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Anonymous No. 971882

All of my artfag colleagues keep crying about AI and I'm just here waiting for autonomous retopo and weight-painting tools

Anonymous No. 971883

They already have auto weights and they suck.

Anonymous No. 971884

Would it be too much to ask to have these kind of no content threads banned on sight?

Anonymous No. 972040

AI killed 2D.
3D is the future.
Before AI catches up to 3D (if ever) AI will be outlawed by goverments.
Keep 3d modeling and don't worry.

Anonymous No. 972044

nice cope bro
not for long lol

Anonymous No. 972073

>america bans ai
>china doesn't
>china overtakes america
for them to ban ai you have to believe they care more about artists than they do tech lobbyists

Anonymous No. 972094

what do you mean? 3D generated models are already at the level of 2d ai waifus vs real art, real 3d is better, but so is real 2d

Anonymous No. 972104

>autonomous retopo and weight-painting tools
There's hand crafted algorithms that are arguably better.
It's just nobody is implementing them, it just sits in sigraph papers that are a decade old at this point.

Anonymous No. 972139

They want to destroy jobs and pay you universal income so everyone is 100% government dependent, fucking dystopian shit

Anonymous No. 972159

You're insane.

Anonymous No. 972160

pick one

Anonymous No. 972161

But why? I'd pay bank for a sculpting equivalent to modelling

Anonymous No. 973628

My headcanon is that AI will be a tool like any other, it will greatly increase the quality and effectiveness of any artist. It won't replace shit, just like photoshop didn't

Anonymous No. 973649

It's dystopian because you will not be given enough to afford a decent quality of living and you will have no means to go out and create a better life for yourself. You will be on a wait list twice as long as europoors and Canada to go to the Dr or get your teeth fixed and they'll say all your health problems are a "cosmetic" issue to get around paying universal health care money for it

Anonymous No. 973655

UBI is fucking dystopian dude, jobs that the AI take are not only on California, are around the world, imagine not closing borders and having to pay an influx of Indian and Mexico workers UBI, apart from that since people wouldn't want low paying jobs forget to get life quality items for lower prices.
UBI is not a dystopia only if you are a fucking communist that doesn't care about government restrictions on everything to be able to maintain those fucking pennies that they give you from inflation.
Heavy regulations, lost of low wage jobs, a bug chunk of the population not working and leaching from the rest, heavy taxation for businesses, heavy regulations and subsides for nesecity goods, hiperinflation.
If the government gives you money to stay at home and do your shitty projects that nobody cared in the first place while automate everything doesn't look like a dystopia to you, then you are clearly mentally ill

Anonymous No. 973661


>UBI is fucking dystopian dude
it can be, it can also not be, it depends

Anonymous No. 973662

>it can be, it can also not be, it depends
If hiperinflation does not sounds like a fucking nightmare to you then good luck being Venezuela 2.0

Anonymous No. 973672

>imagine not closing borders and having to pay an influx of Indian and Mexico workers UBI
Already slippery sloping into reality with certain US states paying free health care for illegals but not citizens, and Maine giving free tax subsidized housing to migrants while people born here either pay a premium on rent or sit homeless under a bridge

Anonymous No. 973689

AI didnt kill a godamn thing. Every popular artist is still popular, theyre still making bank. Some kid in brazil generating sakimichan art isnt gonna break any banks.

I fucking WISH it ended careers just so all the bitching about it could be valid

Anonymous No. 973734

Can't you just ask the AI to write a blender plugin that implements auto retopo?

Anonymous No. 973735

You "can"

Anonymous No. 973786

Well it certianly did decrease revenues for a lot of artists from what I've seen, but it certainly didn't kill them. I also can't help but see AI people set up patreons and get thousands of people supporting them with them not putting in any effort, while I have to grind my skills just to maintain like 20 patreon supporters. It sucks

Anonymous No. 973814

Coomers are not logical people and have no taste therefore they will throw their money at anything. As time goes out these people will flood out the markets so badly that none of them will be able to make a penny. Only ones who will get sales and suscribers will be sockpuppet accounts ran by corporations with money to pay for ads.

Anonymous No. 973834

I know that, but getting it to the maximum expression will destroy your country, hopefully they are not so mentally ill to do so.

Anonymous No. 973850

Burgers will never learn until it's too late. Though I'm not sure how much power they have to stop it anyway. You have deranged liberal arts types who will drag you through the mud as a racist for questioning any of it, and beneath all the useful idiots you have an elite class that wants to purposefully destroy the value of labor by importing all of them. Same problem as Europe but at a much larger scale. I do think the EU will collapse from it first though.

Anonymous No. 973975

Weight painting will probably benefit from some ML tools, but it's not going to be a game changer, because you're still going to need to know how to do it manually to recognise when it'd be useful for it to save time.

I keep seeing ideas like this
>now I don't need to learn anything! I can stay a fucking retard!
and in 2D it divides people into those who know how to draw but benefit from using very basic ML tools that let them abstract real world techniques into digital and become better than ever before, and those people who don't know how to draw who think if they type enough words for hours they can get the picture out of their head onto the screen and filtered through a bunch of models with different training methodologies by pure luck. In 3D, it's going to be the same way - people getting even better, and people chimping out at being able to unintentionally make things.

low effort thread, OP