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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 971511

What do you think about AI generated 3D models?

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Anonymous No. 971512

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Anonymous No. 971513

Anonymous No. 971514

looks terrible and in all the images they are just projecting a worse version of diffuse onto terrible topo

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Anonymous No. 971515

yeah but would the industry care

Anonymous No. 971517

they should care since people expect to see progress in graphics

Anonymous No. 971520

I logged in but then it asked me for a username... and then kept saying username was invalid... im stuck.. sorry to be dumb

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Anonymous No. 971524

it's over...

Anonymous No. 971525

There are others, try this one
[email protected]

Anonymous No. 971526


Anonymous No. 971530

You are valid to me.

Anonymous No. 971531

Very ambivalent feelings about creative AI, to me it's equally impressive as it is dystopian.
On one hand it's cool to be alive at the point we go obsolete meaning we got to be the last generation that had to acquire these skills ourselves putting in the effort to do so.
On the other hand it feels like something is truely lost when so much hard won effort and skill becomes irrelevant in bringing thins about going forward.

Anyone saying this art is horrible/uncreative etc are just sticking their head in the sand. Even if you truly feel that way what we see today is the primitive drawings of a child compared to what the machines will be able to explore come tomorrow. They will populate entire virtual worlds with competent art in the time we make artwork of any significance.

Generative art will be running absolute circles around the best of us before this decade is over.
With the 2D models I've already seen examples of generative art that is arguably more thought-provoking and novel than anything I've seen from human artists I idolize.

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Anonymous No. 971532

Tes 6 currently in development

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Anonymous No. 971533

Holy shit that's ones good

Anonymous No. 971534

mobile devs will abuse the fuck out of this shit

Anonymous No. 971535

this is so fucking bad....just color maps

Anonymous No. 971536

can we have a dedicated AI thread general already? call it /IOG/ for "its over general" or something. this ai generated shit is getting out of hand and we need a containment thread before it rapidly kills other thred.

Anonymous No. 971538

>its been declared over for the past 2 years
>barely any AAA movies or games being released on console or in theater
>ps5 has like 5 games many years after its release
>hollywood movies lost billions, for several years in a row
>streaming losing money
>youtube algorithm failing


Anonymous No. 971541

It's literally just Cris spam. Contain Cris, and you contain AI. If that's possible.

Anonymous No. 971543

What is the evidence 'Cris' is even real? You keep attributing most things that happen across all over 4chan to this one particular guy.
How do we know you're not the very same schizo who keep hallucinating the presence of this 'Cris' character inside of every thread.

Anonymous No. 971544

I mean, it could be other anons too. But Cris regularly posts about AI inside of his threads. And the AI posts outside of his threads sound similar to his. So the evidence would suggest it's him.

Anonymous No. 971547

You can play his newest game here:

Anonymous No. 971548

Can I trace your 3d model?

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ai model automate....webm

Anonymous No. 971563

obviously still has a lot of problems but honestly I'm really impressed
I think it's still multiple years away from doing an actual "good job" but most people don't do an actual good job either, and the biggest and most obvious problems probably won't take as long as you'd think to at least mostly clean up. Images went from "that kinda looks like what I wanted" to "okay but the anatomy is totally fucked" to "If you look really closely the hands are kinda weird" in like two years.

Anonymous No. 971567

here's the full model

Anonymous No. 971569

JEET 3D """"artists""""" on fucking suicide watch. Imagine wasting your life learning this shit just to be made obsolete immediately. I would kms.

Anonymous No. 971570

>looks terrible
COPE Rajeesh, the little prospects of you getting a job ever just went *poof*. Are you gonna rope yourself?

Anonymous No. 971602

>aijeet projection

Anonymous No. 971603

if I ever need a model of a sex doll car crash victim I'll check it out lmao

Anonymous No. 971608

Just make a thread Anon, call it that way

Anonymous No. 971610

The most important thing is, can you make porn with it?

