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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 972365

The best thing about AI is that it will free people from the industry.

When you were a kid did you really think that you wanted to grow up and be the dude that textures rocks? Now with AI assistance, you can make your own game, your own movie, whatever. It guts 99% of the need for working with others and you can work with the AI instead on a personal project that you actually care about.

Anonymous No. 972367

You are not going to do shit, with or without ai.
People don't use ai to make anything remotely interesting, they just use it for porn and to larp as an artist on artstation.

Anonymous No. 972369

Good luck getting paid for some personal project that nobody cares.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 972370

AI is run through every industry to the point that we're all either going to be homeless in 10 years from mass unemployment or we're all going to be living off UBI.

Anonymous No. 972371

AI is going to run through every industry to the point that we're all either going to be homeless in 10 years from mass unemployment or we're all going to be living off UBI.

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Anonymous No. 972372

Why would I use AI to "make" a game when I could just buy a game?
I'm an artist you retard, you're never going to make it appealing for me to give that up and become a consumer who larps as an artist.
I love texturing rocks, I love seeing some rocks IRL and taking a photograph of them and coming home and making a PBR rock texture. I literally did that yesterday just for fun.
When I was a kid I wanted to watch pokemon and eat sweets all day, and I wanted to draw pictures of Vegeta. I'm not a kid any more so I'm not excited about those things, but I am excited about rocks because I can appreciate them now. Actually when I was a kid I would pick up cool rocks at the beach and take them home. Would have a bunch of rocks in my pockets. I liked it, fuck you.

>will free people from the industry.
Getting fired doesn't free people because we live under capitalism and are compelled to sell our labour. Get fired and you are now free to die on the streets. You can like that system or not, it doesn't matter, that's how it is.
So I will have to get a different job, which will eat up the same amount of time as my rock texturing job, but pays less. And now I'm making a game in my free time, which is fine, but instead of doing what I'm good at (texturing rocks) I'm not doing that at all and instead I'm doing things I can't do, like programming and level design, and animation, and marketing. None of which are things I would like to do.
And the game comes out, and I lose respect and people rightly say the game is Ai trash. And I have zero artistic satisfaction about the project either, because it's AI trash.
Fuck you and die, I hate every single AI faggot, I hate the retards that refuse to legislate against this SHIT because they're worried that the Chinese will use their own AI to make Americans follow sharia law, and the only thing that beats a bad guy with an AI is a retard that pays for twitter with an AI.

Anonymous No. 972373

UBI? That's the most ridiculous thing that ever heard. Ai bros keep pushing that idea but it's not how economics work

Anonymous No. 972375

>but it's not how economics work
No one knows how economics work in a society where 90% of your workforce has been replaced by what's essentially free labor. I'm not saying I know how things are going to turn out, but I'm not sure what else could happen aside from the leaders of corporations just killing us because we're deadweight now.

It's not like the industrial revolution where the loss of jobs just created new jobs. AI replaces the overwhelming majority of jobs and maybe creates a miniscule number of new jobs required to just double-check the AI.

Anonymous No. 972377

>So I will have to get a different job
What other job though? It's not like AI only affects art. It affects everyone pretty equally. Go talk to any computer science major right now. They're all talking like they're about to blow their brains out from how hopeless they feel about their job prospects. It's hard to imagine any job that will survive AI other than maybe manual labor.

Many jobs will be completely replaced within the next few years and within the next 10 years every other job will be replaced. Where are you going to work?

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Anonymous No. 972379

>It's hard to imagine any job that will survive AI other than maybe manual labour.
Of these 10 most common jobs in America, only one is going to be effected by AI specifically (customer service rep). A lot of the others are effected by automation.
Every job in a grocery store could be automated right now, you can stock shelves with robots, you can have a roomba going around cleaning up, you can use self checkouts. They've had the technology to do all this for 20 years at least. And you don't need AI for any of it. Grocery stores are full of workers though.
You don't need to believe all this about truckers are going to be totally replaced by autonomous vehicles and you're going to have chatgpt be your lawyer and whatever else.
Spoilers: it's marketing.
They're doing what silicon valley people always do, hyping up some nonsense to attract investors. If everything Elon Musk said came true, you could commute to work in a pneumatic tube, have a personal robot, have a holiday home on mars, and people able to send text messages with your thoughts.
Yeah AI is really bad for certain sectors, but life isn't a sci-fi movie.
> Where are you going to work?
hopefully somewhere with a strong union that would push back against shit like AI.

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Anonymous No. 972381

I predict that there will be mass shootings in vfx and the game industry.
Many unstable souls in those industries, already getting mass exploited, disrespected, and now getting the boot.
5600 already laid off

Anonymous No. 972383

>People don't use ai to make anything remotely interesting, they just use it for porn and to larp as an artist on artstation.
This. Artistic taste and creativity come from years of creating art. Ainiggers never developed it, even with limitless ai and most accurate prompts they will never think of something that is worth putting your eyes on

Anonymous No. 972384

We 100% know that communism doesn't work, we already tried it, wait until you have to give ubi to the rest of the world and not only to California, Ai taking jobs don't end in USA...

Anonymous No. 972386

>somewhere with a strong union
Nah, unions are shit, it needs to happen to the individual level, giving more power to those scums is a bad idea.
I think ai should be free without government intervention, but if it's use for monetary gains should be sued to oblivion, i had a model of my work done, with my artist name included, but if I find anyone infringing my copywrited material I would go Nintendo on their asses.
My art is my property, and artist should try to see it that way.

