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Anonymous No. 969552

Seems like both are dying - LOL. Well, unity is definitely dying and Unreal just was never able to get scripting right and died in blueprint hell so no indies were able to produce anything with it

Anonymous No. 969553

Good. Fuck epic

Anonymous No. 969554

It looks like cris won

Anonymous No. 969555

Meanwhile in reality: Both alive and doing well...

Anonymous No. 969556

>unity, doing well
lmao what universe are you living in

>no indies can produce anything out of it beyond 5 minute demos

Anonymous No. 969557

Unreal is striving and Unity is suffering from bad corporate choice. But none of them are dying.

Anonymous No. 969558

unity is dying dying. Unreal is not striving, you can only make money off it if you have millions of dollars already

Anonymous No. 969559

>what universe are you living in

The real one. Just because it goes thru a slump doesn't mean much, you have thousands of people who have decades of experience in Unity, that is knowledge that doesn't go away because some hyperbolic youtubers who don't even develop have a seizure declaring it's demise over Vampire Riccitiello's escapades.

Developing a game worth a damn takes multiple years you don't pivot away from the engine you're using just because it's trendy this hour of this day.
If you where engaging with these things in any sort of serious capacity you'd know.

>you can only make money off it if you have millions of dollars already

Just because you can't doesn't mean there's not others who can anon. It's just something that's very difficult to accomplish so most who try will ofc fail.

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Anonymous No. 969560

gaslighting this hard

Anonymous No. 969561


Anon, you don't even know what that term means. You use it like a little meme-bot who thinks it's something you say to anyone who won't agree with your POV because you've seen others use it just like that.

Try using your neurons to make up your own mind instead of just recycling the stuff you hear, it can be quite liberating at times.

Anonymous No. 969562

lol, do any of you here actually work in an industry that uses one of these two engines?
Get real, please. None of them are dying.

Anonymous No. 969563

>None of them are dying.
look at this fucking guy

Anonymous No. 969597

>If you where engaging with these things in any sort of serious capacity you'd know.
I am and Unity is dead as fuck. None of the people I know inside or outside the industry have started developing any new project using Unity.

Anonymous No. 969620

You just happened to know 'several people inside and outside the industry' who released a finished game
or started a new project within this narrow time frame since Unity was front page news?

Either you're the shadowbroker of random networking with developers who also shitpost on 4chan or you're full of shit.
I know which one I'm going with.

Question is why is it so important to you that these creation suites are both being portrayed as failing?
I'm gonna guess you either tried to develop something yourself and found it too difficult and are trying to save your ego in a roundabout way.
Or are you looking to swap engine and want affirmation from others it's now a good idea to jump on the GODOT hype train or similar.

To anyone else reading this: I've been around long enough that I know there's ups and down, highs and lows to anything in life including your chosen softwares
but these things are too deeply rooted in dev culture to go away anytime soon, unless you have a crystal ball you don't know what tomorrow will bring.
If you're someone just starting out and wanna develop using either Unity or Unreal you're joining already existing and extensive developer communities
with solid cores that'll stick around regardless how much flight/influx is happening at their periphery.

Anonymous No. 969627

If you've been here long enough, you should've known you are replying to a Cris thread.

Anonymous No. 969646

Cris is in his own containment thread in brazil making sex loops, dumbass

Anonymous No. 969663

These types of threads are the ultimate proof that /3/ is filled with unemployed beginners.

Anonymous No. 969664

>he thinks unity isn't in its grave
>"pay almost 50 cents per install"
>he thinks unreal isn't in its grave
>no one can make anything with it without 4 years worth of development and 50+ million dollars

Anonymous No. 969665

>You just happened to know 'several people inside and outside the industry' who released a finished game
Yes, and not just games, it's also stuff like projects in the automotive industry, and I know those people IRL, not online.

Unity failing or not is unimportant to me, you just posted bullshit and I corrected you.

I didn't even talk about Unreal or Godot, quit pulling shit out of your ass.

Anonymous No. 969681

>>"pay almost 50 cents per install"

That was recalled and Riccitiello got the boot for how he caused/managed that whole debacle.
The fact you don't even know that says a lot about how involved you are in this.
You watched some youtubers rage about it declaring the death of unity in them rage-bait video-titles.
You didn't see the follow up because that wasn't covered as much since nuanced retractions doesn't drive clicks.

>no one can make anything with -Unreal- without 4 years worth of development and 50+ million dollars

That's a retarded take anon. Just because you can do a AAA in Unreal with a big budget project like that
doesn't mean an indie can't use it for something more simplistic, manageable and scaled back.

You don't have to make a AAA game in Unreal much the same way you don't have to make a
Hollywood blockbuster on your home PC just because you're running Maya.

I press X to doubt.

Anonymous No. 969713

>That was recalled and Riccitiello got the boot for how he caused/managed that whole debacle.
>The fact you don't even know that says a lot about how involved you are in this.
the milk is sour, despite what they say

Anonymous No. 972208

Why do you care? My favorite game, kenshi, was and is still being developed in a “dead” engine
Who cares

Anonymous No. 972211

UE5 is crazy good and it seems like they are going to heavily invest into AI features too.
AI driven physical animations, soft body and muscle simulation, cloth simulation.

Anonymous No. 972217

They are both alive and well but I'm prolly gonna use godot

Anonymous No. 972268

Kenshi is an amazing game, but you can really really see the constant limitations.

It's a matter of time until some semi decent studio steals the mechanics and make a true successor.

Anonymous No. 972277

Pretty sure kenshi 2 is being developed on unreal. And like other anon said kenshi really suffers from using ogre

Anonymous No. 972954

Lol, Palworld devs have bigger balls than you. "We don't know how to make a game but it was laggy in Unity so a team member suggested Unreal and we all used that"

Anonymous No. 972958

Unity is a lot more performant than non-dev people think it is, problem is you have to handle all the culling systems yourself to get there and that requires you to be aware of issues that most yahoos with a dream doesn't even understand is something one need to consider.