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🧵 /3/'s thoughts on Nebula & Quasar?

Anonymous No. 972287

I personally think it oozes sovl, but the good kind.

Anonymous No. 972296

>thoughts on Nebula & Quasar?
My thoughts are...I want to fuck the pulper one the blue one with hair covering her eyes and plankton daughter.

Anonymous No. 972298

its really good and i wish more people knew about it

Anonymous No. 972300

Looks like HRT, HIV and COVID combined in video form.

Anonymous No. 972306

The yellow one is hot

Anonymous No. 972308

Ok OP, I'm interested, what the hell is this?

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jet force gemini.jpg

Anonymous No. 972318

I guess if the creator is having fun, then that's all that matters.
But it seems like a huge waste of time and energy *pretending* to be a game that came out around the turn of the millennium. When you can spend all that time and effort actually making a video game.

It's got some of that old school 3D style. Akin to Reboot(1994), Beast Wars(1996), and Donkey Kong Country(1997). But the style of faces in N&Q are more like 1930's cartoons. Which is odd. Early 3D tried to capture facial details. Even if they often failed like Jet Force Gemini.(1999) Even Sonic Adventure(1998) attempted to articulate Sonic's face.

Ultimately, this 1930's face style makes the art look like someone's deviant art OCs, rather than a proper callback to older 3D. I suppose it doesn't need to be exactly like early 3D. But if you're going to go for those old cartoon style faces, then you can at least implement it a little better than that.
I'm not a fan of retro works like this anyway. I say that if you're going to take inspiration from something, that's all well and fine. But try to improve on the design. These characters remind me of Bomberman. Since they're supposed game came out in 2002. That would be around the time Bomber Man Generation came out for Gamecube. I remember being somewhat impressed with those graphics. Bomberman had longer limbs, and *cel shading*. That might be a better route for N&Q. Cel shading. I don't know. Just an idea. But it would make them look more cartoony.
Also, it would help to remove the shadows cast by their eyes and eyebrows.

I don't have any grand judgement. It's no really my thing. I would do it differently if I were in their shoes.

Anonymous No. 972319

This is seriously impressive for only 5000 views

Anonymous No. 972441

low tier soul. mildly forced.

Anonymous No. 972445

Just found out the creator of this is black. I'm honestly surprised.

Anonymous No. 972498

could they have picked a MORE cliche song?

Anonymous No. 973111

Explain what "forced soul" is exactly without using buzzwords

Anonymous No. 973135

more importantly, explain what "SOUL" is

Anonymous No. 973175

Didn’t this guy make some FNAF fart videos?

Anonymous No. 974184

new video just came out,

Anonymous No. 978300

Check out the /unfiction/ general discussion on /trash/ if you'd like to know more.

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Three children&#0....png

Anonymous No. 981201

>what is soul / forced soul?
The idea of art being soul comes from the word soul-less. The phrase soul-less illustrates a sense of creative bankruptcy. Tons of cooperate work is considered soul-less because it lacks a truly unique creative identity. The opposite is true for works with soul, it's a complement to the artists resilience in contrast to the rest of the industry. The amount of "soul" a work has relates to just how distinctively it presents it's creative vision.

So where does "mildly forced" come in? Well some work is unique and creative for the sake of fun, while other's try to force a narrative for popularity or money. It's similar to saying an artist is a sell out, in which case the quality of their work is commercialized for the benefit of a larger system.

Agreed, props to the artist, you can tell they have a lot of passion.

Anonymous No. 984098

I hate specular so much. It's like 2024 but most people still haven't figured out that specular belongs in India and India ONLY.