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🧵 lewd animations

Anonymous No. 969395

no matter how hard I try, they always end up looking uncanny. How do you achieve realistic movements, chuds?

Anonymous No. 969398

postin in an ebin cris thread
inb4 404

Anonymous No. 969410

I think they have to look vaguely human first to come off as uncanny.

🗑️ the chair nerd No. 969426

Go back to your ̶c̶a̶g̶e̶ thread cris.

Anonymous No. 969448

Not to answer the mentally ill 'chris' poster but since 'autistic intercourse' is an unfortunate staple of 3D porn I'll share some insight on this important topic.

When two or more bodies are engaged in the act of making fuck to one another they have several common anchor-points where the center of mass of the two bodies interlock and restrict each others movement such that the act of gyrating their hips causes their genitals to come together, typically in rhythmic fashion from a samey angle but not locked in space.

As an animator this means you're not to be animating two different bodies flopping about freely in space aiming their genitals at some static point in space where the D and the V meet. They should instead be animated as if one body by slaving both bodies into an intermediate rig that provides IK for all points these lovers are holding onto one another while having their pelvisuses slaved to a common dummy pivot against which both participants can hump freely. This pivot can then be subtly animated meandering around to naturally reposition both bodies thru out the hump-cycle without breaking their conjugal connection or experiencing any genital drift.

This is the technical solution for how to have characters do anything that require them to move together. Dancing, hugging, kissing, being lifted/carried etc.

Anonymous No. 969452

Nice, that is a level up Cris!

Anonymous No. 969488


Anonymous No. 969489

>How do you achieve realistic movements, chuds?
one hand to the mouse and the other to fap

Anonymous No. 969495

how has this not been removed yet?

Anonymous No. 969496

>slaving both bodies into an intermediate rig that provides IK for all points
This guy knows what's up.
While I don't go as far as using a separate IK rig to frankenstein both models/rigs together, I do at least do something similar via constraints. Setting a common parent for the hip controls and the dick+target so I can get them moving any which way together, while separating the in/out motion into its own module.
It's especially important to take center of gravity/mass into account, which a lot of porn animators either don't do out of laziness or sheer ignorance.
Most shitty porn animators think all they need to do is get some tits flopping around and they'll rake in the bux, but holy shit it's all terrible.

It's so bad it can't even count as porn to mods. Mods which don't exist on /3/.

Anonymous No. 969498

Look at a human body and copy that you fucking retard. Even the most stylized art has fundamentals backing them.

Anonymous No. 969514

cris confirmed to be a mod
or at least a janny

Anonymous No. 969515

In the myriad experiences that I have had the fortune, or perhaps misfortune, to encounter in the span of my life, it is with a certain degree of incredulity and profound astonishment that I confess I have never been witness to an object, a creation, or a spectacle so egregiously unpleasing to the eye, so utterly devoid of aesthetic appeal, as the one presently laid before me. The sheer audacity, the unmitigated gall it must require to presume this... this aberration worthy of display, of public scrutiny and consumption, is an affront to the sensibilities of any observer with even a modicum of taste.

To contemplate that you, in your judgment, deemed this monstrosity as something fit to be paraded before the eyes of the unsuspecting public, to subject others to its grotesque form, is an act so bereft of empathy, of basic human consideration, that it elicits in me a visceral reaction. A physical malaise, a profound sense of discomfort that gnaws at the very core of my being, a testament to the profound impact that visual stimuli can have upon our corporeal selves.

Yet, in a bizarre twist of irony, one cannot help but acknowledge, perhaps begrudgingly, the undeniable power of this piece. To evoke such strong emotions, to stir the depths of the soul so vigorously, to provoke a response so intense and so immediate – it is, in its own twisted way, a form of artistry. It is a testament to the capacity of human creation to transcend mere visual pleasure or displeasure, to reach into the realm of emotional experience, to touch upon the raw nerve of human sentiment. In this regard, one might argue, your creation has achieved a level of success, albeit in a manner most unexpected and unconventional.

Anonymous No. 969525

I think they're leaving him alone because the amount and the severity of mental illness in the Blender community in general so high that getting rid of him wouldn't improve things a whole lot.

Hi ChatGPT. You're always welcome but you're missing the point. Clearly with this piece the artist wants to inhibit the process of masturbation in its viewers because he's a man of god and such acts of selfish pleasure are wasteful and sinful.

Anonymous No. 969530

Why would you post such helpful information in a cris thread?

Anonymous No. 969544

Why remove true art? Are you a Muslim or something?
Cris and his Coomer ark, he doesn't stop to surprise me.

Anonymous No. 969571

Lmao the power trip is unreal this whole board is compromised since the beginning.

Anonymous No. 969979

noah's ark

Anonymous No. 970135

>snk general AI schizo
first you need to get some actual skills, untalented hack

Anonymous No. 970510

low poly stuff has to be done tastefully, the modeling is already mid as is but the texture work is horrible (which is like the one thing people use to make bad low poly models look somewhat good)
uvs are all over the place, pixels are randomly placed as some sort of substitute for texture and it just generally look like they were made out of necessity rather than to make it look better
really doesnt help that you thought raytracing the scene would be a good idea while using models this stylized especially when you hardly modified your material's specular/roughness values to account for it, you could at least make maps for it like the guy behind the complementary minecraft shader did
this for the record doesnt even get into the meat as to why this scene sucks so much. Low poly is a style that's rooted in the lack of details, something that's really important to make nsfw pieces look appealing. You have to account for it by pushing more aspects like emotions, movement, spring bones, angles, post processing and even sound if possible. You aren't doing any of that, you gave the characters blank faces, put them in a physically impossible position, rendered with no background it and called it a day
I don't even know why you're not seeing any of these issues they're so glaring and obvious

Anonymous No. 970523

cris really gets around huh

Anonymous No. 970525

You definitely don't understand workflow, go back to basics and study more, or maybe is because you didn't watch that Andrew Price tutorial?

Anonymous No. 970537

wtf are you talking about where did i even talk about workflow

Anonymous No. 970610

Are you mentally ill? You are talking about his workflow, do you know what that world means?

Anonymous No. 972632

Athena has to be one of the ugliest girls in KoF

Anonymous No. 972663

Are you done yet? I want to fap right now!

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Anonymous No. 975909

>How do you achieve realistic movements, chuds?

Learn the basics of animation.

Anonymous No. 976257

This anon is correct and you really really should look into the 12 principles of animation and understand them. You cannot even make bullshit joke animations that look <at least merely adequate> without them.
That being said here's the hack:
Pose your characters in some fucking position. Skip to 1 second in the timeline, create a key frame for every single controller. So you have 2 keyframes at 0 and 1 second which are identical.
Go to 0.5 seconds. Pose the characters into the opposing stroke position. Just assuming you mean sex 0&1 are dick out. 0.5 is dick in. or w/e.
Go to 0.25 seconds and 0.75 seconds and make a keyframe at both times which correct the path from one pose to the next. If anything ought to be swinging or swaying it should be at it's most extreme bend here. (if you're using dynamics then w/e).
Follow this procedure on 4 frames. The frames just a couple frames ahead of and beyond your 0||1 and your 0.5 poses. Mark a key frame, and fix the poses if you need to. Then take those key frames at w/e frame they are and cut/paste them at the .125, .375, .625, and 0.875 second frames. These frames should include drag on floppy/flailing things.

Anonymous No. 976268

Stop being condescending towards Cris. He knows at least 13 principles of animation when you only know 12.