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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 972863

>go to college for game dev with a focus on 3D modeling
>they force us to use maya

Anonymous No. 972864

Palworld thread died for this

Anonymous No. 972865

Go to another college

Anonymous No. 972866

Cris, I can't tell you what you're supposed to do with your life but as a programmer, your "college for game dev with a focus on 3D modeling" somehow gives me those DURGASOFT vibes:

However, they're right in the sense that if you're looking for employment, Blender is going to get you nowhere.

Anonymous No. 972867

nothing actually wrong sir
you are racist

Anonymous No. 972879

>nothing actually wrong sir
There's a lot wrong with people who sell delusions to other people.
>you are racist
Everybody is.

Anonymous No. 972880


Anonymous No. 972883

Do you guys think it would be a good idea for me to go to school for game development at an online university?

It's this degree. Keep in mind, it would be free for me because I am autistic and the state is going to pay for most of it. I was trying to go the self-taught route, but if it's free then why not, right?

Anonymous No. 972886

If you decide to do it, you should take it as an opportunity to make friends and to learn how to be more sociable.

Anonymous No. 972887

Implying artists aren't shitty friends

Anonymous No. 972892

Try to be a reasonable person yourself and don't bend over to the "people bad -> institutions good" mind control from the media.

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Anonymous No. 972970