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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 970077

>AI shitting out terrible meshes and art
>nobody developing AI driven UVs, LOD, topology and rigging

Anonymous No. 970082

> UVs, LOD, topology and rigging

Much harder problem than making geometry itself. How would you possibly train something to manipulate a thing like that if it already didn't understand what it's looking at?
Think about it anon, being able to understand geometry and generate mesh is the first step towards creating a system that understands how to automate those tasks you're requesting. When the day comes the AI can do that sort of thing for you there is nothing left for you to do.

You wanna have fun and have the AI automate way things you don't enjoy because you find it tedious.
But all those tasks that you see as beneath you are actually higher order mental work than creating the visuals themselves.

Anonymous No. 972148

>>nobody developing AI driven UVs, LOD, topology and rigging
maybe you should do it. i'm not being sarcastic, if you think this a niche that is underdeveloped you could corner the market.

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AI animation.png

Anonymous No. 972153


Anonymous No. 972163

Seam placement is a solved game, you can look up the ones that work for free

Fair enough, but some devs do the reverse of LODs and subdivide a mesh when it needs it.

Learn how to box model parts of the body with the topology you want, lego piece everything together afterward.

Just reuse the skeleton that works. If the topology is the same then weighting will be the same as well.

Anonymous No. 972170

But that requires work, I don't want that, I want Ai to do it for me.
I want to be an artist without having to work on my art

Anonymous No. 972176


Anonymous No. 972216

maybe give it some already finished production level assets and let it learn from that

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Anonymous No. 972219

You know why no one made neural network retopo tool? Because this tool has to actually work and do its job, or otherwise you'll be told to GTFO. Meanwhile, with automatic plagiator software you can get away with completely garbage results because "muh emergence" and "imagine how better it will get in 10 years"

Anonymous No. 972224

Well said