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🧵 Rant

Anonymous No. 969780

I'm beat, chuds.
3D is just too hard.
It's over.
It's over.
No wonder amateur devs always pick 2D.
3D is not worth the hassle.
It's over.

Anonymous No. 969793

can you donut though

Anonymous No. 969864

why he cock look funny?

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Anonymous No. 969867

Anonymous No. 969868


Anonymous No. 969992

amateur devs START in 2D. don't give up, pussy. If you really like it; you'll persevere someway somehow, faggot.

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Anonymous No. 970005

It’s about time.

Anonymous No. 970012

Hi Fygoon

Anonymous No. 970044

im increasingly convinced that cris is actually the board's janny or mod. i mean like, how the fuck does this shit even allowed here?

Anonymous No. 970068

Because it's art, and it's peak workflow

Anonymous No. 970073

You’re gonna give up, and then get back up later and try again.

Anonymous No. 970099

Not if he follows the workflow

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Joseph Fygoon.png

Anonymous No. 970126


Anonymous No. 970127

>how the fuck does this shit even allowed here?
Easy. /3/ is too forsaken to be blessed with mods or even a janny that does it for free.
Bold of you to assume that cris is either. We should be so lucky to have anyone clean up this board, let alone cris.

Anonymous No. 970617

Why do you want to get rid of Cris?
He is the only one doing something here

Anonymous No. 970618

cris is a plague upon all of 4chan. He's found on at least half the boards.

Anonymous No. 970627

faggot mods are definitely around.
they have deleted pictures of my models here because of nudity - despite them being wireframe on grey shaded.

Anonymous No. 970633

And? He post on 4chan, what a crime!
Maybe because he post high end erotic art and you cheap pornograhy

Anonymous No. 970674

Mods don't hang out here.
Images are reported by anons, which probably goes to an aggregate page of reported images from all other boards and mods decide whether to delete them or not.
It'd be stupid to think that they patrol the boards.

Anonymous No. 970686

>It'd be stupid to think that they patrol the boards.
well some of them ARE chronically online which roughly translates to patrolling the boards. Why do you think people get banned for "complaining about moderation"? You think the fun threads actually get reported? No, there are not people going around sniveling and sneering saying "Heh I wish I was an actual mod instead of an unofficial version of an unpaid position heh heh"