Anonymous No. 972388

>The best thing about AI is that it will free people from the industry
That's the best euphemism to stay you are unemployed that I have ever heard.

Anonymous No. 972390

>Year 2027, I am in my cubicle texturing a pink haired non binary character for the new GTA game
>My art director approaches me
>Anon, I have Great news for you, the company has decided to set you free, your work can be done with Ai, so you are no longer an slave
> I get up from my cubicle happy and full of joy
> Now I can work on my personal project and live out of unemployment, like i dream when I was a kid.

Anonymous No. 972391

>I think ai should be free without government intervention, but if it's use for monetary gains should be sued to oblivion
This would be the best realistic outcome

Anonymous No. 972429

>Nah, unions are shit
they're not perfect, but the writer's strike won some decent protections against AI. Would sure be good if we had that for games/vfx.
>but if it's use for monetary gains should be sued to oblivion
You have the means to sue midjourney? And win? Go ahead, I would wish you nothing but the best but most people can't do that.
They just bullshit about how their glorified compression algorithm works and normal people will just believe the "it learns the same way a human learns" bullshit.
In the real world (which we live in) that doesn't work. If you're inventing a fantasy were you can just sue people easily and solve the problem why not invent a fantasy where no one would scrape images without consent? Or where it didn't exist at all?

Anonymous No. 972430

Why are you all posting in a Cris thread outside of his containment?

Anonymous No. 972439

>did you really think that you wanted to grow up and be the dude that textures rocks?
yes, it's like coloring in a coloring book, some people actually enjoy doing that and could do it all day, and there are even challenges and skill progression in that to keep things slightly interesting. same with other tasks that may seem tedious to you.
now AI will just strip the joy out of those people's lives and take up a bunch of work real human beings could be doing for a living just so a corporation can cut costs and raise their profit margins. it will be like outsourcing to mexico, china and india, but this time orders of magnitude worse and in every fucking industry thanks to AI.

Anonymous No. 972448

Sorry but i dont trust unions, they are leaches
I have not seen midjurnet art that infringes my copyright, but if I see it of course Im going to act, like you should.
I told you I dont care shit if someone uses my art to make ai shit, they already have a model with my name, but if I find somebody profitting from it and the image infringe any of my rights I am going to sue or do something. I already approach to a small buisness using an Ai character really similar to the one that Im known for and they took it out really quickly, Of course that is not the same as Midjurney, but you fight what you can.

On the individual level I go to everyone that uses my art and i explain this to them.
Im not going to let anyone profit from my work, I dont care if they call me a Luddite, or screach like autistic children. I know my rights.

>In the real world (which we live in) that doesn't work. If you're inventing a fantasy were you can just sue people easily and solve the problem why not invent a fantasy where no one would scrape images without consent? Or where it didn't exist at all?

What fantasy? I dont believe in any type of utopia, Im not a comunist, I dont belive in retarded things like UBI, of course people would scrap images, I dont want Ai to stop existing or I care that Ai faggots use my work for fun, I just care about my rights and my money, thats all, no fantasy.
If you are apathetic like that the world would fuck you without lube man.

Me too I used to work on environments 10 years ago and it is relaxing as fuck

Anonymous No. 972471

Are you niggers actually replying seriously?

Anonymous No. 972492

>Im not going to let anyone profit from my work, I dont care if they call me a Luddite, or screach like autistic children. I know my rights.
based. stay strong brother.

Anonymous No. 972520

what has father spyridon got to do with this?

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Anonymous No. 972545

They should've learned how to stack shelves and pour coffee. The irony is not lost on me.

Anonymous No. 972614

>Now with AI assistance, you can make your own game, your own movie, whatever.
Fuck off AI shill
Anyone with a PC could already do that with or without AI, I AM ALREADY doing my own game, and I'm not using AI.

Anonymous No. 972619

Yeah but could you gacha roll a piece of media with no artistic input or direction and without putting any work in it? That's right, I don't think so chuddie, welcome to the future

Anonymous No. 972644

>Anyone with a PC could already do that with or without AI
He clearly say anyone, he is refering to a human, if Ai does that for you it do not count as a human, what you are refering to is that you comission someone or something in this case to make it for you, thats clearly called commision.

Anonymous No. 972683

No it won’t, and if it will you will still be jobless for a decade. AIs now already sound smarter then 90% of people yet the only people getting replaced by them were bullshit vanity jobs because of interest rates hike. It’s a meme that businesses use as an excuse to randomly fire 25% of their workforce because their debts are rising faster then investors putting the money in. Retarded AI researchers who don’t have enough GPUs to do actual AI research prompt ChatGPT or make tiny shitter models that look for lung cancer only to find out that instead of looking for tumours it was looking at the age of the photo and still got higher score then human doctors. Then bunch of onion articles run with it and say lawyers and doctors will be out of job in two weeks. Nobody aside from artists and some random freelancers will be affected. Your project will be worthless, because some retard will instead ask GPT6 to make the whole game for him from scratch just to play it. Nobody will give a shit about your indie shitter and you will need to work two low wage jobs just to pay a rent and eat ramen.

Anonymous No. 972689

Aren't you the "my levels suck" anon that worked in mcdonalds for a short while? If so then the irony part makes sense sorta

Anonymous No. 972704

If I can use AI to make models for a cesium import , that'd be great. I'd love to use the matrix city demo but unfortunately it runs like absolute dog poo, which is a shame, it's a nice looking city.

No, but I have stacked shelves in the past.

Anonymous No. 972714


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 974899

Bu joy hozir mening hojatxonam.