anonymous No. 971054

when you're working on something mistakes tend to fade in importance as you get accustomed to seeing them
this is usually why 2d artists constantly flip their canvas, keeps their eye fresh

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Anonymous No. 971080

what's with this guy replying to everything? does it boost your own exposure to farm replies on other people?

Anonymous No. 971081

I would think so, yeah? I follow him because his replies get me to other people I didn't follow before who have good stuff.

But even outside the algorithm perspective, why not reply to shit you like? it's not really about exposure. Sometimes you can be nice.
I would like people to comment on my shit, especially in detail like he does, instead of a few fire emojis.

Anonymous No. 971083

i guess it is better than just hitting like. i'm too cynical to think he's merely doing it out of kindness though

Anonymous No. 971084

It is, because it's like feedback on things you do, which in MY case I would really appreciate. Not only the positive ones, of course.

Also outside of this, according to the X-Stats: a like and a retweet gets 30x boost, a reply only 1x.
So if you like something, you 100% should press the like button AND comment since a comment alone don't give the boost needed.

Anonymous No. 971087

Have you looked at 3D porn tweets? Some get over 10k likes, yet less than 5 comments. It's so easy to market yourself by commenting when nobody else is willing to do it.

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Anonymous No. 971106

Just had ny first fireflies situation on my render while trying to simulate phone screen light on a face. god this is annoying. trying a denoiser and a larger lightsource. let's see if this helps

Anonymous No. 971111

I'm pretty sure Cycles used to have some heuristic to switch to biased mode for small light sources at some point. I guess that feature was too useful, so it was removed.

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Anonymous No. 971119

The light turned out a bit too subtile now and I don't know what to do.
Maybe reducing background lights now

Anonymous No. 971187

how many samples were you getting fireflies with?

Anonymous No. 971191

the first time 1024.raised that up to 2048. on a 4000x5000.png
also reduced some background lights. I'm 90% satisfied with it now, but the 10% that are not as I want annoys me. will upload it later on twitter. maybe others think different

Anonymous No. 971218

I disagree

Anonymous No. 971230

>This shit is easy
I thought like this until modelling and animation was 100x harder for me than doing just normal abstract ad-style animation

Anonymous No. 971253

One thing I've always wondered for shit like this, do people actually make their own models at any stage? Most of the coomer shit seems like it keeps the same artstyle across different posts, but I can't tell if that's a model thing or a texture/lighting thing

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Anonymous No. 971254

It's up and went better than expected. Worried a little too much.

Anonymous No. 971283

>do people actually make their own models at any stage?
Most of what you see are modified versions of the same handful of assets(at the low level) besides heads that come from vidya and are stitched on
This is a major factor in why the scene has been stagnant - people don't know how to model & texture to an impressive level from scratch

Anonymous No. 971304

the people who make models use game assets and usually daz assets to make it easier for themselves. there's still a lot of work involved even if you aren't sculpting a base and retopoing it from scratch

Anonymous No. 971348

id say the majority uses ripped game models or models from daz studio
then from the remaining group that makes their own models, the majority isnt really at a stage where their models would be considered fappable
So that leaves you with a tiny fraction of the overall coomer artists that actually make their own models and do it well enough.

Anonymous No. 971445

I'm in one of those. There's porn shops operating but they call themselves, "novelty stores" and if you say the P-word inside you get B& for 24 hours.

Anonymous No. 971465

Does the 4chan dating app that's shilled on /soc/ count as a coom money making scheme? Some of the people on that must have fucked by now, if there really are almost 5000 people on it like the dev claims

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Anonymous No. 971491


Anonymous No. 971542

time to open the patreon and collect your free million dollars

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Anonymous No. 971765

Fidelity is shit
>Animation is interesting

Fidelity is good
>Animation is boring

why are animators like this?

Anonymous No. 971802

usually 3d people focus on particular areas and neglect others so you get things like amazing materials+lighting but the sex itself is bland as fuck

Anonymous No. 971817

true, in order to make overall good quality content in all areas you either work in a team or you are one of the rare few autists who can do it all well enough.

Anonymous No. 971831

what do you expect from animators living in favelas?

Anonymous No. 971834

Art in general is a very nuanced thing. Focusing on small parts of it makes it easier to manage.

Anonymous No. 971874


Autists gonna aut.

Hyper-focus on the minutiae but forget to make the damn thing appealing.

Take a look in any thread here and witness this fallacy firsthand.

Anonymous No. 971913

get an actual job you deadbeat millennial losers

Anonymous No. 971916

Is there much market for 3d porn games, interactive 3d animations? I am game developer looking for job and have experience in 3d modelling. Should I try focusing on few fetishes and maybe a small story?

