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🧵 You can get away with copying models from nintendo

Anonymous No. 971493

Palworld traces the models from pokemon, and they weren't sued. Why aren't you doing this too? They are making hundreds of millions of dollars and you could too. Just run ai on 2 pokemon, then draw on top of the base model with your own variation of their design. then trace their mesh and slightly adjust the topology.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 971499

>traces the models

Anonymous No. 971509

Tracing Nintendo's garbage isn't going to make anyone a millionaire

Anonymous No. 971537


>Xe posts in a thread that is literally about people who became millionaires by tracing nintendos garbage

Anonymous No. 971540

Pal World claimed 3.3m sales yesterday. Assuming the numbers are not inflated(which they most certainly are), then they only made about. 89M gross.
Now calculating steam's cut: 7M + 30M + 31.2M = 68.2M
After taxes, and production costs, I doubt anyone walks away a millionaire. They probably just paid their team's normal salaries and saved the rest.

Anonymous No. 971546

>They traced the 3d models
Why those zoomers are talking about tracing? Are they retarded?

Anonymous No. 971551

I am going to trace a mesh and become millionaire too. There are good tutorials on tracing a 3d model?

Anonymous No. 971555

your numbers are outdated. They claimed over $5 million yesterday.

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pal world concurr....png

Anonymous No. 971557

Well in any case, I still doubt anyone is a millionaire. I will have to see their staff credits to be more certain of that. I can't seem to find it. Probably because nobody has played the game to the end yet.

And I still believe the numbers are inflated, because they're breaking records that are just impossible for a game like it to break in this day and age. Look at these all time peak numbers. We've seen flavor of the month games phenomenons come and go. "Streamer games", as they're sometimes called, because their popularity stems from streamers playing them. But noticed how none of those FOTMs reached such heights. Pal World's success is just plain unbelievable.

Anonymous No. 971558

Did you actually watch the videos? The models are entirely different. Anyone posting this thread as ‘proof’ is outing themselves as a retard.

Anonymous No. 971559

Psiops? On my /3/?

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Anonymous No. 971560

Watch the video lmao. The similarities highlighted are superficial. The models do not match up 1:1. If you take two models of a wolf and overlap them you will find the legs in the same place and a similar body shape. That doesn’t mean the second wolf copied the first.
Even if they did copy the designs directly. Guess what’s legal? Parody! You would know this if you weren’t born in 2014.

Anonymous No. 971562

Steam has sales data, if they were botting it they'd have to buy the game with their own money millions of times. For what, to advertise a game with no microtransactions or any way to extract money beyond the 30$ sale price?

Anonymous No. 971581

So they didn't trace the models? I want to know if they are tracers or not.
Tracing 3d models is bad

Anonymous No. 971587

First of all how do we know if they traced the 3d models? There is some sort of workflow for tracing?

Anonymous No. 971623

There's no such thing as "tracing" a 3D model you stupid nigger

Anonymous No. 971639

pyw, you obviously don't do any 3D.

Anonymous No. 971640

There is - it’s called retopology
But these models aren’t retopologized from pokemon models, they’re entirely different. The only similarities being the overall shape of the creature where they are both wolves or sheep. Of course two wolves when set to the same scale will be similar in overall shape. It’s a ridiculous argument.

Anonymous No. 971643

owned what is retopo

🗑️ Anonymous No. 971653

Shut up you pathetic excuse of a human. Do not trace 3d models, I am irritated that people like you trace over 3d models without concent
I say Stop Tracing

🗑️ Anonymous No. 971654

They are tracers, that what they are.
3d tracers

Anonymous No. 971657

Only idiots give a shit about how shit was made, only end result matters, and how much you can legally steal.

Anything else is cope from "autheur" fags who love to smell their own farts about shit nobody cares about.

Anonymous No. 971665

Supposedly the models were made by a highschool student who the devs met at the convenience store he was working at.
If he can make it, so can you

Anonymous No. 971707

It was made by a 3d tracer

Anonymous No. 971893

he don't know

Anonymous No. 971896

>Pal World's success is just plain unbelievable.
Again it's not. And yes the game is pure slop.
So this has nothing to do with the quality of the game and everything to do with marketing.
Whoever they employed or hired has contacted the right streamers and other content peddlers to push this while having a bunch of luck.

Anonymous No. 972002

>waahh don't steal from faceless multi trillion dollars corporations man!
all copyrighters should be flayed alive

Anonymous No. 972135

Just a quick heads up. Japan has no fair use laws. Absolutely none. if anyone copies anything, the original right holder has the authority over what's to be done. Sometimes they see the fun in a parody and let it slide, sometimes they see a small porn comic book with 12 pages and the police break down your door and drag you to a district cell, interrogate you, confiscate your whole home and throw you back on the street and it's on you how you get back.

Anonymous No. 972180

Well, the point is he didn't, he just downloaded what some japanese dude DID do

Anonymous No. 972235

First poster here
You forgot the part where they made a whole game to sell