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Anonymous No. 969844

>Be Blender UI devs
>"how should we close edit menus?"
>"why not use a complicated and completely unintuitive click/drag feature to merge windows together?"
>"why don't we use an x button to close the window like literally every other software on earth"?
seriously fuck blender and its devs. I don't care if it's a free software, it has the most retarded UI i've ever seen in my life. How people learn to navigate just the basics of layout and organization is beyond my entire comprehension. I genuinely don't understand how you people defend this trash.
How do I lock a backplate image?
>in literally every software, go to layer, click on the lock icon next to the layer.
>in blender you have to go to filter, then restriction toggles, then enable "selectable" and then disable each icon corresponding to the object you want locked.
I'm sorry but that is completely retarded.

Anonymous No. 969846

I'm cool with all of these, however:
>if you have two separate, split windows and their splits happen to be in the same place they get locked together

Anonymous No. 969939

>, it has the most retarded UI i've ever seen in my life
I take it you haven't learned zbrush yet.
Even pre 2.8 blender with its dogshit tier UI was better than zbrush

Anonymous No. 969941

>Scale object in edit mode
>Now bevel doesn't work because you've literally changed one of the objects dimensions and have to reset the parameters
no CAD or modelling software does this. If you scale something in any other software, the edge fillets and chamfers remain uniform and function independently of your previous operation. For beginners, the sheer level of autism required to comprehend these nuances is unprecedented. And to who's benefit? Why would anyone WANT sheered bevels instead of uniform ones? What purpose do these terrible system configuration parameters server other than to stonewall anyone putting in a real effort to learn?

Anonymous No. 969945

It's perfectly logical to me that changing something that comes first in the stack affects what comes after, idk how it's hard to get. Ogher programs don't have this because you just dont have the option to scale in that way.

Anonymous No. 969947

people that make blender tutorials never talk about these subtle but mind-breaking nuances when making beginner tutorials. The software is so insanely different from anything else on earth that it's almost impossible to learn without combing the internet for incredibly specific guides. Open source was a mistake.

Anonymous No. 969967

I'm pretty sure I learned this even in the donut tutorial, but I am not quite certain. The thing is 3d software by its nature is insanely complex, even if the UI was perfect it would still be complex. Blender has a lot of features meaning more inherent complexity if you want to use all it has to offer(nobody actually does this btw, you use what you need)

Seriously though if you want to talk about needless complexity then try out zbrush, even people that use it daily still say the ui is unintuitive

Anonymous No. 969976

>free software
Paid for in lost time.

Anonymous No. 969977

Maya and Max tutorials back in the day were so much worse and were the smuggest fucking shit imaginable, or if you wanted something good you would be charged 50+ for videos where the teacher complained about their students doing things wrong, while also giving bad advice.

Things are much, much better than they ever used to be. never forget that.