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Anonymous No. 971611

You can get paid the nsfw filters by saying "female, bare skin, torso"

Anonymous No. 971612

*Past the nsfw filters

Anonymous No. 971613


Anonymous No. 971614

What's in the pipe will make us all obsolete anon. IMF just listed how 60% of all jobs are threatened to go extinct this decade.

If you consider anything you're doing as 'wasting your life' if the monetization factor wasn't there everything we humans do are about to become 'wasting your life'.
Doubt many creatives will be put on 'suicide watch' over this as they actually take value in the process of what they're doing and got to experience a pleasant mental journey.

The 'suicide watch' will prob consist of people who invested their time in learning and doing something they despised just for the prospect of making money.
Imagine being a late teen early 20's today staring down the barrel of choosing a career path when any currently high-paying field might not even be human available
anymore by the time you graduate.

Anonymous No. 971616

>society collectively finds out that plumbing is much harder than art
hahahaha pottery

Anonymous No. 971620

That's not what's going on here anon. The reason blue collar jobs goes last is not because they're 'harder' it's because controlling the hardware that can perform those task requires having a mind which can control them as a prerequisite for carrying them out. Robotics is super hot again as a result of the breakthroughs in machine-learning.

We're fast approaching a world where AI controlled agents out and about in the physical world is an everyday reality.
Seeing autonomous machines traverse your local environment fixing infrastructure and doing maintenance work will prob not be anything out of the ordinary come the 30's.

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wide hips.webm

Anonymous No. 971621

animated with AccuRig

Anonymous No. 971626

>learn to plumb
wow that took 2 months. guess i'll take your job, 80-iq wrench monkey.

Anonymous No. 971642

my gimmick is that I do work dressed up like Mario, talk with a high-pitched Italian accent, say the usual lines, working on some ideas for the van but point being my customers are loyal and come to me because I've got soul
something you can never hope to have

Anonymous No. 971644

Lmao these blue collars are going to be on suicide watch when all the displaced workers flood their field and bring their DEI policies with them. Ai robotic plumbers and construction workers will eventually happen because they are needed for space colonization, and because the next generation of iPad kiddies will not have the attention span or IQ to learn even the simplest of tasks. There will be a competency crisis when these kids are old enough to enter the workforce and the people funding this tech know this.

Anonymous No. 971645

>Imagine wasting your life learning this shit just to be made obsolete immediately
>Imagine wasting your life learning this shit just to make money
There's more to creating things than just making money. Humans make art because they enjoy it, not just as a means of putting food on the table. Been that way since they were painting on cave walls. Humanity just has a primal need to create. AI won't change that. It by extension of being made by man is proof of that.

Anonymous No. 971646

>Humanity just has a primal need to create. AI won't change that.
Yes. Most of the people who come to this board are types who just daydream about 3d modeling all day and never actually do anything, so they wouldn’t understand. Useless people like this benefit the most from ai.

>It by extension of being made by man is proof of that.
I admire the work and problem solving that went into creating generative ai tech even though I hate it. That is some high level wizardry and problem solving that most people are not capable of. People on the user end of it who think they are actually creating something are just delusional consoomers.

Anonymous No. 971651

Pure Ai sex blob, like daddy lik

Anonymous No. 971655

Can I trace your model?

Anonymous No. 971661

yeah it's ai generated so it's not even really mine

Anonymous No. 971710

>People on the user end of it who think they are actually creating something are just delusional consoomers.
Fair enough. It's a point I wholeheartedly agree with. I think the distinction has to be made for the people who use it as a creative tool though. Personally, I've found it (image gen anyway), to be a pretty useful tool to speed up menial tasks like textures for magazines/books/cans and shit that don't really matter in a scene in a visual sense, but would be sorely missed if they weren't there.
I think 3d gen has a really solid place in that sphere (background/clutter objects) and I could see it being pretty useful for that in a year or two.

That being said, I don't really see it taking off in the same fashion as 2d image gen for normal people. Plenty of people latched onto image gen because of its (relative) ease of use, and the fact that it outputs an image, something that's "usable" right from the get-go (any retard can look at an image). 3d gen still has the barrier to entry of actually needing to know a bit about 3d software, and a model isn't something "finished" as it's just an asset that you still need to do work with to actually have it be worthwhile. Most people are satisfied with base outputs or even shitty outputs. They really won't put up with learning any kind of 3d just to move a doll around.

