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๐Ÿงต What's the easiest way to model organics (people, creatures, etc)

Anonymous No. 970218

Now to me, modeling hard surface stuff like picrel is at least marginally non-challenging. But when it comes to stuff like modeling humanoids, it's really difficult and can take literal hours upon hours. I'm positive that I'm not the first to encounter this issue. Are there any tricks/tips to speed up or ease the process? (I can't just use base models btw. With what I'm going for, bases will look too realistic and out of place)

Anonymous No. 970221

>Help I'm an imbecile.

Anonymous No. 970226

>But when it comes to stuff like modeling humanoids, it's really difficult and can take literal hours upon hours
You mean sculpting?
Well that's like the difference between technical (construction) drawing and regular drawing.
It's something that requires more practice and talent like art tends to do.

If you want quicker results don't be afraid to import something existing either as a reference or as a starting point.
Ignore the autists who claim you have to start from scratch and study 9001 hours of anatomy.

Anonymous No. 970228

>You mean sculpting?
No, I usually only sculpt details. I build the model out of subdivision surface cubes beforehand.

Anonymous No. 970230

Humanoids and Animals are sculpted and then remeshed.
Plants are often also sculpted if they aren't done procedural.

>I build the model out of subdivision surface cubes beforehand.
Don't you're only making it harder on yourself. If you really want to go done that route use an existing basemesh.

Anonymous No. 970232

Oooooh I'm retarded, ok. Thanks. :)

Anonymous No. 970236


Anonymous No. 970297

what're you talking about lads? I'm trying to model some humanoids and getting my ass kicked
I tried following this by using the subsurf modifier on cubes with the mirror tool but idk how it works exactly, seems like he uses sculpting afterwards. if there's an easier way I'd love to know

Anonymous No. 970314

Try this one. It helped me immensely.

Anonymous No. 970315

doesnt even look human. It has non human proportions

Anonymous No. 970316

this might sound retarded, but is sculpting and then making the sculpt low poly something people generally do?
I find hard surface modelling pretty unintuitive at times, less so than sculpting

Anonymous No. 970325

Specifically for stylized characters in blender yes but it works for everything. It's a common alternative workflow.
The difference is you don't use adaptive subdivision but jump back and forth between edit and sculpt mode creating your final topology on the fly.
This has the advantage that you can work directly on multires which then you can export as LODs for game engine assets.
Going the other way is a pain in blender.

Anonymous No. 970418

Be a chad an Lear poly modelling