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Anonymous No. 971690

What projects should I do? I want to be able emulate half-life 2's art style. can someone give me homework?

Anonymous No. 971697

Read Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar. Study models from the game and use them as reference. You can also check out the photos the devs themselves used for reference:

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Anonymous No. 971792

Thanks! I made a new hl2 styled model, its this anvil from the famous/infamous anvil blender tutorial. I'll read rtb and study the models. thanks

Anonymous No. 971900

That's really good, and it fits like a glove. But it still feels a little too... idk, high quality? Try using a lower res texture, maybe bringing the poly count down just a tad. Still, well done.

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Anonymous No. 971905

You think so? maybe it works better amoung "newer source games like day of defeat source and the hl2 episodes more than counterstrike source maps in gmod

Anonymous No. 971907

I think the problem is I used a triplaner texture which is definitely not how most hl2 models are textured, I should definitely work on my texture skills