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๐Ÿงต Face topo feedback

Anonymous No. 970775

I would love some feedback on the edgeflow. Going for something really simple to rig later, no eyelids or nose, but should emote in expressive ways.

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Anonymous No. 970776


Anonymous No. 970778

As far as I can see there are no triangles, so it's going to render well, emote well and possibly get you inserted into some workflow pipeline at some studio.

Anonymous No. 970782

>chef starts chopping vegetables
>comes to your table with the cutting board
>so what do you think of your meal sir?

Maybe finish it first anon

the chair nerd No. 970787

You have to be over 18 to post in this page Morty.

Anonymous No. 970796

You should follow a retopology workflow on YouTube, it's really simple after you learn the tricks of the workflow

Anonymous No. 970823

epic burn, abdelwahad. how's the weather in hyderabad?

Anonymous No. 970825

Sunny... smells like poo.

Anonymous No. 970919

>what or where the FUCK is hyderabad?
>its actually an actual place in India
>only a literal pajeet would know that

i know the state of this board is already bad but cmon man...this is just sad.

Anonymous No. 970930

I am from India, and there is nothing wrong with it, we are hard working people, and we don't complain as much as you Americans.

Anonymous No. 970934

>I am from India
i know...