Anonymous No. 971919

Every major or high budget porn game turned out to be a scam or a fetish infested slideshow of filth that only a niche of people are ok with. I think the only good one coming out is 'Soulgasm' and it's still "just a Visual Novel"
>Studio Fow's Subverse turned oit to be a cuck game with beastiality and boring as fuck animations and Marvel Tier dialogue
>Wild Live turned from Porn RPG to Woman getting fucked by monsters simulator.
It's funny that the creator tries to sell it as "optional" sex encounter, but literally every promo of this game is the player being a woman getting fucked by rat-, cow- or other mutant people. Which is a shame because the physics andanimations seem to be good

Anonymous No. 971923

The first 4 months of Patreon I subbed to myself (with vpn and giftcards) to inflate my numbers. It actually worked to build my Patreon. Don't recommend it since it's technically fraud.

Anonymous No. 971928

how many subs did you create for yourself?

Anonymous No. 971929

I created a tier that was 300 dollars and I used 4 accounts to sub to myself. Enough to get it over the 1000 dollar mark. The power of social proof is legit. Again, I don't recommend it since it's fraud.

Anonymous No. 971936

I will definitely not do that, but thank you for the concern. I thought you were doing 50 accounts for a 5 Dollar Tier or something. I was curious on how far you would go

Anonymous No. 971939

make vidya after a decent following. doing it from zero will be a waste. being in "good standing" to the bigger names doesnt mean shit. If they retweet you, great, but keep in mind they're socially awkward retards too. Unless they shill your work, they dont hold any influence over simps following you.

Marketing is important but theres a ration of skill to shill. Shilling shit work will grow slow, shilling great work will grow quick.

Definitely isnt easy though. Otherwise itd be flooded with pajeets in sand huts making tracer porn.

Takes less effort and more profit reselling on amazon or making a youtube bot channel.

If youre doing it for easy money, follow the chinks and pajeets. If you do it cause you think its cool, it aint.

Anonymous No. 971940

coomers dont care and cant tell. Ive done it plenty of times. youre not exactly appealing to the peak of humanity here

Anonymous No. 971941

only faggots care what other faggots do in their porn.

i agree theyre not artists but i also dont care what they do, i earn my own

Anonymous No. 971942

mokujin a good example. his rigs are trash that are needlessly setup with mustard tools.

Anonymous No. 971946

i meant more people who use the models not the ones who make them. why don't you like mustard tools? is it because you need an addon now?

Anonymous No. 971957

hey, i got a job. Making coomer animations is my job and it pays very very well.

Anonymous No. 971958

its also retarded because patreon takes a cut of like 10% so you basically are giving them free money

Anonymous No. 971982

I want to start making lewd content on patreon, I am a good 3d modeller, it's really Saturated?
I make a decent living now, but I am tired of my boss and I want to try something else

Anonymous No. 971984

you could start working some porn content on patreon on the side and see how it goes while you also look for a new job in case your boss really starts to become unbearable.

Anonymous No. 971992

you should do it only as a hobby and if it gets big then great. if not you can still enjoy doing it

Anonymous No. 971993

I am going to do that, you guys gave me the last push to try.

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Anonymous No. 972010

I'm worried the model creators will get pissed if I tag them in some of my weird fetish posts.

Anonymous No. 972013

how weird we talking about here?

Anonymous No. 972014

as someone whose twitter feed is unreadable because of being tagged in posts i don't think they'll notice or care

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Anonymous No. 972015

As long as the author is not a blatant terminal autist - you will be fine, and even then they would probably not do much to you because they are a blatant terminal autist.
JamsDX comes to mind first and foremost with his extremely retarded Lovetaste Chica model drama. Even though he's still seething to this day, people still widely use it with no problem at all.

Anonymous No. 972018

any tips for stretchy orifices? what's the best and least tedious method? still the torus with the ring of bones + shrinkwrap projection?

Anonymous No. 972023

godspeed anon

Anonymous No. 972024

4 bones for the butthole and a few more for the pussy are enough, no need for fancy deformers like shrinkwrap on top. When the animation starts playing people wont notice that anyway.
My butthole rig is just 4 bones that move apart and can be controld in all channels individually, once you get the hang of it you can animate a penetration in a few seconds, way faster and more reliable than a stack of complex deformers.

Anonymous No. 972025

you hand animate that? what if you want to change speed over time in a loop, doesn't that mean you have to meticulously adjust it? sounds like a pain

Anonymous No. 972028

That's why it's just 4 bones
>Adjust speed
Just squish the keyframes. Again, as he already said - most won't even give a shit while looking at the finished product.

Anonymous No. 972030

yeah but that just sounds awful, especially if you have giga autism and can't stop adjusting the animation like i do. with the bones you could make a low res dick proxy mesh and shrinkwrap the bones onto it for probably a superior result with way less effort

Anonymous No. 972050

of course there is a solid control rig on top and I know basic animation techniques so adjusting speed and position of the keyframes is second nature to me.
also since I render my shit in UE5, I try to keep the tech I use to game-compatible so only bones and shapes.