If something like Lora or finetunes pop up, even with the allure of 3d porn and waifus, I still don't see it having as big of a scene as 2d because most people aren't willing to do the extra footwork to learn to use them. Though I think it might entice a few people into actually learning 3d to use them, which might get more people into 3d in general, outside of genning. Maybe even people who wouldn't normally give 3d a chance with skills/knowledge that benefits everyone, like making useful tools/utilities and shit.
It's a double-edged sword basically. Though I see 3d gen benefiting existing 3d people more than the average joe like image gen.

Anonymous No. 971711

Let the 3d trace begin, I can't wait to be a millionaire

Anonymous No. 971761

what software is this?

Anonymous No. 971772

That's Maya

Anonymous No. 971775

reallusion character creator or iclone

Anonymous No. 971779

it's called AccuRig, makes rigging a character effortless

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darkelf unreal en....webm

Anonymous No. 971780

lmao she looks ridiculous moving around, her proportions are fucked since I'm shit at this whole 3D modelling thing. I'm going to keep trying to make something decent since I'm having fun anyway

Anonymous No. 971818

COPE Rajeesh, the little prospects of you getting-ACK

Anonymous No. 971826

Looks ok anon, the hands are so short that is funny, but it looks good to be Ai slop

Anonymous No. 971827

>What do you think about AI generated 3D models?

Currently jank,but have a higher future potential than 2D due to still not having consistency

Anonymous No. 971832

look at her go!

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Anonymous No. 971861

Yeah it's pretty fucking mind blowing to be fair.

Anonymous No. 973164

looks fixable

Anonymous No. 973166

I can fix her

Anonymous No. 976493


Prompts for that proportions?

Anonymous No. 976503

I have to admit that's pretty good.
It would be easy to fix up the textures and if necessary tweak the topology. Even just as a concept/reference it would be a great starting point.
But with that said, this kind of model would be very quick to make anyway since it's quite simple and uses a skull as a base.

Anonymous No. 978064

Not sure if i care about the hardships of art personally. Thats not really a problem or a cause for sadness, however.
Algorithms are definitely a tool that can give you something approximating what you wanted. Unless you dont care about the details (or quality if current year). And its the uttermost best at quantity wich has practical uses. It just lacks precision. Even ai engineers i know consider it a tool. As in you need to know when to use it. This might be confusing if you are autistic and therefore lack pattern recognition intelligence (seriously thats why they dont get humor. But they make up for it dw). Basicly human beings have evolved to crystalyze personal experiences through medium using a process on the level of complexity of a quantum computer (human brain). Pepole dont show up to watch a movie about some generic knight in armor with a crest. They show up to see how the author will interpret that story and how the details blend together to create meaningful patterns. This is an actual brain process associated with non autistic high IQ you can see on IRMS brain scans. On top of being a language on self expression. Sort of like an auto biography. Like historical value. There is a reason to worry tought, its that it will eat up commissions work for beginners wich will prevent pepole who arent good enough to show something meaningful yet to ever get to that point. And at worst it could be a mild loss of a language and weaken humanity's common unconscious and cause cultural stagnation since it only uses old data. The potential for interactive world however. That will be actualy awesome even if random, much like nature. And if ITS possible, you could even simulate a quantum computer brain. Then, wire it with pattern recognition arborescent thinking on the same level as us. It would be awesome to see how it would express its own perspective and purpose. But at this point it might be conscious and thats an entirely different can of worms and ethics.

Anonymous No. 978081

theyre ugly and would need a ton of manual fixing to be presentable unless you're making a shitty mobile game where the screen's too small for anyone to notice

Anonymous No. 978172

>What do you think about AI STOLEN MODELS ?

LOL will be hilarious if the prompters realize the AI can generate only the same 100 models OVER AND OVER AN OVER!