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Anonymous No. 970117

This Karma MaterialX shit in H20 kind of looks like ass don't you think? My other renderers destroy it though in quality (materialX just cannot compete at this time) but the integration into H20 and the fact that it works with each daily version of Houdini makes it strong.

For my other renderers I may be literally months behind daily version, that 3rd party Houdini ROP bridge may cause instability and I have to pay more for that renderer per year than I do for Houdini Indie alone. Does anyone else feel strongly about Karma?

Anonymous No. 970143

the whole point of karma is adhering to a standard that will be present across every single package so that multimillion dollar studios don't waste time (TL note: time means money) on troubleshooting why material x in renderer y is giving a different result from renderer z.

Anonymous No. 970144

you've typed a number of words in the op that you clearly don't understand. i'm assuming this is bait. that or you're genuinely not very clever.
either way, stop breathing.

Anonymous No. 970147

What is wrong with you, dude? Are you gaslighting?

I use a renderer that has been around for literally decades. Karma just got out of beta 2 months ago.

Are you an idiot?

Anonymous No. 970148

Yeah and? the results dont look very good. My other 2 renderers destroy it.

Anonymous No. 970149


show you renders then, coward!!

Anonymous No. 970162

>can't articulate any specifics
brainlet skill issue. i actually have specific gripes with karma but you're not worth talking to.

Anonymous No. 970164

Look at MaterialX Standard Surface and its horrible sss. Absolutely terrible subsurface. I use sss a lot and this is the first thing i tried. What in the hells were they thinking?

Look at Karma Material Builder. Its baby level and doesnt support new lobes, just uber shader connections. Its not even close to the freedom of MtlxLama (unsupported in karma cpu or xpu)

Anonymous No. 970165

>look at it
lol. try using words.

name six renderers that support lama

Anonymous No. 970168

>lol. try using words.
i did. I said it looks horrible and it does. Fuck off.

>name six renderers that support lama
no point. It exists, its part of material x, and its not included. You sound very pathetic.

Anonymous No. 970196

What issues are you having with the SSS? In general the parametrization for MaterialX tends to be weird and not very artist friendly, but I've found the behavior of the subsurface to be pretty easy to dial in, and Standard Surface is generally nice to work with.

But yeah, overall there are still a lot of missing pieces for MatX.

>its part of material x
Despite the name, Lama is strictly a RenderMan thing for the time being. Think of MaterialX in Houdini as a reference implementation. Until Lama is actually rolled into the spec, it most likely won't appear in Houdini. Go ahead and look at the MaterialX spec and physically based shading nodes documents, you won't find any mention of Lama.

Anonymous No. 970197

Materialx lama is used by ILM, the creators of materialx

Anonymous No. 970199

Right, they released it initially, and it's now an open standard with a bunch of contributors from all over. Lama still isn't part of the spec though and as far as I'm aware no other DCCs or renderers aside from RenderMan incorporate Lama.
The long term goal is to align MaterialX and Lama so it's a proper part of the specification, but who knows when that will happen.

Anonymous No. 970203

I avoid things that aren't 'high grade' so I don't use my GPU to render at all let alone with things that aren't ready, even if the difference is negligible. I don't touch Karma period (for now)

Anonymous No. 970206

>What issues are you having with the SSS?
he'll never say because it's likely he's never used houdini.

Anonymous No. 970305

if you want to render on CPU then use the ILM proven workflow with MaterialX Lama in Renderman

Anonymous No. 970374

Bros I may have been wrong about this houdini karma shit....It takes a strong man to admit that he may have been wrong.

From doing monitoring tests between karma and another commercial gpu renderer, karma was using substantially lower vram. At least 60+% less.

Still, I feel like I have to stay committed to my previous toolchain for a little while longer and do a gradual change over to Karma over the next year or so and not just jump ship blindly

Anonymous No. 970490

Why? (unironically)

Anonymous No. 970492

Btw sss depth is set to 0 by default
Turn it up

Anonymous No. 972640

Intro to Karma Materials for Beginners in Houdini

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 972641

incredibly poor tut