Anonymous No. 972118

Can you explain what you mean by channels individually? What software are you using? Thanks.

Anonymous No. 972146

I mean translate, rotate, scale and all axes. Depending on the way you paint the skin weights you can achieve quite a wide range of poses with just 4 bones and that level of control. Oh and I use Maya.

Anonymous No. 972201

Oh, I'm using Blender. Do you pay for Maya, or are you using a student license or pirated? Is Maya worth switching to? Cause I'll say right now, for organics, I am not having fun using Blender for my modelling.

Anonymous No. 972238

im paying for Maya now but back when I started I pirated it.
Whether its worth switching to depends on a bunch of factors, mainly if your goal is to eventually land a job in the movie or game development industry where the majority of positions will require Maya expertise.
Personally I find Maya also a lot easier to handle rigging and animation with but that may jsut be my own bias.

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Anonymous No. 972752

Any anon have experience with selling content individually (like through Gumroad) vs something like Patreon?

I don't like the pressure of running a Patreon and would prefer to just release content packs and promote with some free shit.

My niche is size/femdom VR content (stills and videos).

SFW pic related.

Anonymous No. 972827

>other 3D artists might start seething over this
That's literally free exposure tho.
As a coomer I'll never stop using something like virt-a-mate even if every dev comes out as trans and starts reciting hitler speeches while beheading toddlers on camera.

And I'm pretty sure AI voiceover is actually expected/preferred, anything to not read that fucking slog a lot of VN "PORN" writers pour in their "PORN" game.

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Anonymous No. 972838

>Decide to try getting into this shit
>Make a new account on twitter, since i already have a quite popular account there and thought i know a thing or two about getting followers
>Mfw fucking shadowban from the getgo either before or after i post my work
How in the fuck?

Anonymous No. 972839

Coomers btfo based Elon

Anonymous No. 972854

any industrybros here? I'd like to start making porn but I'm too burn out from my actual 3dcg job. how to break the vicious circle of animating for 12 hours, then coming home, gaming for half an hour and going to sleep? I just don't have the energy

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Anonymous No. 972862

unironically, you gotta pay for twitter blue the first few months

Anonymous No. 972890

>Billing Address for Stripe is perma greyed out, so I can't pay for premium
I'll take that as a sign not to

Anonymous No. 972896

It doesn't matter whether you pay or not, you'll get shadow banned regardless. Only reason to pay is if you want to post longer videos directly on twitter. But even if you're shadow banned, you'll still get new followers through retweets and such.

As long as it's not mid-project, and you truly are burned out, and have around 6 months of savings to live off of, I'd just quit. Since you have industry experience, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting a new job, if the gamble doesn't work out. It's not worth your health just to keep a job. If you're already burned out now, what do you think the situation will be in a year, or 5 years? Do you think you can handle it until you're ready to retire?

If you don't have savings, then start saving asap. If you don't make enough to leave money aside for savings, either ask for a raise, or start looking for a replacement job with a better wage at another studio on the side. Best thing to do of course, is prepare things while you're working a job, if you can handle it, or have the time for it, but it sounds like you don't.

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Anonymous No. 972905

Update: i got unshadowbanned after deleting my post and waiting for a few hours.
I then proceeded to make and post a SFW image, absolutely nothing fatal about it, and got shadowbanned again shortly after posting it.
How the fuck does this even work? i am probably forgetting how it actually was, but under calitranny pajeets before Elon this shit was at least somewhat usable.

Anonymous No. 972913

It's shit compared to what it was before Musk, but it's still the best platform for discovery, for porn at least that is. But we really need to get something better soon, pornhub used to be good for this as well, but they are a mere shadow of what they used to be before they wiped pretty much their entire website. I'm honestly considering tiktok, and posting censored content there to attract people on my other platforms, since that seems to be where all the young people seem to go these days.

Anonymous No. 972933

I was exactly where you are now. You wanna know how I did it? Dont work for 12hours. Do your 7 or 8 or whatever is ACTUALLY in your contract and then fuck off and go home. Dont be a wage slave, just work your hours and leave, your employer doesnt really appreciate you doing overtime anyway and it only ever fucks with production who then think the time it took to complete the project is ok and they will keep similarly stupid deadlines for the next ones..
So when you have a bit more time and motivation for your own personal projects, build them up over time until you can start making some patreon cash. Pick something you genuninely enjoy making (porn content I mean), that way itll take way way longer before you feel any fatigue. Altho make no mistake, you will eventually feel fatigued, but dont worry itll wear off if you take a break. For me it comes and goes in sort of periodical intervalls of 1-3 months but generally longer on than off. So Id have some really cool thing I want to make and work on it for 2-3 months till its done im done, then take it slower for a few weeks then get a new great idea or kink or whatever and work on that and repeat.
Im able to pay all my bills and save up a bit from my 3d porn work so personally im quite happy with here I am. But dont be fooled, in the end its just a different job.. but one that you actually enjoy doing and you get to make your own times.

