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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 971216

Give me some portfolio building tips for animation, not stills. I spent 2 years making some AAA quality pieces, but do to circumstances not my own, the company who made the plugin i was using to do it basically completely went out of busines

Anonymous No. 971250


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Anonymous No. 971271


>depending on a plugin
then you have no skills in 3D characters lmao, git gud

Anonymous No. 971274

You don't know what you are talking about. Plugins enhance base maya

Anonymous No. 971330

> the plugin i was using
What is the name of the plugin ?

Anonymous No. 971333

Make animations specific to the role with good sense of timing and spacing. Done.

Anonymous No. 971399

some kind of character animation thing. I'm forced to use other software that has the feature built in to some degree into the core package. Additionally i have to redo a lot of helper scripts to work with the new software, putting me at the very least several months behind until I can produce any semblance of work again

Anonymous No. 971418

Your fault for not pirating plugins, retard

Anonymous No. 971419

Assuming Cris here is talking about a Blender add-on, you literally can't pirate it. Not even if you wanted to.
"Blender’s Python API is an integral part of the software, used to define the user interface or develop tools for example. The GNU GPL license therefore requires that such scripts (if published) are being shared under a GPL compatible license."

Anonymous No. 971440

Like i said, it wasnt blender, it was maya. And im not chris.

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That fucking cape.webm

Anonymous No. 971448

>And im not chris
at this point, being a chris is a sorry state of being in /3/ and you need to prove you´re not one by posting your art.
Else, you´re a Chris. Pic related: i think i´m not a chris, but that´s debatable.

Anonymous No. 971449

you're just some guy using some mocap and having horrible clipping issues. You're not even in the same ballpark as AAA quality.

Anonymous No. 971459

Now animate her buying bread.

Anonymous No. 971461

>horrible clipping issues
To react so strongly to something that's fixable. Maybe you're not into women.

Anonymous No. 971474

Of course you are not Cris, you are 3d guy or an impersonator.
Also Cris is the best thing that happened to this board, the rest is just fags complaining about shit and software wars
He is not some guy, he is 3d guy. Is this board full of new fags?

Anonymous No. 971479

What your workflow?