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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 970747

how to avoid these gaps when downscaling a texture?

Anonymous No. 970759

I know exactly what is the problem. I've solved this same question on /sqtddtot/ many times but since you made a thread for your stupid question I will not answer it.

Anonymous No. 970764

Those gaps are a texture workflow issue, you need to paint a few more pixels outside of the UV so it doesn't happen. Learn proper texture workflow man

Anonymous No. 970767


for gimp, search for GMIC plugin.
for photoshop, search for Flaming Pear Solidify.
both free.


Anonymous No. 970769

I'm sorry but that's not how it works. You just named a plug-in and said "/thread" but where's the workflow?
Do you expect me to do something without a workflow? That would be foolish.

Anonymous No. 970784

what the fuck is with "workflow"??? is this the new forced meme of the season?

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the chair nerd No. 970786

>is this the new forced meme of the season?
It sure is summer (or winter) in here.

Anonymous No. 970793

>Having a workflow is a meme
For you two tards everything is a meme?
Maybe you could benefit from more workflow

Anonymous No. 970801

What about namefags?

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the chair nerd No. 970807

Fuck you're right.

Anonymous No. 970831

if you're texture painting by hand, increase the bleed ratio
increase the spacing of the UV islands too so they're not too close
I've had the same issue since I paint in high res and then downscale to 128x128 or 256x256
also, spamming ctrl j and ctrl e in photoshop helps for when you get that weird invisible 1 pixel-wide invisible edge from downscaling

Anonymous No. 970885

Your problems are not so important that they deserve a thread of their own.

Anonymous No. 970952

>most dead board on all of 4chan
>someone actually makes a post with a relevant question
>the few ghouls who do visit insist on being obtuse and unhelpful