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Anonymous No. 970017

>still no auto-retopology tool for Blender

Anonymous No. 970021

You understand how fucked we are once machine-learning understands surfaces to the degree it can accomplish that task well?
Rejoice how we still are needed anon, it'll all be over soon.

Anonymous No. 970026

There are addons but all autoretopo is dogshit, I can spot it easily because it's so bad

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majo chian.png

Anonymous No. 970029

Learn box modeling

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Anonymous No. 970039


Anonymous No. 970129

Yeah that's awful topo

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Anonymous No. 970130

It's always very easy to spot autoretopo because there is zero logic behind it, see picrel. It doesn't know how to use triangles, it doesn't understand where emphasis is important, it destroys silhouette and cannot into loops, edge flow is extremely sub par and such models won't deform properly. It's still useful though but I would never post a finished product retopoed by it. Just get good nigga, the more shit you do manually the better you and your work will be

Anonymous No. 970227

Are you high? The ZBrush one looks good.

Anonymous No. 970229

You dont know what you are talking about. Nobody is playing your little videogames anyway.

Auto retopo is fine for offline

Anonymous No. 970235

no one gives a shit about offline, offline is easy mode

Anonymous No. 970237

No one will play your game. Videogames are dead, even for gen next

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lol lmao.png

Anonymous No. 970244

I'm sure legs and body needed more polys than eyebrows anon
Delulu, gaming industry is more profitable than music and movies combined

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 970248

>gaming industry is more profitable than music and movies combined
Music and games are in the worst spot they have been in DECADES. PS5/XBOX Have gone 4 years without a single game coming out. PC gaming is just straight up dead. Mac gaming is dead. Vr gaming is dead. Apple vr isnt marketed as vr /ar /xr but spatial computing and costs 3000+ to post on insta.

Lol you look stupid


Anonymous No. 970249

>>970244 #
>gaming industry is more profitable than music and movies combined
Music and movies are in the worst spot they have been in DECADES.

PS5/XBOX Have gone 4 years without a exclusive games coming out. PC gaming is just straight up dead. Fortnite is dead. Minecraft is dead. Mac gaming is dead. Vr is dead. Apple vr headset isnt marketed as vr /ar /xr but spatial computing and costs 3000+ to post on insta and check your email. In 2023 gaming had become BANNED in china with billions of people


Anonymous No. 970250

Should've just said you are going to cope in the beginning of your post bro

Anonymous No. 970252

Do you evven know what that meme means?

Hollywood film didnt even post a profit last year, AGAIN. All streaming services are unprofitable

Anonymous No. 970276

>I'm sure legs and body needed more polys than eyebrows anon
Since the legs and body are amorphous blobs that's more than sufficient.
The only real quarrel I have is at the lower part of the mouth where it made to many skinny quads.
I'm pretty sure you can tune it for that and nobody says you can't add a few loops manually in places.

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Anonymous No. 970581


...why so scared? just building the stuff from scratch you have in mind without thinking about topology and all the other shit, once done, after autoretopo you get a neat subd surface and an neat UVunwrap, prompt the textures/materials, bam, your model is finished and ready to be used in what ever scenario.
the most shit thing about creating stuff is the irrational amount of retard manual labor that eats time and passion ... AI will boost the creative aspect of art and reduce the demoralising aspects, less people can stem larger projects in shorter time ...

... the only people who will be useless are the ones who earn there money with monkey buissness!

Anonymous No. 971011

>blendet still doesn't have sculpt layers

Anonymous No. 972766

ikr? Why are we trying to automate sculpting first?
No dude lol
If I can have AI optimize my meshes my life would be so much better

Anonymous No. 972790

>Why are we trying to automate sculpting first?
Because the people making AI tools aren't artists, and aren't interested in appealing to artists.
Their market is investors, and they aren't going to know what the fuck retopology is. None of this shit will ever provide value to artists.

Anonymous No. 972801

Well that's sad

Anonymous No. 974385

Fuck it, just bought Quad Remesher.

Anonymous No. 974387

>buying plugins for free software

Anonymous No. 974389

become the auto-retopology tool

Anonymous No. 974426

Machine learning is completely useless for everything except making porn of mentally ill women and telling them they were unfaithful 2 years ago.

Anonymous No. 979148

>auto-retopology tool
what do you need this for
>sculpt layers
as in floating modification layer?

Anonymous No. 979363

kinda like Zremesher in Zbrush or auto-retopo in 3DCoat

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 979366


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 979367

>B-but I don't have money anon
We have a cgpeers thread here >>954705

Anonymous No. 979547

lol u fukkin retard

Anonymous No. 979565

you have dunning kruger

Anonymous No. 979586

Those hands are ridiculously tiny
It's supposed to be a joke?