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๐Ÿงต removed free credits

Anonymous No. 969466

>try to download texture
>no credits
>turns out credits are premium only now and you don't get 15 free credits daily
Another cool site gone to shit by jewish corporation.
And yes, I'm aware about "free" tab on the site, but it's shit
No announcements about this change anywhere. They just did it silently

Anyway, any alternatives? Site had a nice collection of regular non-PBR photos

Anonymous No. 969467

get yourself some free phone credits

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Anonymous No. 969468

okay but why the FUCK redirects to apple site?

Anonymous No. 969469

Missing "s"

Anonymous No. 969471

yeah I get it, I'm just curious why exactly apple bought the domain & redirection

Anonymous No. 969473

Why wouldn't they? Nice domain names seem valuable. Maybe they will release Apple Texture for AR in 20 years or whatever

Anonymous No. 969474

makes sense I suppose

Anonymous No. 969483


Anonymous No. 969486

I didn't get textures for PBR materials there, but it was the first place I looked for photo textures and shit like building facades.
Fuckin Jews.

Anonymous No. 969641

Get on good old google images and just edit the fuck out of the stuff you get from there.

You weren't supposed to use the images in the same exact condition as you'd download them, anyways. I mean, you could, but that translates into abandoning your artistic vision for whatever stuff you'd be able to download.

The highQ PBR and substance materials were already behind a paywall.

For paid projects, the credits costs should be passed on to the client or at least taken into account when calculating the fees.

A bit sad, though. That was my first go-to but I guess those people got to eat, too.

Anonymous No. 970300

>>969466 is very good
you can always download old texture CD stuff from too

Anonymous No. 970326

> is very good
Not really the same thing though.
The site's value really was in its photo textures, not its materials that are a dime a dozen elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 970427

yea this is what sucks
i used it mostly for foliage

Anonymous No. 970430

How incredibly jewish of them. These low-res textures were a great community resource and certainly weren't eating into anyone's profits.
I don't want to download from other free texture sites, understood what made a good game texture, while the other sites are full of random schizo shit.

Anonymous No. 970874

I bet it's because people are using AI laundered textures now and it's eating into their profits. Nobody is going to download a brick wall texture when stablediffusion will generate one for you out of textures and photos that it was trained on.

Anonymous No. 970926

>and photos that it was trained on.
Please show an example of you 1:1 recreating a source image from AI or you're full of shit.