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🧵 help bros

Anonymous No. 970577

I was asked to model pic rel, and for some reason it has me stumped. I think part of the reason is the angle of the image which seems to make it a bit awkward. How would you go about modeling from a reference like that?

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Anonymous No. 970579

Start out by finding some achor.points in the image like figuring out what is at equi-distance from one another in the depth of the image and drop in some geometry that reflect this in your scene and start establishing the relationship between elements in your image.

Anonymous No. 970582

Tell the voices in your head that Paris has been 3D scanned to death over the years.

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Anonymous No. 970591

>Avenue de Camoens

... make a snapshot of the map of the part of paris you need, create simple objects that represent the buildings, place camera, tune it a little bit until its fits, etc ... or you can use some google maps addons to get 3d models of that area, but needs some installations and other stuff.

Anonymous No. 970592

>How would you go about modeling from a reference like that?
Download the car and the Eifel tower, after that you make all the buildings modular.

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the chair nerd No. 970622

1.Take a random video of youtube from Rue de Camoens.
2. Take snapshots every second or every atime the camera angle changes.
3.Use those inputs in a photogrammetry software.
The more videos you find the more you can add to the point cloud.
You can model from there.

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the chair nerd No. 970626

This is after 5 min of processing

Anonymous No. 970630

It's garbage.

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the chair nerd No. 970640

>How would you go about modeling from a reference like that?

My answer was to use a better reference. Back to the third grade anon.

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Anonymous No. 970736

>Avenue de Camoens

... i guess you dont even need random ytvids of that location! just use the 360° view in google streetview for the photogrammetry software!

when you dont mind, could you try it for us to see if that works?

...this persepective could be usefull too!

Anonymous No. 970741

Anon, you don’t know how 3D scanning works do you… Why do i have a feeling you’re using incompetent software to render LIDAR or photogrammetry technology.

Anonymous No. 970766

Can you show us proper 3d scanning workflow?

Anonymous No. 970771

Hope you like educated CAD information

Anonymous No. 970773

And then what do you do with the point could? What software do you use? What kind of results do you get.
The scanning process is just beginning of the workflow but where's the rest of the workflow?
And what do you do when you realize your point cloud is pure garbage and that you're going to need months of manual labor to fix it?
What's the correct workflow to avoid such scenarios?

Anonymous No. 970774

Find other references to draw from. Use them to fill in the gaps of your understanding. Also take that shit into photoshop and plan out what you need to create. Sticking to just one reference is retarded.

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Anonymous No. 970781

>>970773 sound like a complete retard?

the chair nerd No. 970783

Nope street view 360's don't work very well unless you do some heavy processing.Photogrammetry software uses sub-pixel calculations wich usually die with the distortion and tile compression that 360 panos from google usually do.
I could manage to make it but I would end up manually setting up reference point between 360 panos in order to guide the software process.

>Why do i have a feeling you’re using incompetent software to render LIDAR or photogrammetry technology.
>You are not using the latest biggest lidar in situ for a 4chan comment so you are definitely not an expert.
Not even worth it proving a point with a quick example with this caliber of comments.

>Sticking to just one reference is retarded.
My point exactly.

Anonymous No. 970794

>Nope street view 360's don't work very well unless you do some heavy processing.
