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AI is winning.jpg

🧵 So it begins

Anonymous No. 972326

VFX Bros BTFO, eternally, yet again...forever

Anonymous No. 972329

>AI can make TV explosions that means it's over
If you're uncreative and unimaginative like 99.9% of "artists", then yes. It's over.

Anonymous No. 972330

>Use public resources to learn how to make explosions procedurally
>Do it well once
>Reusable explosions on demand

Anonymous No. 972357

But I don't understand what they need? Someone that writes prompts?

Anonymous No. 972440

AI slopery can get pretty autistic when you go beyond straight prompting. dalle/bing/midjourney prompt is normie tier. a mid level autism is when you use Auto1111, but take a look at the ComfyUI scene if you want to see the full extend of the generative AI autism.

Anonymous No. 972443

Prompt engineering requires some finesse, you want someone with a deep vocabulary and vivid imagination for disparate things that are representative of the things you wanna create. Like you knowing the name and meaning of ~500 architectural elements and what they mean is helpful if you wanna describe a architectural scene of a particular vibe and gain more command over what's being generated.

Ontop of that the models we have nowdays are not yet intelligent enough to comprehend the full intent you're going for so you have to attach a large volume of seemingly bullshit terms to funnel the model down the right path. Like attaching a lot of highgrade photography equipment terms to a image can improve quality as the model start looking at things adjacent to what you're looking for. Someone who uses a lot of pro-grade photo equipment probably understands composition so you may gain better composition dropping the name of a expensive lens in there etc.

It's a stopgap thing tho, before long any finesse one need as a 'prompt engineer' will be dumbed down so anyone can use these model.
In the future "make X more better" is about the extent you will need to understand to use these things to the fullest, it'll generate all the appropriate prompts behind the scene.

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Study shows 204,0....jpg

Anonymous No. 972446

What do we do now bros?

Anonymous No. 972447

Wait for industry to crash and burn, work on our own projects like we've always have

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Anonymous No. 972696

It does pay pretty well

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Umaru Dab.png

Anonymous No. 972699

The Rise of the Prompteur.

Anonymous No. 972716

how do you make money from working on personal projects?

Anonymous No. 972717


Anonymous No. 972718

You don’t.

Anonymous No. 972719

Art isn't for artists
Music isn't for musicians
Games aren't for gamers

They're all for consumers

Anonymous No. 972861

This is completely true, everything is about the consumer, except if you make it as a hobby. If it is a job everything you do is about the consumer, but also the word consumer do not mean stupid without Taste, remember that you are a consumer too

Anonymous No. 972870

Well you do have the glorious indie, who does it for enthusiast customers putting constraints on how much they can hope to earn, depending on how niche their interest.
But in return get to preserve their artistic integrity working on something they're actually passionate about.

Such art exist because both the artists and the audience wishes for it.

Anonymous No. 972871

>preserving their artistic integrity

>Such art exist because both the artists and the audience wishes for it.
Niche art exist because someone pays for it.

Anonymous No. 972872

It's still made for consumers, the fact
that it's a niche, doesn't mean that is not for consumers, a more selective type of consumer yes.

Anonymous No. 972874

You make something that people wants. If you find people saying I wish they made this type of game and others are exited by the idea then there is a market for it

Anonymous No. 972889

Sort of

The problem is the current use of the word. A generation of workers in the """creative""" fields have been told that what they are doing is special.
Media production isn't capital A "Art" and 99% of so called "artists" don't engage in artistic expression.
Media production for entertainment requires a similar level of creativity as other office jobs. (Writing a letter, writing code, etc...)