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🧵 Where do I go from here?

Anonymous No. 972598

I've been getting the hang of Blender, I've been able to make a few models, some renders. I think I wanna go professional. I get this is probably gonna take a while. So, what do I do? What's the first step?

(pic unrelated btw)

Anonymous No. 972599

You think you "want to go professional" in a 150x oversaturated field, Cris.

Anonymous No. 972611

Well there’s your problem, Blender isn’t a professional tool. Also, regardless of what 3D products, you will eventually have to code in python. If you don’t rigged any models or create new code for the production environment then you can’t get a job.

Anonymous No. 972798

Learn how to rig, that's the best way to enter on the industry right now