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🗑️ 🧵 setup your game contorls you dirty computer player

Anonymous No. 971944

I think I am banned from /vg/

I'm trying to play left 4 dead 2 on my computer.
It's really annoying because none of you understand how to walk in game.
1 stroke of wsad and you move a meter in the game world.
You keep fucking bumping in to me in the saferoom.
The players dont even go near the bathrooms because their controls are insufficient at navigating those tight spaces.
The pc players are totally out of control. A pack of fucking idiots. They are persuing ant brain gameplay.
Best games of my life have been 1 v 4 against you as infected.
Playing alongside WSAD survivors is like constant baby sitting.
They are always running around like idiots and bumping in to things like the toddlers do.

The battlefield players dont even get shift walk. You tell a battlfield WSAD player to walk on PC and their brain just stops working.

It's pure panic.

You inherit panic from your computer's missing game controller.

YOU need to setup your controls because they are YOUR responsibility.

Anonymous No. 971955

All rush all the time. Its a fucking disgrace how dumb it is to be a pc gamer. You developers are supposed to know better too but I see a lot of them that have no idea what I'm talking aobut until I bring it up to them. 4 button movement is 4 button movement and you run around in 3d space like a super nintendo character.

Anonymous No. 971956

You’re going to get banned from here too if you think we know anything about programming or codes. This is the CGI section of 4chan not V or VG, get lost.

Anonymous No. 971969

I dunno Meakrob, I think any random you'd get paired up with in L4D2 these days is probably retarded. That's just how it is when you play with randoms.
Good luck briskly walking away from those zombies though. I'm sure it's what the devs had in mind.

Anonymous No. 971987

This is /3/ you fucking noob. There are a lot of game developers on here. You're supposed to know already.

The game has very good stealth mechanics that you only experience at low speeds.
Sometimes you get good players on the weekends or late at night.

Anonymous No. 971988

We are artists, not programmers, know the difference. We are the reason the game has items, not the reason why you lose in CoD leaderboards.

Anonymous No. 972005

I'm all for controller advocacy. Many games are better with it. But I don't believe this thread is related to /3/. Just about all games these days are compatible with xbox controllers at the least. So whether or not someone uses a controller comes down to player preference. Not a fault of the developer.
And like the other anon said, this is really more of a code issue, and not 3D creation issue. Maybe you can try your controller threads on /g/? I'm not sure how they take to game design stuff.

Anonymous No. 972179


>Good luck briskly walking away from those zombies though
Are you genuinely retarded? You push the stick all the way and the character RUNS, that's the point of analog sticks (or triggers, or pedals or anything), it modulates the speed at which you moved based on how much you tilt it

Anonymous No. 972182

Do you want a blender tutorial?
I recommend the donut tutorial by Andrew Price

Anonymous No. 972269

Someday the 'gaming keyboard' will become reality, that's my dream.

A keyboard with wiggleable or pressure sensitive keys so you can linearly change the strength of your inputs.

With the non letter keys on the left side so they are actually relevant to most of the populations and free up the writing portion of the keyboard.

But then again I think controllers should have added a button under the handholds ages ago and a central button between the 4 main ones.

We've been limited by the poor imagination of microsoft, and these office focused keyboards for generations now.

Anonymous No. 972304

Pressure sensitive keys? Do you want a piano? Maybe for music or something like this, but for gaming? Illogical

Anonymous No. 972323

There's keyboards with analog WSAD buttons, or there used to be. Don't know if they're a thing anymore, but I'm sure they're around.
Same deal with mice with analog thumbsticks.

>With the non letter keys on the left side
Like Macro keys? A ton of gaming keyboards have this as well.

>We've been limited by the poor imagination of microsoft, and these office focused keyboards for generations now.
Microsoft isn't the end-all be-all for keyboard design these days, they haven't been for a long ass time. Nor has Microsoft really had anything to do with how a keyboard is laid out. It's something that's evolved over a long period, since the 1800s.
Technically it's not the "best" layout, but to say that Microsoft had anything to do with it is woefully ignorant.