Anonymous No. 973014

In a third world country that 80 bucks a month is decent cash for what's likely not that much work. If they pumped high quality stuff constantly, chances are they will be making more, if they just a bit of time as a side piece, they likely make more by hour that skilled labour in a poor country usually gets.
That's ignoring that most of the earning in the this kind of disgusting fetish kind of shit are probably for commissions and not patreon.

Anonymous No. 973015

>since that seems to be where all the young people seem to go these days.
Stop grooming kids, you fucking freak.

Anonymous No. 973016

I imagine you are not going to tell us who you are to check you out?

Anonymous No. 973033

I know this is bait, but I'll bite. By young I mean people between 20-30. The platforms that young people visit, tend to become popular, since they get new people. The ones that only old people visit, stagnate or dry out, since new adults go to the platforms that they used when they weren't adults, or the next new thing where their peers end up going. If you can't attract young people to your platform, it will die eventually. Then the old people will go to the place the young people go to as well, since their service becomes a ghost town. This will likely happen to tiktok eventually as well, as the user base ages and the new generation finds it "cringe" to use the same services their parents use.

Pigeon No. 973047

Is the link thing true? I allways post a link to rule34 so people can download my animation at high res

Anonymous No. 973224

do you HAVE to tag the model creators?

Anonymous No. 973225

Why are you all so fucking scared of writing the name out and put an @ in front of it, I don't get it. Just tag them holy shit

Anonymous No. 973234

Do you think these videos are useful for a newcummer in "download character add jiggle" pipeline?

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Anonymous No. 973496

>but it's still the best platform for discovery, for porn at least that is.
And how the fuck is one supposed to discover it if it gets shadowbanned instantly?

Anonymous No. 973510

that's literally a (You) problem

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Anonymous No. 973551

There are successful smaller scale adult games that actually have gameplay
some western examples that are 2D:

There sure are less 3D ones that are released.
I disagree on what you wrote about Subverse.

As for adult games from Japan, there are lots that are 2d and 3d
pic related example is 3d

The last time I looked into Wild Life it had a team of over 10 people, so I think they are financially doing fine. No idea what the gameplay turned into at this point but I remember flying and combat.

Anonymous No. 973553

Japanese like to sell koikatsu content through gumroad, but I got no first hand experience myself.

Anonymous No. 973556

>but it's still the best platform for discovery, for porn at least that is.
no it's not. You get more rep from boorus, exhentai galleries and unironically newgrounds.

Anonymous No. 973610

make friends or at least mutuals with some more popular people and hope they retweet your stuff sometimes

Anonymous No. 974083

The traffic on those websites is laughable. Even pornhub is more viable despite being a husk if its former self. I mean if those work for you great, maybe your niche happens to hang in those places, but if you're decent enough, your work will get retweeted enough that the shadowbans have essentially 0 impact on the people you bring in. Who uses twitter's search function anyway? It's always been shit for several reasons, Everyone just follows others, and finds new people through them instead. That's how it's always been..

This, and if you make good content, people will retweet. People won't retweet you, unless you're already popular, and they're hoping for a retweet back, or if the content is something they personally enjoyed enough not to feel ashamed of endorsing it to their followers, which a retweet basically is.

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Anonymous No. 975863

How do you approach the question of pricing someone asking for a commission from you when you haven't ever done any?

I make small loops, not really complex, and the lighting seems to be the hardest part of them usually. Nothing really extraordinary, but people seem to like it a lot and some guy approached me in DMs recently asking for a commission. He described the idea and all, but we haven't talked price yet.
He asks me for a loop like i usually do, just in a position he described. So again, nothing extraordinary and i definitely could do it in a few days tops if i'm lazy.
The hardest part for me? Deciding what to charge him. On one hand, i don't want to leave with barely anything for my work, and on the other - i don't want to shark the price too high and scare away a potential customer, considering what i do is not that complex or detailed to ask for mad cash, even if it's paid by a furfag.
How do you usually calculate your comm prices, anons?

Anonymous No. 976397

pornhub has more trafic, but it's a porn site used by normalfags. You gotta go where your potential fans go for their fap material.

Anonymous No. 976398

it's not how complex you think your art is, but how much time and effort you put into it. Think of how many hours it is going to take you and how much you get paid per hour and do not go below that.

Anonymous No. 976837

Just make renpy shit for jeets at this point if that's all you gonna do

Anonymous No. 976914

I looked around, everyone was taking minimum $1000 per model and that was back in 2020. Nowadays it's 2k I think.

I asked for 500 because I was really scared of losing my first client. Don't do that.