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๐Ÿงต photogrammetry

Anonymous No. 970803

i'm trying to make myself a playable character in my game. you think posing for the cam could work for one of these photogrammetry software to do their work? or do you need like rotating cam and to stay still? kek

Anonymous No. 970805

Follow any photogrammetry workflow on YouTube. There are plenty of tutorials there

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 970809

Have you even googled body photogrammetry? Fuck your thread you lazy fuck.

Anonymous No. 970813

hahahahaha I can't believe I affected cris like this

Anonymous No. 970815

Use the 3D scan your benis with as iPhone workflow.

Anonymous No. 970817

If you don't own an iPhone, you could look for a random woman instead. All women own iPhones, so you can approach any one and most probably, as women do, she's going to offer you sex.
Then you'll say: "No, thanks I don't want sex, I just need to borrow your iPhone." Then you can go somewhere private, 3D scan your private parts, use Cloud Technology to extricate it from the device and return it before she calls the cops.
That's the workflow I would suggest.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 970826


Anonymous No. 970858

Someone post some good freetard programs for photogrammetry.
I'm sick of SAAS and other paypig stuff. The algorithms are public so there has to be something.

Anonymous No. 970859
But Cris, you've been fiddling the pipeline of the workflow of photogrammetry for 10 years. I can't comprehend how you haven't realized that it's mostly academic bullshit.

Anonymous No. 970871

>But Cris
I'm not chris, the schizo of stagnation either.
And I don't have any delusions of this being something other than get a throwaway model for quick reference.

Anonymous No. 970873

Lmao thats exactly my body

Anonymous No. 970921

>single angle
>dynamic poses
>cropped/partial coverage

if it is really THAT easy for a literal who Colomboan autist to come up with a production ready scan, then triple AAA company would literally be finished and bankrupt.

Anonymous No. 970923

Stagnation? He is the only one doing something in this dead board

Anonymous No. 970932

You are so wrong that it hurts, please stop posting for a while and reflect on your life decisions

Anonymous No. 970937

Cris looks like the non-autistic version of Pablo Dobarro.

Anonymous No. 970966

Yea..... about that

Anonymous No. 971058

lmao...cris is Dark Pablo. new nickname.

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Anonymous No. 971076

AI workflowGODS won.

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Anonymous No. 971888

crisbros we're eating good!

Anonymous No. 971903

Look at the smug bastard.
He knows that he's fucking with us.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 974980

I'll open the next /cg/ - Cris General with this webm when the thread hits the bump limit.

Anonymous No. 974981

>github link
no code to be seen.
why are research bros like this?

Anonymous No. 975010

Associating your work with words like "github" and "open" gives people good tingles which drives clicks.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 979540

gem thread