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Anonymous No. 970837

The simulation I've been working on for the past 2 months is so advanced it can only be done with maya. According to the official forums and the docs houdini specifically doesn't allow for the control that I need to even make head wind with my sim.

How does this make you feel, houdini nation?

Anonymous No. 970840

Probably looks like ass but feel free to prove me wrong.

Anonymous No. 970841

it looks good. I cant give any more details on it, but the only way it could be done with hou is to submit a request to add a new feature and then wait for a long time and then probably be denied

Anonymous No. 970861

What is it roughly?

Anonymous No. 970868

If I even gave you a small idea of what it was it would lead you to my real name with a simple search of the sidefx forums and youtube. I definitely don't want my real name to be associated with this place, even in archives, especially for work I've been doing for months now

Anonymous No. 970869

>According to the official forums and the docs
Pretty sure you could point us in the direction of these forum posts and the docs so we can take a look at it, right?
>I cant give any more details on it
Oh, yeah, sure. "trust me, bro."
>How does this make you feel
Mostly indifferent, but not indifferent enough to not point out how retarded it makes you look.

Anonymous No. 970870

>Pretty sure you could point us in the direction of these forum posts and the docs so we can take a look at it, right?
no, i couldnt, because that would lead you to my real name. Do you not know how to read?

Anonymous No. 970872

I've posted my answer before yours popped up.
You think you have it all figured out, coming here with this perfect waterproof alibi why you can't give more details, but you still look like an absolute retard.
All you've got is your word and it means absolutely nothing.
You're nothing but a low IQ troll and everything you said is absolutely pathetic.

Anonymous No. 970876


Anonymous No. 970878

I'd love to hear about the weaknesses of Houdini and the advantages Maya has over it, but you've got nothing.
This whole thread is nothing, it's all about your pathetic weak little ego that wants attention.

Anonymous No. 970879

stop replying to the guy who's been making houdini bait threads for a couple months now

Anonymous No. 970881


Anonymous No. 970883

>be associated with this place
get out

Anonymous No. 970997

'simulation' keyword, two months, sidefx forums.
You can be found within a couple hours.
Stop posting here or I'll do it.

Anonymous No. 971033

schizo alert

Anonymous No. 971036

but that's the thing about houdini people though - when you point out that their software cant do everything they get real defensive, real fast. Its a defensive mechanism, and its very very predictable.

Anonymous No. 972638

who hurt you?