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Anonymous No. 972522

Is this peak 3DCG?

Anonymous No. 972528

>generic asian alike woman

No, there are hindreds of guys that do the same shit

Anonymous No. 972530

Good enough for coomers

Anonymous No. 972534

Genuinely can't tell if this supposed to be 4 different characters or 1 character with different outfits

Anonymous No. 972539

> generic asian woman
> this
What internet does to a mf

Anonymous No. 972542

no this is just peak weeb content
in the overall spectrum of 3D content its situated closer to the middle than you think

Anonymous No. 972544

I mean what the fuck do you prefer? There is enough trannies to sway the corporate decision making in all forms of entertainment today. You don't want any of that for yourself and your children. Enough is enough.

Anonymous No. 972552

yeah but those guys aren't making coom content, those are the guys that constanty cope or make low skill jobs and get sacked over and over

Anonymous No. 972570

yes because this isn't amerimutt 3d scan slop

Anonymous No. 972584

it's not bad, but it's not peak either

Anonymous No. 972600

Non generic western artist detected. Sorry bro, no one wants your hideous "stylized" pixar-alike slop that used to be the thing before 2010s

Anonymous No. 972661

yes this is peak perfection, hope that they never change.

Anonymous No. 972664

>Being attractive is for coomers
Then western art is for asexuals
>Genuinely can't tell if this supposed to be 4 different characters or 1 character with different outfits
thats called racism anon

Anonymous No. 972681

>in the overall spectrum of 3D content its situated closer to the middle than you think
why? because its not photoreatism?

Anonymous No. 972815


Anonymous No. 972828

worse than metahuman so no

Anonymous No. 972840

That's not attractive, thumbnail doesn't even look asian, looks like a weird mix of 60% animeface but irl, 20% bimbosexdoll 20% white woman, you've never seen women irl

Anonymous No. 972859

> you've never seen women irl
Mix race women exist anon, I have seen a lot of russian mixed girls that look like OP image.
also bimbo sex doll? That's not how a bimbo looks like, Do you know what are you talking about? Or are just writing retarded shit because you are a fat woman in real life and you feel threatened by poligons on a screen.
Go outside, fat woman with body hair dyed pink is not as common as tiktok makes you think, slim cute woman exists outside videogames

Anonymous No. 972869

>muh gook girls
show me some strong musclar white men

Anonymous No. 972881

I won't converse with a retarded virgin

Anonymous No. 972884

You can not hide it, please lose some weight, exercise, shave your armpits, and you can also look a little bit like the woman in OPs image, also, don't you think that feelings threatened by pixel girls it's a little bit pathetic

Anonymous No. 972888

Get laid bro

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 972909

I was telling you to go on a diet because you seem really unhappy about your weight, I know that you are a woman because a straight man would never call another man a virgin as an insult.
I am really sorry that society lie to you, but fat it's not beautiful and healthy, And let me tell you a last thing, if you want to be attractive you should listen to what man wants, the tiktok fat acceptance influencer you watch doesn't know anything about straight man.

Anonymous No. 972911

>>972888 #
I was telling you to go on a diet because you seem really unhappy about your weight, I know that you are a woman because a straight man would never call another man a virgin as an insult.
I am really sorry that society lie to you, but fat it's not beautiful and healthy.

And let me tell you a last thing, if you want to be attractive you should listen to what a men wants, the tiktok fat acceptance influencer you watch doesn't know anything about straight men.

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Anonymous No. 972914

Its getting there

Anonymous No. 972918

Get laid m8 also didn't read your whole ass leftist meme

Anonymous No. 972920

We both know that you read it, multiple times, And we both know that you are making a tiktok at the moment to gain sympathy from others like you in the eagerness to shut up that little voice in your read that is telling you that you are wrong

Anonymous No. 972926


Anonymous No. 972929

Is that your tiktok?

Anonymous No. 973517


Anonymous No. 974292

Better than 99% of shiti ugly photorealistic scanned faces from AAAA studios

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 975012
