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3d Anime.jpg

🗑️ 🧵 How Anime looks when it fully embraces 3D

Anonymous No. 971121

>>3D Anime can't be KIN-ACHKCKCK

Anonymous No. 971124

3d characters without motion blur come off.....broken. The bread had motion blur but the characters body has none, and its obvious by choice but its ugly.

Anonymous No. 971126

the interpolation looks bad, videogame tier, the background looks like shit most of the time and some animations are done poorly too, but the shaders of the characters are fine 6/10, this is better, pleb.

Anonymous No. 971128

This is how 3D fighting is done:

Anonymous No. 971215

The most obvious solution to the clash between 2D and 3D elements in anime is to make it all 2D or all 3D.

Anonymous No. 971277

blenderbros, we eating good
we winning

Anonymous No. 971363

Everything is bad, everything is shit, anime is shit, western animation is shit
2d is shit, 3d is shit, character design Is shit, backgrounds are shit, enjoying something is shit, animation in general is shit, the only thing that is not shit is being a whiny asshole that spends all his times complaining about things that he would not be able to make in a million years

Anonymous No. 971371

It’s all in 2D and 3D was used as reference. Don’t talk to us ever again after what you post.

Anonymous No. 971374

no, only the backgrounds are fully 2d, the characters are 3d with a flat shader and grease pencil on the mustache, nose, eyes and other minor corrections.

Anonymous No. 971385


Anonymous No. 971391

No it’s not, common sense says clipping, lighting, morphing and frame rate are not within the 3D dimension.

Anonymous No. 971413

no, you post your work, you are the fag that is complaining about everything

Anonymous No. 971437

NTA but I've been wondering something for months and never bothered askin but now that there's a thread on that subject.
Ok, people have been talking about "anime artstyle" for years and there are a ton of examples of OP's style being implemented in any CGI software of any sort.
But what about some anime art style that has more details in the faces as in a more realistic nose, proportions, mouth, etc.
Something like pic related, what would I need to do to make a style like that in 3D in terms of topology and especially shaders.
I watched years ago the notorious ArcSys video on how they implemented their games but they all rely on multiple lights for a specific characters wich can be done mostly in games where there are not many characters on screen (yeah asking for gamedev).

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Anonymous No. 971438

Forgot pic but picture the Jojo openings in general.

Anonymous No. 971442

There’s another way besides lighting, just like 2D can overlap body parts, you too can do it on 3D. The trick is different though because you also need experience in VFX and video editing. It’s kinda Adobe Effect but not fully integrated with effects. The downside is you need multiple layers, the base layer, effect layer, background layer, etc. Not something you see in 3D but it’s something.

Anonymous No. 971451

Proportions doesn't really matter, topology can help normal editing but it's mostly the face topo that's different from the usual, the look you're aiming for is mostly in the shader, rigging and vfx.

Anonymous No. 971454

Oh I never tought of that. If I got it right (let's take the shading below anime lips (triangle shaped)), you'd put a triangle shaped geo on top of the vertices below the lips and shade that?
The problem is that like I said, I'm only interested in real time rendering so I don't think it's possible for me to do it for a whole game. I might experiment with it tho.
My main concern about this is shadows and dynamic lightning, that's pretty much the core of the problem with that style. Especially when you can't add much lights in your scene.

Btw, was there anything else released since the ArcSys video for Guilty Gear?

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Anonymous No. 971455

>frame rate
You know that just because something is 3D, it doesn't mean you're forced to animate at a high frame rate, right?

Anonymous No. 971477

More than 24 Frames is disgusting and people should be skinned alive

Anonymous No. 972432

>But what about some anime art style that has more details in the faces as in a more realistic nose, proportions, mouth, etc.
That would be manhua, Chinese comics, rather than manga. Think artists like Andy Seto or Khoo Fuk Lung.

Anonymous No. 972950

what the fuck man, I've binged rando manga but never Chinese anime

Anonymous No. 972975


jibaro was another good example of this, they slow the framerate down so you brain fills in the blanks

Anonymous No. 972984

Their ways of fighting animation is pretty good unlike American and Europe that have standing animation with no real action.

Anonymous No. 973064

It aways could, just that people aren't paid enough to do it well

Anonymous No. 973066


Anonymous No. 973067

looks so bad not even 3D lmaooo copew

Anonymous No. 973068

>not even 3D
you can see the textures streching, it is fcking Mappa you pleb.

Anonymous No. 973081

This looks like another case of overlay drawing and no 3D rendering.

Anonymous No. 973089

>I listened to an arcsys GDC talk... once

Anonymous No. 973092

Look at the replies of that post
He clearly used 3D to make that

Anonymous No. 973136

Just use static images or non-detailed characters for the background crowd. There is no need for 3D in anime.
>Main characters are 3d models

Anonymous No. 973149

>Trusting anything in Elon Musk website
>Inexperience people claim is 3D
I don’t think you know how lightning works anon. Even if you flatten it to 2D with no shadows, the stretching of the texture will reveal the models limitations as all 3D models. Not once did it happen which means it’s clearly 2D since it’s the only possible explanation for their stretching.